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Trust in our Institutions

Has your trust in our institutions changed?

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PM security advisor, Jody Thomas, seen here thrown under the bus ....
Maybe technically correct, but we know where the buck stops, no?
so it becomes a "he said, she said" scenario where we know that someone is lying through their teeth. It is now up to the individual to decide which player has a better record for integrity and truth-saying. SAD
Sounds to me like the PMO staff pushed back on things they didn't like, so the PM's int/security advisor just stopped passing along things they knew would get push-back.

I once had a unit that had no interest in hearing the Met conditions, so I stopped trying to brief them. One day they wanted to do something that was unsafe in the conditions, someone got hurt, and all of the sudden Met mattered to the unit again...
The amount of ass-covering that happens in the upper levels of politics and bureaucracy is troubling to say the least. The result of all of this is more suffocating rules on the worker bees while the queens continue to enjoy the grapes and palm fronds. :mad:

This is how you get violent revolutions.
Opinion piece from G&M is not kind to the PM's performance.

Did anyone believe he would do anything other than this ? The country means absolutely nothing to this man. It's all about him and his ego. I also think he is very very scared of losing the next election.
This is how you get violent revolutions.
Let them eat cake.....

Did anyone believe he would do anything other than this ? The country means absolutely nothing to this man. It's all about him and his ego. I also think he is very very scared of losing the next election.
He's not scared of losing - I think he's accepted that.

He wants to take a country with him.
I doubt people hang on because they are moved to do harm; more likely is that they are moved to keep trying to deny the opposition a turn at the wheel.

No matter how often the cycle repeats, many leaders shoot for bonus points at the expense of party and people. If you don't win the "one more" election you're no worse than any of the leaders before you who hung on too long; if you succeed, you raise your profile in posterity. As long as the personal cost is negligible and the potential gain large, it makes sense to try. The adverse personal consequences of hanging on too long need to be greater. I can think of nothing statutory that would be reasonable, but customary blacklisting/shunning might be effective. Alternately, parties need to grow a backbone and have rules that can be applied to eject leaders without waiting for exceptional circumstances.
I doubt people hang on because they are moved to do harm; more likely is that they are moved to keep trying to deny the opposition a turn at the wheel ...
Have to agree.
... No matter how often the cycle repeats, many leaders shoot for bonus points at the expense of party and people. If you don't win the "one more" election you're no worse than any of the leaders before you who hung on too long; if you succeed, you raise your profile in posterity. As long as the personal cost is negligible and the potential gain large, it makes sense to try ...
Yup, again.
... parties need to grow a backbone and have rules that can be applied to eject leaders without waiting for exceptional circumstances.
Well, that's a great idea when you're a coup plotter within the party, not so much for the coup-plotted-against folks :)

That's why all the parties seem to agree that there should be no legal restrictions on how they conduct their political business (e.g., leadership selection).
Based on what I’ve read about Trudeau, he genuinely feels that he is a fighter solely qualified for fighting the “forces of darkness”. He feels that he was “made for this moment” and if not for him, Canada would plummet into a pit of despair. According to him, he’s polling badly because Canadians are being influenced by misinformation. They just have to be reminded of his awesomeness.