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The Unintended Consequences of Diversity Statements

You're right, poor wording on my part. What I mean to ask is along the lines of if someone attempted to fly a Straight Pride flag and discriminatory comments were made (and a complaint filed) would they treat it the same way/take it seriously.

I'd be curious if there's a double standard.

I'm also curious about drag queen story time being a thing in a town of 1300. I wonder if it's become raison d'être to try and get people riled up.

Is there such a thing as a "Straight Pride flag"? (rhetorical sarcasm)

If it was as simplistic as your brief description - someone raised a flag and someone else made "discriminatory comments" (I don't know what that means) - then probably not.

However, if the circumstances were similar to the Emo Township case which were - a request was made to the town council (an organization that provides a service) for them to proclaim "Pride Month" (that is the service they requested and was one that had been provided before to the requesting group and to other groups - the flag thingy had been requested but because the town said they didn't have a flagpole, it was not raised for a vote at the council meeting and the HRTO did not considered it discriminatory for the same reason); the town refused to provide the proclamation (accomplished by the vote of the town council); following the vote, the Mayor made the comment about flags that was discerned to be evidence that the mayor had made his decision based on discriminatory grounds.

If the same thing happen to someone who requested of a town to fly a "Straight Pride" flag on public property and that request was refused, then it is conceivable that it may fall under the jurisdiction of the HRTO. How an adjudicator may decide would be wild speculation at best, but would not likely be treated in the same manner. I wasn't able to find any HRTO decisions that could be comparable (there may be some, I just didn't look hard), but I did come across a BCHRT decision concerning a "Canadian Christian Flag" and the City of Langley. It's discussion may likely be similar to a hypothetical Straight Pride flag complaint. In honesty, I found that case when I changed the search terms to "Nazi flag".

And in one NB case, a community did display a Straight Pride Flag. While it did result in numerous complaints to the town's administration leading to it being removed, it doesn't appear that any complaint was made to that province's human rights tribunal by either persons offended by the flag or the individual who had requested the flag to be flown.

And for some background on what HRTO doesn't look at;

What is Outside of the HRTO’s Jurisdiction?​

A common jurisdictional issue that the HRTO reviews is that the application fails to link the applicant’s Code ground(s) to the adverse treatment that the applicant received.

For a matter to fall within the HRTO’s jurisdiction, an applicant must provide some factual basis beyond a bald assertion linking their ground(s) to action(s) taken by the respondent and provide an explanation as to why they think that these actions were discriminatory. It is not enough that the treatment that the applicant received was unfair.

An applicant cannot just say that they have been discriminated against and were treated badly by the respondent. They must provide some detail linking the unfairness experienced, in whole or in part, to one of the protected grounds set in the Code (e.g. race, disability, sex, etc.). In other words, they must provide some detail about their enumerated ground(s) and explain why they believe that the negative treatment they experienced was because of their enumerated ground(s).

An application which fails to do so may be outside of the HRTO’s jurisdiction.

Other common examples of applications that have been found to be outside the HRTO’s jurisdiction include (but are not limited to):
  • The respondent is a federally regulated employer or service provider
  • The application was filed more than one year after the last incident of discrimination and the applicant failed to cite facts that constitute “good faith”
  • The events are not connected to Ontario
  • The applicant is challenging an unfavourable adjudicative or judicial decision
  • The respondent is not providing a service to the applicant
  • The application does not set out the elements of reprisal under the Code
Here is a little more food for thought …

When the human rights codes were established in Canada, it was not supposed to trigger the onset of malicious litigation, or compelling expression one way or the other.

What we have now are vile creatures bent on destroying - for life - anyone or any entity - that does not immediately comply with their demands.


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Here is a little more food for thought …

When the human rights codes were established in Canada, it was not supposed to trigger the onset of malicious litigation, or compelling expression one way or the other.

What we have now are vile creatures bent on destroying - for life - anyone or any entity - that does not immediately comply with their demands.

A very strong statement from Borderland Pride's director? lawyer? spokesperson? whatever? I was wondering the context in which it was issued; was it a continuation of the HRTO Emo decision? Actually not. This goes back to August and Mr. Judson's quote as above (which is less than a quarter of his total quoted comment - some of the rest is more interesting) is included in the following article as well as the context of his statement. If "vile creature" labelling is appropriate for anyone, it may be more apt to apply it to the individual who Mr. Judson took to court for defamation.

