…as this is still an unofficial, but CAF-aligned site, and there are folks posting here still in uniform, maybe slagging the current Canadian govt (and the CAF’s employer) publicly isn’t the way to go.
But hey, what do I know.
It's a thread on whether Trudeau is popular or not.
Nobody here is identifying with full name, rank, service number, date if birth - and nobody here is posting anything that isn't already open source. Most of the discussion spurs from media links being posted, so it's the epitome of open source...
When in uniform, especially when dealing with the public, there is absolutely a decorum of professionalism we all expect of ourselves and the people we serve with.
And as far as online forums go, army.ca has to be among the most polite and civil of them all - especially where politics are concerned.
Like I said, nobody here is identifiable by name, service number, DOB, etc. We're commenting, as private citizens, on publically available information - usually in the form of published media articles.
If an article is reporting that Trudeau is now involved in scandal #856, or that the Canadian economy 'faces challenges' on account of Trudeau destroying our various industries, tripling the national debt, allowing his MP's to funnel $400M to themselves, trying to sole source a contract to a charity his family runs to the tune of a few hundred more millions of dollars, imposing a massive tax burden on farmers that's skyrocketing food prices, having Canadian salaries be on average $22k less than our American family south if the border (made exponentially worse by the low value of our dollar), etc, etc
If the articles the media are posting are about all of the above (and shockingly that list above barely scratches the surface) I think it's fair that people comment on them.
If the current government doesn't want people talking about how corrupt they are, they should stop being corrupt.
If the current government doesn't want people talking about how inept they are at everything, they should start being more competent. And if Trudeau doesn't want people talking about what a piece of public bathroom scum that he is, he should stop being that piece of public bathroom scum.
(Kinda hard to do once you've paid off a teenage girl you slept with while her high school teacher, then bribed her to sign a NDA. I wouldn't even hold that against him anymore, as a lot of time has passed, if he wasn't still such a dirtbag...)
And as for the negative opinions people have shared about the rest of the current government? They've funneled almost $400M of taxpayer's money to their own personal companies and bank accounts in exchange for nothing, and that's JUST from the Green Slush Fund. That doesn't even include all the missing money from Covid expenditures...
My overall point is that it's an online forum discussing publically available information, in a thread specifically about Trudeau's popularity. Forum members can have their opinions about the articles posted.
I DO appreciate & agree with you that publically slaggjng the current government while being a uniformed member of the military is something members need to be mindful of, tactful of, and approach a certain way...
I'm just not sure any lines are being crossed here.
But that's just my 2 cents