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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Compter How long did the second application progress took and when did you VR'ed the first time ?
Just woundering if anybody has enlisted into the forces under recurit school by-pass and how long did it take from the time they submitted your name for a job offer to the actual date when u got one. I was just woundering about this because i would imagine that a person going into the forces under R S B P would be selected quicker then a normal recurit. Anyways hit me back let me know. :salute:
Well that didnt go the way I wanted  it to... Try this again here.
Ok well some ppl in St Jean end up in a holding Platoon after basic , so I mean it could really go either way from my experience. You could be waiting a year for your trade or you could wait 2 weeks. Thats my experience. Maybe they have changed things in the last few years.......
There is no recruit school by-pass from my understanding.  Taken from another perspective, recruits (NCM) enter
the reg forces under three streams; unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled.  You can find info and criteria in the CF
recruiting site.  The skilled stream are recruits who were members of the CF (or others militaries in special cases)
in the past and are allowed an excemption from BMQ.
Sure there is recruit school by-pass just read here: http://www.recruiting.dnd.ca/engraph/enrollment/index_e.aspx?id=11
Yeah, the description doesn't provide much context but its referring to the skilled recruit stream.
If you take a look at the infantry profile, you'll notice that there is no skilled entry as reserve infantry has to do their BIQ over in the reg force. So the most they can get is
recruit school by-pass.
Sorry Menion, I was referring to the CF general recruiting entry plans.   Prior military service and trade experience of the
applicants is assessed on a case-by-case basis.   We might be referring to different things. 
Wheres Kincanucks when you need him?
What should I except when joining backup. I have been out for 7 years. I completed my QL2/QL3 at petawawa summer 1994, 6 weeks at CFS Alert with 1 CEU, southern strike 1995. I also have 5 years in the army cadets. So do you think i will have to redo my BMQ/QL2. The unit I am trying to join is the Grey and Simcoe foresters Owensoud, so if that is your unit please respond I would like to meet some people from the unit.
I could answer you "it depends" BUT
after 7 years, the system will probably be inclined to enroll you back as, at best, a Cpl
at worst..... a recruit.

I know of a former Sgt who left, started a business & family(business doing fine, family isn't), chose to come back after 10 or 12 yrs.... they took him back as a Recruit - and he's worked his way back up to Cpl. He's certainly no longer the fastest fella in the Platoon - but he's respected by his peers and his Sect/Plt commanders. He paces himself more - always there on time.... just in time.... and yeah - he knows about the weather before the storm fronts come in :) (mild arthritis).

Special consideration has been given to "sonny"... he's permitted to attend annual WOs & Sgt's mess dinner (in civies) but the man is enjoying himself immensly.... (sigh - I miss my days back as a Cpl = best rank in the army)
I would like to not have to do my BMQ/QL2, anything else

i would prefer to not do my BMQ/QL2, anything else i can understand, but basic i dont think is needed

I have a friend and her husband who were both on the supplementary reserve list, both are attach posted now - finally. They started re-applying to come back in 2003, they just got their messages this week (August 2005).

Anyway neither of them are re-doing bmq, they are both coming back with the ranks they held when they left.

They are navres, not sure if it's the same for army.
I remember hearing sometime ago that if you'd done your basic at the most 5 years ago then wouldn't have to redo it....but this just something i heard & do not know definitively, sorry. Good Luck!
If your qualifications are more than 5 yrs old then yeah, it's time to do it over again
If you are on the Supp list then there is a possibility that you might be activated at whatever rank you used to be but, if as my friend Sonny, you got out a long time ago and then decided to come back then.... better than average chance that you'll be asked to redo your qualifications.

Sonny has enjoyed the courses he's had to redo... but I have some doubts that his body is in any condition to do the ELQ Pt6 anytime soon.....
Hey guys,

Sorry to bring back an old subject, but I was wondering..........

I VR'd last spring (2005) and since then, I've been thinking of going back. I came home for many reasons, but none of them are good (girlfriend, home-sick, sick, pace, etc).

Any ideas to help me join again?


...fixing the underlying reasons for why you VR'd in the first place would be a good start.

Then apply.

Then wait.
VR's for weak reasons was explained to me by the Seargeant Major I dealt with when I wanted to quit. My brother was having emotional problems at the time (see..a weak reason). Long story short, the SM says to me "I got 8 brothers and sisters, if I ran to them every time they had a $%#&*^% problem I wouldn't have a spare minute in the day. Take care of yourself and YOUR problems, everything else will work out".

He was right and I stayed.
OK lots of opinions but can anybody answer franks Q ?,I'm kind of in the same boat only being a single father  I had one good reason to vr and Ive reapplied now only part of my file is missing after i was told that everything is on track and i was good to go as of 10/05 now part of my file is missing and they say i might have to start the whole process again any opinions as to why this is,just wondering.
i might have to start the whole process again any opinions as to why this is,just wondering.

and the answer is:

now part of my file is missing