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Raising Girls That Pimps and Thugs will Hate

Shamrock said:
They can learn together.
Check her lasts posts, it's a :deadhorse: ,
she improves and said

thanks I will now make a conscious effort and spell check... thank you again

Spelling and grammar-two of the things that drive me crazy! Spelling can be improved with spellcheck, but modern grammar is something else again. During a period or complete insanity I supervised a call floor-mostly 16 to 20-somethings. On a daily basis:

"Do you got a pen you can borrow me?"

The instinct was to strike first and ask questions later. No--no--can't beat the CSR's  >:D 

So I'd answer "No, but I HAVE a pen I can LEND you". Some, but not many got the message.

At times i type befor iI think, and type lettersi in the wrong order-and my a key sticks, but that's what spellchekc is for!!!(tee hee)

All spelling errors and grammer errors, highlight themselves just after you hit the "post" button and you get to look at them as the server uploads the new post.  :o
Hawk said:
Spelling and grammar-two of the things that drive me crazy! Spelling can be improved with spellcheck, but modern grammar is something else again. ...

MS Word has an acceptable (for every day use) grammar checker.  Turn it on - your spelling errors are underlined in red, and your grammatical errors in green.  It's worth doing for important documents - not necessarily for posting to forums, or emails (unless said email IS an important document).

I didn't know that grammatical errors are hi-lighted here on Army.ca - I've never noticed it (and I have made some EXTREME grammatical gaffes in some of my posts).

Don't be sexist and set unequal standards for girls and boys.  Get her to play sports, and be on boy's teams so she knows what boys are about. And realize that yes your daugther is going to date and going to have sex, you can't stop either of them. And that she will most be ready for both long before you are. So be open and honest about it, let her know she can come to you for advise and that you won't go crazy when you find out your little girl isn't that little anymore and had sex.  Tell her sex without a condom is never safe and it doesn't feel better without one.  Be on speaking terms with all her boyfriends even the one's you hate, and get to know them.