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This is why Daddy drinks at Christmas

Are we allowed to post things that make us drool?? :o

If they want that over expensive crap, they know mouths are going to come into play at some point.  >:D
zipperhead_cop said:
If they want that over expensive crap, they know mouths are going to come into play at some point.   >:D

nice use of the plural :)
OK Mich I was joking...I get it I really do. I'm going to try your suggestion. hehe...I think I'm learning ;D
Noooooo, she is seducing you with the power of the dark side.  It looks inviting but it is a trap you cannot get out of.  Once they have you it rapidly spirals until you are left a quivering mass that is always wrong but never knowing why.

Here is an example, you buy her that big rock or that Tiffany bag we keep hearing about.  Sure, you will have bought her affection but it is fleeting.  The problem is that the next gift will have to be bigger and better or she will take it as a sign that you don't care as much as you used to.  Then the guilt will kick in, you will rush out and buy something to make it up to her but she will just look at you in disdain because you didn't buy it in the first place.

Once she has you in that cycle, keeping you off balance, not knowing the right answer, she uses the next mind trick of berating you for spending the money in the first place.  You will get the "we can't afford this, how dare you spend that kind of money"  Mind you, if you don't buy the gift you are in just as much trouble.  You can't win and that is the trap.  You end up stumbling about, no where to turn, not knowing up from down.  If you are lucky you will have a workshop to escape to but that is only a temporary sanctuary as she knows sooner or later you will emerge for food or beer.

This video is a fine example of the trap that men fall into.
rmacqueen said:
Once she has you in that cycle

Speaking of cycles...

Can't you men come up with anything more original for your Christmas wish lists than asking for the latest power tool (which seems to never get used to do important things like building the wife a new walk-in closet), alcohol (which does not mix well with the new power tool -my own husband is experienced/maimed in this area), or boobs (be it by new magazine subscription you receive as stocking stuffer or whatever...)?

At Christmas, the least you could do was come up with something original to add into the Holy man's Triangle of needs, after all you are going to get that turkey sandwhich part for quite a few days.

edited to add:

OK boys, I'm willing to trade in my husbands remote (pic found below) for something from Tiffanys...takers???


zipperhead_cop said:
Good points. 
IN HOC, you are being influenced by women with education.  No good comes of that.  Watch this educational video and you will realize what is going on here:

Be warned, before showing this video to your wife/significant other, have your sanctuary prepared.  Workshop, shed, bathroom, all are good as long as they have a door capable of deflecting flying objects.

The Librarian said:
Can't you men come up with anything more original for your Christmas wish lists than asking for the latest power tool (which seems to never get used to do important things like building the wife a new walk-in closet)
Gives excuse to have workshop
The Librarian said:
Helps to numb the guilt of not having bought the right present
The Librarian said:
or boobs (be it by new magazine subscription you receive as stocking stuffer or whatever...)?
Something to look at while pretending to work in the workshop
The Librarian said:
alcohol (which does not mix well with the new power tool -my own husband is experienced/maimed in this area)
Have you been talking to my wife?
Oh, but I have just edited my post below to include a pic of the perfect man-gift!!

The Librarian said:
Speaking of cycles...

Can't you men come up with anything more original for your Christmas wish lists than asking for the latest power tool (which seems to never get used to do important things like building the wife a new walk-in closet), alcohol (which does not mix well with the new power tool -my own husband is experienced/maimed in this area), or boobs (be it by new magazine subscription you receive as stocking stuffer or whatever...)?

At Christmas, the least you could do was come up with something original to add into the Holy man's Triangle of needs, after all you are going to get that turkey sandwhich part for quite a few days.


So when a woman slobbers on the counter at Birks over something wildly impractical, humungously expensive and doomed to be worn only 3 times a year, this is acceptable and normal, but when I ask for tools, kit and booze, I'm dull and predictable?

My new arktis webbing will do far more good in this world than a 1ct IF trilliant cut solitaire!
GO!!! said:

So when a woman slobbers on the counter at Birks over something wildly impractical, humungously expensive and doomed to be worn only 3 times a year, this is acceptable and normal, but when I ask for tools, kit and booze, I'm dull and predictable?

My new arktis webbing will do far more good in this world than a 1ct IF trilliant cut solitaire!

We slobber over jewelery like men slobber over women (which also seems to be apparently acceptable), nothing new there I'd point out. Slobbering over it is totally different than actually having it, in both cases, I would hope!!  ;)

Most usually never ask for jewelery, because we know it's darn expensive and some of it only gets worn 3 times a year!! That was the intent of the suggestion, if you want to surprise her, with something totally unexpected, jewelery is a good place to go.

And if you asked for your webbing for Christmas, well that is an original request.

rmacqueen said:
You're single, aren't you? ;D

Nope. (she lurks here)

Most usually never ask for jewelery, because we know it's darn expensive and some of it only gets worn 3 times a year!! That was the intent of the suggestion, if you want to surprise her, with something totally unexpected, jewelery is a good place to go.
Unexpected eh?

Maybe I'll get her that new Casio Pathfinder watch I she wanted. What a surprise! ;D

And if you asked for your webbing for Christmas, well that is an original request.
Why? I deploy in Feb, and I need a good TV to replace the one I'm issued, I fixed her up with a supplier's name, price, pattern etc.

Oh, and slobbering over women is only acceptable if they like it.  ;)
Personally, I would like that miniature machine gun.  It is sooooo cute. 
I just showed that video to a select audience...the one about women and education. Having visitors from Gagetown I showed it to a male EME CFR-officer (50 something), his 20 year old son, a Sapper based in Valcartier, my 21 year old 4th yr University son, EME officer's wife (an arborist) and my own dear lovely wife (an Operating Room Nurse). Us men were killing ourselves laughing....but the women were not. Could it be that those women are just too educated to catch the humour?
We were having a lovely time...but now I can't help but notice that they are starting to have more and more opinions on things!!! Arggggh. ;D
Im sorry educated women (like myself) are wrecking all your fun ...... back to the kitchen i go.    :P :salute:
Babs087 said:
Im sorry educated women (like myself) are wrecking all your fun ...... back to the kitchen i go.    :P :salute:

Pick up your chain - it's scratching the hardwood - now you'll have to strip and wax again!  ;D
GO!!! said:
Pick up your chain - it's scratching the hardwood - now you'll have to strip and wax again!  ;D

Youre Only making more work for yourself Miss.
Thats ok, its probably better that i wax the floor. You did a shitty job the first time >:D :P
Bit of advice for the fellows.

If you're not familiar with Tiffany & Co. and do some web-research on the wife's computer... clear the cache when you're done.  She going to be some disappointed when she gets a blender for her birthday.
But if I follow the thinking here, if it was a Tiffany's blender in a blue bag then it would be okay, and cool?