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The US Presidency 2020

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Baz said:
It seems a lot of voices feel they need to scream, I just thought I'd scream from the center.

By nature of being in the centre, they don't tend to scream.
Infanteer said:
By nature of being in the centre, they don't tend to scream.

Sorry, I meant the people not at the center scream, and sometimes I feel like screaming from the center.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread... well, I did, but not in the way it has worked out.  It's just for all the people that are actively pulling left and right that are frustrated, there may be more that aren't pulling that are even more frustrated.
Infanteer said:
By nature of being in the centre, they don't tend to scream.
Increasingly though, we centrists have been picking more plaster out of our foreheads.  :brickwall:
kkwd said:
A new Trump campaign ad focusing on Nancy Pelosi's ice cream incident.

Is that their best shot?
I meant as a personal attack. Ice cream?
mariomike said:
I meant as a personal attack. Ice cream?

Meh.  I’m sure they will try to dig more up but that’s a reach for sure.  It will play well I suppose to a base that will already vote for him.
Remius said:
Meh.  I’m sure they will try to dig more up but that’s a reach for sure.  It will play well I suppose to a base that will already vote for him.

Remember when the Republicans criticized Obama preferring dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit, and that was big news?
Dimsum said:
Remember when the Republicans criticized Obama preferring dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit, and that was big news?

I couldn’t hear that over the sound of them demanding his birth certificate....
Remius said:
I couldn’t hear that over the sound of them demanding his birth certificate....

That was stupid too, but (and this is a stretch) at least there's some* reasoning b/c US Presidents must be US-born. 

His choice of condiment though?  Or his suit that likely some staffer picked out for him?
Dimsum said:
Remember when the Republicans criticized Obama preferring dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit, and that was big news?

Remember the mileage gained from Covfefe?  Good times.
mariomike said:
I meant as a personal attack. Ice cream?
Personal attack? She was the one going on a national TV show putting it out there to see. It certainly doesn't look good for her to be sitting in her mansion with expensive goods while people suffer greatly. Shouldn't she and the rest of congress be in Washington participating in the fight right now? Maybe not, since they are off until early May they must be classed as nonessential personnel like hairdressers and seed sellers.
Remius said:
Meh.  I’m sure they will try to dig more up but that’s a reach for sure.  It will play well I suppose to a base that will already vote for him.

kkwd said:
Personal attack? She was the one going on a national TV show putting it out there to see. It certainly doesn't look good for her to be sitting in her mansion with expensive goods while people suffer greatly. Shouldn't she and the rest of congress be in Washington participating in the fight right now? Maybe not, since they are off until early May they must be classed as nonessential personnel like hairdressers and seed sellers.

Seed sellers and hairdressers are opening in a lot of states today. 
Remius said:
Seed sellers and hairdressers are opening in a lot of states today.

Well that makes these congress people seem like slackers then doesn't it.
kkwd said:
Well that makes these congress people seem like slackers then doesn't it.

Yeah, they probably all have ice cream in their freezers.  They should make more ads.
Remius said:
Yeah, they probably all have ice cream in their freezers.  They should make more ads.
They will, and it will be well deserved. Trump is out there every day talking to mayors and governors and foreign leaders and the press and leaders of industry. He is doing his job and congress is not.
Remius said:
Yeah, they probably all have ice cream in their freezers. 

Ahh, but what about the strawberries?

( For anyone who has ever seen The Caine Mutiny, and / or read the book. )

"Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes."  :)


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kkwd said:
They will, and it will be well deserved. Trump is out there every day talking to mayors and governors and foreign leaders and the press and leaders of industry. He is doing his job and congress is not.

Those would be better ads than ice cream ones.

Meanwhile the Dems have adds about the missing month of Feb.  no one seemed to be doing their jobs there...

kkwd said:
They will, and it will be well deserved. Trump is out there every day talking to mayors and governors and foreign leaders and the press and leaders of industry. He is doing his job and congress is not.

Just checking, you really sure you want to commit to his ability to deal with state governors as evidence of his performance through all this?
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