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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Since the new CANFORGEN came out i figured I'd start the new topic. i haven't received my rejection letter yet but i am sure it will be here soon, as everyone will be in their new trades soon for this years VOT. The rest of us are stuck wondering why or what we can do to become successful for next year.

as long as it is local to you it will go over well.  OJE (the new way - employment instead of training, easier to sell to units) is done all the time with the stipulation now that it has to be within 50k of your residence (no money anymore other than the travel day). We have them every year and currently have two with us (down one we lost).  It should make them happier that you have a place already instead of them needing to find something for you.
I think one of the new buzz-terms also used now is "EWAT"...employment while awaiting training. 

Because...there is just never enough acronyms  ;D
Broken Tired 031 said:
Since the new CANFORGEN came out i figured I'd start the new topic. i haven't received my rejection letter yet but i am sure it will be here soon, as everyone will be in their new trades soon for this years VOT. The rest of us are stuck wondering why or what we can do to become successful for next year.


There's no need for a new thread. This one's been merged.

There is a need for proper capitalization in your posts though.

Thanks Eye - good to know so when they send the request to me I know what they are talking about. 

We need lots so people can interchange them and use them wrong - ARV. DAG, AAG, PRV, and all the others terms used instead of just ARV. 
Perfect, thank you for the info Count and Eye. The C Scot R are doing, from what I understand, an Ex that could be benificial to me as a VOT into the trade. If asking to be AP'd to their unit for the summer can actually happen, it would be freaking cool!
FWIW, I was never officially APd.  There was a MOU/SOU document the unit willing to employ me signed but I officially "belonged" to BTL the whole time.
Good to know. Right now just waiting for C Scot R to respond to an email from BTL, sent back to my old office to stand by until further notice, hopefully it all happens quickly.

I know it's Probably late in the year to submit a VOT but i had a memo in the works.  Everything seems to be good with the memo but I'm finding it hard to come up with a reason why it would be beneficial for the CAF that I OT.  Are there some (or even one) example of how someone put that in their memo?

Help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance


You don't have to justify why it is beneficial to the forces. I am going with the fact that if an employee is happy or content in their work, their productivity, lack of sick days etc speaks for itself. If you feel the need to justify or come up with a reason in the memo, you could put something like: After X years in the service/in my current trade, based on my interests and aptitude, I wish to continue my career in the CF in the X trade.

Or some such thing.

The military generally benefits because you take time in, rank, experience and training and keep it in the forces so to speak. Trade skillsets may not be compatable but the experience and rank etc does carry forth.

It is not too late to start this, I started my VOT in October last year. Check out the tips and tricks for VOT, they will help you manage your timeline.

Good luck!
Maybe not required, but I would recommend anyone applying have the "why it is beneficial to the CAF" part down for your PSO interview.  I also don't think that is something you shouldn't be able to come up with yourself, if you include one or two lines in your memo as well. 

Its like a job interview, put your best foot forward.  Dress of the day was CADPAT for me, my PSO was going to be 3Bs;  I went to my interview in 3B.  Do all the little extras you can to be the best applicant.  All of them. 

I agree with you Eye. For the BPSO interview if needed but I can honestly say they did not ask me WHY I wanted to switch trades or my feelings as to how it would benefit the CF, I don't think they care about that, what I do believe they care about is what you have done/are doing that will benefit your new trade. The CoC doesn't care why you feel your choice would benefit the CF (memo part of application). Therefore I would be more inclined to keep that in the pocket for the BPSO and keep the memo clean and to the point.
Ya, one of those 'six one half dozen of the other' things.  I included a short 'why I think' blurb, still kept my cover memo to 1 page total.

I would be fully prepared for a PSO to ask the 'why should you be a Widget Tech/Operator/insert random trade name'.  Better to need and not have, than to not have and need kinda thing.
Has anyone received the official message stating that they have not been accepted yet? I know they are probably behind as they were with everything else. I am just wondering if anyone else has theirs or is still waiting like myself. Or is there still a chance of me getting my OT? I highly doubt it at this point, but you never know until you know for sure.

thanks guys.
A Sgt at the unit I'm working at hasn't received his rejection letter yet. Maybe there is still a chance. The way it was explained to me was until you get that letter your chances aren't dead. If you are going from Infantry to lets say Int Op, and they are accepting 5 new folks and out of the 5 letters sent out 4 reject the offer for whatever reason, then your name gets bumped up until either you get your VOT or you get your rejection letter.
I was wondering if anyone could give me a little help on my memo? Not asking for anything major I'm just looking for some guidance on the format that would be best for this. I haven't written a memo in over two years and I'm super rusty. Any help would be appreciated.
Eye In The Sky said:
Something to start with at least...

I would suggest adding a timeline requirement to the memo so that the CoC knows when this has to be passed to the BPSO. My CoC was fussy when it came to "Request for OT" they made me title it "Intent to apply for OT". It does make sense since you aren't asking permission from your CoC, you are indeed telling them that you are going to do this.

My para 3. was something like: 3)  Pending no issues from my application, the cut-off date for my application to reach the BPSO is 13 Jan 20XX. This allows time for testing, processing, interviews and return of applications to unit for forwarding to DMCPG prior to their deadline of 13 Feb XX.
Has anyone been given information on cost moves for the length of their course. My husband was accepted vot to acs tech has tentative course dates consisting of 14 months in combined time all in Borden. BTL said no move, so memo was sent to career manger 9 weeks ago, no word yet if its a yes or a no