FORT FRANCES – A ruling from small claims court of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has awarded the maximum cost in damages to Borderland Pride as compensation arising for the defamatory social media comments made by Fort Frances resident Luke Cawston.

Cawston must pay Borderland Pride $35,000 in general damages plus fees, according to Douglas Judson, Borderland Pride’s chair.

Back in March, the town’s SIJHL team, the Fort Frances Lakers, partnered with Borderland Pride to host their first-ever “Lakers Night Out” Pride Night event. Along with the hockey game, the event would also feature drag performers.

However, not everyone was happy to see the minor league hockey team celebrating inclusivity and diversity in sports.

Cawston took to a Fort Frances-area Facebook group to voice his disdain on a post advertising the event. He wrote crude and defamatory statements accusing the Pride organization of being "diddlers" and "child predators" who were organizing a "pedophile show," as stated in the court case.

"Unfortunately, these types of events continue to be the target of a lot of hate and prejudice in the community and online," Judson told Newswatch.

"This one was no exception. One individual took it upon himself to describe Borderland Pride, myself, and my partner who are organizers with that organization as 'diddlers,' people who are engaging in sexual predation targeting children or promoting sex to children.
. . .
Apparently the left wing has woken up from their woke period. Cancel culture was so yesterday.
Now they need to refocus their energies on the real threat. The right wing authoritarians.
I'm not sure their instincts have improved.

Apparently the left wing has woken up from their woke period. Cancel culture was so yesterday.
Now they need to refocus their energies on the real threat. The right wing authoritarians.
I'm not sure their instincts have improved.

The one thing I’ll disagree with in that article is the reaction to Trump’s 2024 win. Right-wing pundits were talking about riots, etc but in general that didn’t happen.


Im Tired Tom Hanks GIF

That’s why there was (is?) the spate of Dems cutting off their GOP family and friends - it’s a version of the “gray rock” method.

My prediction is that there won’t be any big riots for the Inauguration. If Dems wanted to protest, they would have done so already.

I predict more and more “gray rocking” over the next few years, and more seniors wondering why their kids and grandkids don’t visit them anymore. It’s harsh, but like in any other relationship, you don’t need to stick around with toxicity.
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The one thing I’ll disagree with in that article is the reaction to Trump’s 2024 win. Right-wing pundits were talking about riots, etc but in general that didn’t happen.


Im Tired Tom Hanks GIF

That’s why there was (is?) the spate of Dems cutting off their GOP family and friends - it’s a version of the “gray rock” method.

My prediction is that there won’t be any big riots for the Inauguration. If Dems wanted to protest, they would have done so already.

I predict more and more “gray rocking” over the next few years, and more seniors wondering why their kids and grandkids don’t visit them anymore. It’s harsh, but like in any other relationship, you don’t need to stick around with toxicity.

Note the similarities....

I hold that Toynbee was more wrong than right. There may be rational threads to history but the net effect is so complex as to be random.

This author holds that European liberals, and I will suggest liberals at large, are too invested in progress. Progress suggests movement towards some target state of perfection.

Embrace chaos. The universe is random.

God's will. Deus vult. Insh'allah. Shit luck. Stuff happens. Or, in the words attributed to St Francis ..."grant me the serenity...."

Om mani padme om.


Back to may favourite Canadian philosophers - learn to step lively

Om mani padme om.
The one thing I’ll disagree with in that article is the reaction to Trump’s 2024 win. Right-wing pundits were talking about riots, etc but in general that didn’t happen.

Election results exceeded the margins of doubt, as some people had the foresight to wish : "I don't care which way it goes, as long as it's decisive".
That’s why there was (is?) the spate of Dems cutting off their GOP family and friends - it’s a version of the “gray rock” method.

If "friends" includes potential male friends,

Dems beat GOP 55% to 43%, among women between the ages of 18 and 44

That’s why there was (is?) the spate of Dems cutting off their GOP family and friends - it’s a version of the “gray rock” method.
Is it, or is it being a sore loser that can't face the people they assumed the worst about because they disagreed on politics?

Throwing away family because you don't agree on politics is a pretty smooth brain decision.

If "friends" includes potential male friends,
Thats a great way to ensure the conservatives out breed you...
Like any drug, it feels good until the buzz wears off ;)

DEI Is a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry That Doesn’t Work. Here’s How to Change It​

What’s the return on investment on diversity training? You’d hope it would be a lot — after all, some $8 billion is spent on it per year in the United States alone, according to a report by McKinsey. But critics allege that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts overall have been underwhelming, to say the least. Some argue that there’s a “DEI industrial complex” that benefits DEI practitioners and the companies that hire them, without actually reducing discrimination and improving inclusion.

