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The vibe shift, end of "wokeness"?

Just be clear this was not anything medal related but your point still stands.
Oh I get that; just explaining why we women will sometimes question motives or be hesitant to accept praise, H&A or jammie tasks etc. That's because often, when we are recognized it brings the side effects of haters hating for no other reason than because we happen to be female.

Believe it or not, many 'jump' to incompetant and DEI etc etc and we'd rather just not deal with it or give them any more impetus to sprout their garbage.
A critic of DEI says they’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.

A critic of DEI says they’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.

justice is often portrayed as a blindfolded Grecian figure holding a balance. It could represent equality just as well. The more rules that you write in the name of freedom or equality the less free you become. DEI should be buried with a stake through its heart and along with it should go many of the new laws that have been written. The authors of the American constitution got it right in the first place. All men are created equal. Full stop. The only addition to that would be a directive pointing towards Webster's definition: the same in number, degree, value, rank or other standard of comparison//without subservience or domination, on equal terms.
A critic of DEI says they’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.

My personal spin on that while some cheer the purge (we had one of those already during my career and I watched some excellent male and females, troops and leaders, lose their careers due to it) of DEI that is underway.

Pendulms being what they are.

First female Commander of the Coast Guard, fired and recently evicted. I'm certain the eviction had less to do with her sex and more with the fact that she probably was inhabiting the government-owned residence intended for the Commander to occupy. She is no longer the Commander.

And yet, we have no idea as to her competancy and ability to do her actual job. Her ability to lead. Pitchforks held high to yell "end DEI" (insert loud, resounding cheers across the land here) and so - off she goes. Not because we know she was a "DEI hire" or "incompetant" or a "bad leader"; it is entirely possible that it was only because she is a woman and served a political point for the masses braying. We don't know shit. We don't know her story. We know her sex.

That's the other side of the pendulum. Not giving a shit as to what the facts or actual truth is behind that particular decision being made; yet cheering regardless. That kind of shit will never be right, no matter what party you support, no matter what country you live in, no matter what sex, race or religion you happen to be.

Experiences vary and again YMMV.
Every day its the same - a million questions and suggestions on how to run things better. Like they joined at coffee break.

The whole transition thing isn't an issue. Its the incessant yapping for no good reason.
It was more about the tennis elbow bit and how you would get that in prison.😉
It was more about the tennis elbow bit and how you would get that in prison.😉
Oh I figured that out - yes I chuckled.

Angry American GIF by Roland-Garros
This is alarming, and sad...

Deal with causes of teacher absenteeism—not just symptoms​

Teachers are more likely to take sick days when they feel unsafe at school. So school boards should do a better job of keeping both teachers and students safe. This means cracking down on student misbehaviour and ensuring that violent students receive significant consequences—including suspensions and permanent expulsions.

Another thing that undoubtedly will help reduce the number of sick days is to stop imposing useless fads on teachers. Teachers want to do their jobs effectively, and this isn’t likely to happen if they are subjected to endless diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sessions.

The harm teachers often experience during DEI sessions is real. Last year, former Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto took his own life after experiencing ongoing harassment for daring to challenge his DEI trainer. In addition, recent research shows that far from promoting tolerance and inclusion, mandatory DEI sessions simply create more animosity and division. The TDSB recently called on the Ford government to force all teachers in the province to obtain DEI certification. Hopefully, the government ignores that call.

It would also help if school board trustees and senior administrators tightened their own belts. For example, it’s no secret that Ontario school boards are administratively top-heavy. Few things are more frustrating than seeing administrative departments grow in size while classroom teachers are continually told to do more with less. This leads to teacher burnout, which obviously increases the total number of sick days.

This is alarming, and sad...

Deal with causes of teacher absenteeism—not just symptoms​

Teachers are more likely to take sick days when they feel unsafe at school. So school boards should do a better job of keeping both teachers and students safe. This means cracking down on student misbehaviour and ensuring that violent students receive significant consequences—including suspensions and permanent expulsions.

Another thing that undoubtedly will help reduce the number of sick days is to stop imposing useless fads on teachers. Teachers want to do their jobs effectively, and this isn’t likely to happen if they are subjected to endless diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sessions.

The harm teachers often experience during DEI sessions is real. Last year, former Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto took his own life after experiencing ongoing harassment for daring to challenge his DEI trainer. In addition, recent research shows that far from promoting tolerance and inclusion, mandatory DEI sessions simply create more animosity and division. The TDSB recently called on the Ford government to force all teachers in the province to obtain DEI certification. Hopefully, the government ignores that call.

It would also help if school board trustees and senior administrators tightened their own belts. For example, it’s no secret that Ontario school boards are administratively top-heavy. Few things are more frustrating than seeing administrative departments grow in size while classroom teachers are continually told to do more with less. This leads to teacher burnout, which obviously increases the total number of sick days.

In my pea brain the current DEI crowd are communists in disguise. There is no diversity of thought, equitable treatment nor inclusivity.
Its an echo chamber - and if you don't go along you're in the gulag.