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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

I just got letter e-mail from my MP Liberal solidly justify in support these cockroach's.
Send a bad example to Canadians supporting our troops.
Our command structure is integrated with all  US Forces under several treaty's.
Too bad, we could not hold a court marshal up here by our rules and take them to trail here under the Defense Act. Would save taxpayer Hugh money and they could ship them out after there court marshal for cowardice and desertion.
Country gone in to a sorry state because our MP are spineless.
desertfox115, you really need to work on your syntax....your replies are disjointed..

GAP said:
desertfox115, you really need to work on your syntax....your replies are disjointed..

you try typing with paws instead of hands. ;D
desertfox115 said:
Nobody perfect and i do the best i can. ;D

I am not critisizing.....well, I am, but with a reason  ;D , .

It looks like your fingers are not keeping up with your thoughts, thus you miss segments (I know, I went through the same thing...had to slow down what I wanted to say to the speed of my fingers/paws)
I have to agree. Slow down, as thoughts are usually faster than the fingers that can express them. Lots of pratice will alleviate that.

I have dyslexic fingers......so if you see "Fnigers" instead of "Fingers" etc....you'll  know why!
Ummm.... Desertfox - and what do you imagine the punishment for Desertion would be in Canada.

If the american soldier has issues with his former employer, let him take them up with same said former employer.

It's not like there is the slightlest danger of being executed for their deeds
Discharge and pay back benefits and deport back to the USA as an illegal alien.
Prison time would be nice also for desertion.
Criminal record so he can't apply for Canadian citizenship. :cdn:
Ummm... you want him to pay back benefits AND then put him in jail ??? at the taxpayer's expense ???
Taking him to the cleaner AND throwing him in jail would be making his case to the court of public opinion.

Best send him home to face discharge and let him survive and make a living by his own witts.
He commit a crime when he desert?
He live off benefits he abuse and took off when his country need him.
yup... possibly & most probably BUT, it was done in a foreign and sovereign country.

All we can do is help him take it home so he can have his day in court
I haven't seen it posted yet, and I'm not sure it warrents a new post for itself....

The link : http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080729.wdeserter0729/BNStory/National/home

The Story :

The Canadian Press

July 29, 2008 at 5:23 PM EDT

FORT ERIE, Ont. — An American man wanted in the U.S. on desertion charges who had apparently been living for months in Canada has been arrested while trying to cross the border back into the U.S.

American customs officials apprehended 23-year-old Tyrone Pachauer of Deltona, Fla., at the Peace Bridge border crossing in Fort Erie, Ont., as he tried to cross into Buffalo, N.Y., on Monday.

Mr. Pachauer told border officials he left his base at Fort Knox, Ky., on Dec. 19, 2007.

A warrant for his arrest was issued in January after he failed to return after Christmas leave.

Mr. Pachauer told officers he had been living with relatives in Brampton, Ont.

He was handed over to Buffalo police and is expected to be extradited to Kentucky to face the desertion charge.

Arrested ???
Woulda thought they would have received him with open arms... and an all expense paid trip to Ft Knox ready & waiting in the wings
He does not realize that every border crossing;" The  :cdn: staff are screening everybody  no matter who you are." :crybaby: :threat: :-*
Things have tighten up allot since 911.
One less for Canada to content with.
desertfox115 said:
He does not realize that every border crossing;" The  :cdn: staff are screening everybody  no matter who you are." :crybaby: :threat: :-*
Things have tighten up allot since 911.
One less for Canada to content with.

DF115... it's the US Border staff that screened & captured Typone.
Both side are doing more screening; and there was talk at having one Customs office to house both  of them for better policing at on time.
The days of walking or driving across with little screening are over. :crybaby:
AES Op - Jr said:
American customs officials apprehended 23-year-old Tyrone Pachauer of Deltona, Fla., at the Peace Bridge border crossing in Fort Erie, Ont.,

Deserter apprehended at the peace bridge? Ironic!
" Hey meow, where you headed meow?"

"Um Canada..."

"Oh really meow? Why'd you wanna meow that?"

Hehehehehe.. Couldn't resist..
