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Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Se7eN
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Hello all. I have a question about reservists getting temporarily attached to other reserve units.

I recently got a job a little ways away from where I live, forcing me to move. So now I have a few options wrt reserve trg. I could either go on ED&T, make the trip home for weekend training only (wouldn't be able to make it for wed evenings), or get attached to a unit based in the town to which I'm moving.
First off, is this a valid reason for getting attached to another unit? the only unit local to where I'm moving is an armoured unit, wheras I currently serve in a service batallion as a Veh Tech, and my knowledge of armoured vehs is limited to say the least.
Second, if I do decide to go that route, what is the process for getting attached to another unit? do I just write a memo stating my situation?
Also, if I do get attached, would I still be considered part of my previous unit, and be able to parade with them once in a while?

Any comments appreciated.
Best to visit the new unit on their parade night (even phone ahead and ask for an interview with the RSM) and see what's available.  Most militia combat arms units have very limited support trade positions and there has to be a position open (known as a line serial) for them to take you.  If they have a position, my experience has been that they will expect you to transfer permanently to their unit.  Attachments in the PRes normally last no longer than one year, so if you're planning on staying with the new job for awhile you'd have to transfer not just be attached.

So, if you get that far, you contact your present unit (the Svc Bn), let them know your wishes through your chain-of-command and they send a request to transfer to another unit through Brigade HQ and Area HQ if necessary to the new unit.  The new unit responds with a position number, the clerks do their thing in PeopleSoft and RPSR, you clear out and clear in!
In my experience, I'm currently attached out from my unit. I belong to 28 Fd Amb (Ottawa) but live in Northern Ontario and am attached to my unit up here which is a service battalion. All I did was write a memo stating where I would like to be attached and why (because thats where I live/work - in your case) I parade with both units without a problem. It doesn't have to be a huge problem, and just think, you'll be likely the only v-tech, could be pretty sweet. Maybe they'll give you your own armoured MRT.

Although since I am a medic, and the whole CFMG reorganization thing, so maybe medics are different since we all belong to Fd Ambs now.

Well thats my understanding anyway, its not that difficult to do, and there is no minimum/maximum time to be attached. Just keep in touch with your original unit, don't burn any bridges.

Oh hey, I just remembered as well. We had a V-tech in the Svc Bn that moved to a different town (about 300km's away) and he attached to an infantry unit, he parades with both units still whenever he gets a change. He doesn't have to do the "silly bugger" thing if he doesn't want to. He bends wrenches for the infantry guys trucks.

Its all possible, check with your OR, they'll tell you how to do it all exactly.
Thanks for the replies. I will check with my OR next time I get a chance. The job I got is only for about 16 months, working at DRDC-suffield, so I wouldn't want to permanently transfer to another unit. One issue that might pose a problem is the fact that I am just a pte, ql3 qualified, and such am not allowed to work without any supervision. Also, I'm only drv qualified on MLVW and LSVW, not jeeps or armoured vehs, and I don't think that they would want to spring the cash to train me if I'm only there for a year.
The unit doesn't normally pay for your training at CFSEME in Borden: this is a nationally funded course and the costs should be absorbed at levels above your unit (except for TD cost). (Unlike LFCA, LFWA does not use the RCVMS course funding system where units "buy" vacancies). If your new host unit (SALH in Medicine Hat-41 CBG),  is unwilling to fund the course because you are only on attachment to them then you might suggest that your home in 31 CBG unit pay by means of a fund transfer from 31 CBG to 41 CBG. This should be relatively simple to arrange, as long as your home unit knows that you are planning to return.

As for the admin side of the transfer: heed the advice of those posters who have told you to follow the admin SOPs laid down. This is particularly important as the current Army Electronic Establishment (AER-replaced ARE) does not provide for CSS positions in an arms unit, so you will have to be assigned a special "Military Manning Overhead" (MMO) position. This will process require the involvement of both Bde and Area staffs or it will get screwed up: I see the results of these f/u's all the time: the individual suffers. Take the time and do it right. Good luck.

Thanks, althouth I wasn't referring to training at CFSEME (ie, ql4, ql5) but rather something along the lines of driver trg so that I could actually do something at the SALH. Then again, for recce all one would need is iltis, and that's a pretty short conversion I think.
I'm not sure what you mean about the funds transfer between 31 and 41 CBG, as my current unit (14 Svc Bn) is also in 41 CBG.