“DEI doesn’t work and that’s a problem,” says Lily Zheng, a leading DEI strategist and author of the book DEI Deconstructed. “We can’t have a multi-billion dollar industry that doesn’t work.”

In a Chief-exclusive workshop with Chief Vice President of Inclusion & Impact, Trey Boynton, Zheng shared their perspective on why past DEI efforts have been unsuccessful and provided advice on how to move beyond performative DEI. Where many DEI programs go wrong is that they focus on events with inspirational speakers that “create a burst of impact” but don’t yield long-term results.

“You spend some money, you get people excited, and then a year later, you’re at the same place,” Zheng says.

Achieving real results takes less glamorous, flashy work, according to Zheng. It’s about establishing what outcomes a company is striving for and gauging progress toward those outcomes.

“It’s a boring answer to a really challenging problem — which is, we just measure it. We hold people accountable to outcomes and not intentions,” Zheng says. “We have, like, 50, 60, 70 years of intentions in DEI not resulting in impact. Something has to change.”

What’s the return on investment on diversity training?
Paying for the business equivalent of vibes and hype or some other variation of a fashion statement is rarely a useful expenditure.

Most diversity markers are not predictors of ability. If a breadth of perspectives is important to your business or an embedded cultural clique is narrowing the candidate pool from which you draw, then concrete results which broaden appeal make sense.
Paying for the business equivalent of vibes and hype or some other variation of a fashion statement is rarely a useful expenditure.

Most diversity markers are not predictors of ability. If a breadth of perspectives is important to your business or an embedded cultural clique is narrowing the candidate pool from which you draw, then concrete results which broaden appeal make sense.

Then there's the 'fear' thing...

The diversity-industrial complex uses fear as an introduction to its sales pitch of a corporate utopia where profit and social consciousness can cohabitate and seals the deal by catering to executives’ egos by showing them the unique pleasures of being civilization’s commercial saviors.

Why the diversity-industrial complex bubble burst

In my sub-40 years of existence, I’ve witnessed multiple market bubbles and collapses that in hindsight were predictable, but the warning signs of inevitable failure were obviously ignored.

People disregard the few naysayers because their desire to be a part of an in-vogue fad outweighs any common sense.

But when the bubble finally bursts, the sound of an industry defeat ultimately wakes these people up from their hypnotic belief that the good times will never end.

The latest bubble isn’t overinflated stocks being propped up by Wall Street but instead an overinflated diversity, equity and inclusion industry whose importance was pumped up by a corporate America reacting to the death of George Floyd.

Between 2019 and 2022, DEI positions skyrocketed 170%, according to LinkedIn, with much of that acceleration happening in the wake of nationwide protests and riots in 2020.

“There was an urgency and a national narrative driving that demand,” notes Jason Hanold, CEO of Hanold Associates, an executive search advisory firm.

But that demand quickly leveled, leading to a third of “diversity professionals” out of a job in 2022.

Why the diversity-industrial complex bubble burst
Then there's the 'fear' thing...

The diversity-industrial complex uses fear as an introduction to its sales pitch of a corporate utopia where profit and social consciousness can cohabitate and seals the deal by catering to executives’ egos by showing them the unique pleasures of being civilization’s commercial saviors.

Why the diversity-industrial complex bubble burst

In my sub-40 years of existence, I’ve witnessed multiple market bubbles and collapses that in hindsight were predictable, but the warning signs of inevitable failure were obviously ignored.

People disregard the few naysayers because their desire to be a part of an in-vogue fad outweighs any common sense.

But when the bubble finally bursts, the sound of an industry defeat ultimately wakes these people up from their hypnotic belief that the good times will never end.

The latest bubble isn’t overinflated stocks being propped up by Wall Street but instead an overinflated diversity, equity and inclusion industry whose importance was pumped up by a corporate America reacting to the death of George Floyd.

Between 2019 and 2022, DEI positions skyrocketed 170%, according to LinkedIn, with much of that acceleration happening in the wake of nationwide protests and riots in 2020.

“There was an urgency and a national narrative driving that demand,” notes Jason Hanold, CEO of Hanold Associates, an executive search advisory firm.

But that demand quickly leveled, leading to a third of “diversity professionals” out of a job in 2022.

Why the diversity-industrial complex bubble burst
A needless expense line on the budget. Especially when times are tight.