I wouldn't have a chance to do my ql4 over this work term anyway (it's about three months of OJT), and wouldn't really mind getting a "non-css" position for a year, like a recce driver or something if that is even possible (so long as I still get to wear my horse :) ).
The unit would probably want you to be TCCCS and LUVW qualified.
Hello all,
A few months ago (mid march I believe), I submitted a memo through my chain of command with a request for an attach posting to another unit (SALH in medicine hat, ab). My reason for this request was that I was moving to medicine hat for a year due to civillian employment. Anyway, I did not hear anything back about it for some time. I have sent emails to the orderly room at my unit periodically probing the status of my request, but nobody seems to have any idea about what happened with that. Can anyone recomment a course of action to speed things up? I would like to get this sorted out before the units come off summer stand-down, so I don't miss too many parade nights and risk becoming NES.

Is your immediate Supervisor aware of your situation? Follow the chain first. Maybe the OR hasn't recieved anything from the Unit. If it's been done properly, have your Supervisor phone the OR or go see the Chief Clerk in person. Emails are not the answer. If that doesn't work, tell your Supervisor, your seeking Redress. Ask for an Advisor to be appointed and tell them you want your interview with the CO scheduled. If that doesn't get action, carry through with it.
I think you may have missed a forum to post this in.

No, belay that I think you have hit them all.
I'm in NAVRES and know a number of people who have.  What's your question?
Thanks Hamiltongs. I have heard that although the basic officer training should be regarded the same regardless of environment, that in fact when one transfers the Navy does not always recognize the Army training as equivalent, and vice versa. I would be very interested to hear what happened to those who have actually completed the transfer. Also how long did it actually take and what they did to speed things up? Any information re the transfer would be most appreciated.
Thanks again
Of the few cases in particular that I'm aware, the Navy had no problem granting BOTC to Militia officers.  I some cases, they will not recognize Basic Recruit Training done as the "abbrevaited" in-unit courses run by some regiments, but my understanding is that the Militia BOTC meets the same standard as the NAVRES BOTC (which is acreditted by the Canadian Defence Academy).  In my experience, the officers generally proceeded directly to naval environmental training.  The Captains were knocked down to Sub-Lieutenant (Lt Army) and re-promoted to Lieutenant(Navy) upon completion of trade training.  Bear in mind, this is for component AND trade transfers - if you're a Logistics officer looking to just transfer to the Navy, the process is even more direct.

Regarding timeframe, as with all component transfers, it depends.  It can range from a few weeks to a few months.  To expedite, just make sure all of your administrative ducks are in a row and stay on top of the people handling your transfer.

Good luck.
I know a few people who have switched from army to navres.  It depend on how much trg they had completed.  Those who had just completed 3 week basic had to re-do boot camp in Borden.  IF they had completed their SQ as well as BMQ, then they usually just went on to their QL1 course.  Was that the question?
Yes thank you that is helpful. Just also how long it took you to transfer? I am hearing it does vary, but can take up to a year. Any information you have re the transfer would be most helpful.

Thank you
I'm in the Royal Regiment of Canada, I've been in for about 6 months, I’m still to complete my SQ and BIQ this summer and I may be moving to Calgary soon after my training. I was wondering if it were at all possible to transfer from R Regt C to a unit in Calgary, maybe The Calgary Highlanders, or The King's Own Calgary Regiment.

If anyone would be able to shed some light on this for me, it would be greatly appreciated
Talk to your chain of command. Your unit BOR can sort out a unit transfer, usually with little hassle, although you may want/need to return kit before you go. Definitely mention it before you go away for the summer, so you'll know what you need to do. As an infantry soldier you'll have to go to an infantry unit, but other than that the choice is up to you.

I would put the transfer in now. From what I've heard from guys that have transfered to my unit ,is that it takes awhile for the transfer to go through.
Yup, they really should be no brainers and transfer of the paperwork, but they seldom seem to work out that way. It's early enough in your career also, that if you want to go to armour, it shouldn't be a problem. Depends on your CFAT and PSO mostly.