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The recruiting process - my experience thus far


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Hello everyone,

I thought I would post an a little something about how I've done during the process.  I read a great deal of information, but now after going through some things first hand, I have learned that many things can be difference.

I live in Ottawa, so everything has been done here (obviously).

I handed my application in at the office on March 30th.  April 2nd, I got a call for my CFAT on April 6th - 8:00 am.  I did the CFAT with no studying and personally, I don't think you can study for a CFAT (maybe the math).  I scored well enough to open up all trades.  My choice is LCIS.

I was asked to come in the following Wednesday, April 7th - 8:00 am medical, 9:00 am interview.  This is where I found information and how things can vary.

The Captain that interviewed me recommended me and said as long as the medical comes back, I'm good to go.  During the interview though, he asked if I had any outstanding debt not paid - I told him yes - my own fault, but it was because I tried to get into business for myself.  It failed.  He asked no details - he said it was fine and we went on. 

He told me if I hear nothing in 2 weeks to call.  Today, was 2 weeks, so I called.

Now, at first I didn't know if I should call my file manager or recruitment officer - so I called the recruitment officer and left a message.  I then called the file manager - she tells me all is set, I just have to wait for my medical to come back from the chief medical officer - she said he  reviews ALL medicals to ensure that every applicant is tested the same - tells me should be done no more then a week as he got my file on April 14th.  I asked if backcheck was done, she said I didn't have to have one done - it was only in certain cases. Fair enough I said. 

No sooner do I get off the phone with her, my recruitment officer calls me back -says all is fine, just waiting for medical - told him I just spoke to the corporal and she said the same - again, all is well - but as soon as I'm off the phone with him the file manager calls me.  She says that a backcheck is being done, but after the medical - I ask why, she says it's because a message came back on my ERC, but that the captain (recruitment officer) reviewed it and sent it to scheduling for a backcheck.  She said he would have talked to me about it in the interview.  I was concerned, but thanked her and ended the call.  I called the captain back and asked him about it.  He refreshed my memory on the debt, but said if he sent it for scheduling at backcheck, then it was fine and as long as the medical and backcheck came back good, I'm off to the races.  He said my file manager or someone else will likely do the backcheck.  I said great.

Bottom line - I wasn't asked for proof of paying the debt (I haven't, as I just got back on my feet) or proof of attempting.  I don't know what they see when the message comes back, but it was not an issue.  I know backcheck will clear and my medical.  That said, I find this far different then what I read on the forums.  I was told backcheck is only done if a message comes back from ERC.  And as long as backcheck clears, then ERC is granted (although the captain told me he granted my ERC, but still had to do a backcheck).

Anyways, thats my experience.  It has been a quick process.  Less then a month.  My file manger said the backcheck will be done immediately following the medical coming back and then booked for BMQ, which they are now booking for October.

Thanks for reading!
Would you be able to shed some light on your interview? Like, the kind of questions and stuff. I'm not sure if it's like the CFAT where you're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, but whatever you can would be great.

I have my medical on the 28th and I'm assuming an interview not far from now.
TheNoob said:
Would you be able to shed some light on your interview? Like, the kind of questions and stuff. I'm not sure if it's like the CFAT where you're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, but whatever you can would be great.

When I did my interview it was said that the process was to be kept confidential, similar to the CFAT. Mind you, you are applying for a job so I'm sure if you checked the numerous resources on the web about how to prepare for a job interview then you would be on the right track. The interviewer I had tried to ensure I was as comfortable as possible to ease any nervousness I might be feeling. Be respectful, honest, and most importantly,  be yourself.

Good Luck.
TheNoob said:
Would you be able to shed some light on your interview? Like, the kind of questions and stuff. I'm not sure if it's like the CFAT where you're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, but whatever you can would be great.

I have my medical on the 28th and I'm assuming an interview not far from now.

Yeah I can't say anything.  He reads the privacy disclosure off right at the beginning.

But as the previous poster mentioned,  you can research some interview tips on how to prepare and behave.  I've worked in HR and did many interviews, so I went in with some strong knowledge.  It went as I thought it would.

Good luck!
I can tell you this:

He's going to ask you questions about yourself.
He's going to ask you questions about what you know about the CF.
He's going to ask you questions about what you know about the trade(s) you chose to apply for.

How's that?
You forgot the other stuff. But then we're not supposed to talk about that!!  ::)
"Anyways, thats my experience.  It has been a quick process.  Less then a month.  My file manger said the backcheck will be done immediately following the medical coming back and then booked for BMQ, which they are now booking for October"
Hey Treysik,  just wondering what CFRC you applied to?  and what trade?  .......... btw my backcheck took over a month to complete  so I wouldn't hold my breath on it being done "immediatlely". I was told they send your file to Ottawa for backcheck and they have no control on how long it takes. As far as being directly booked for BMQ seems a bit odd as there are a few steps in between that are left out .( ex. ) file transfer to a career counsellor for review , being merit listed, getting a job offer etc.  Anyways good luck
Hey DavieRocket77 ,

I am in Ottawa, so the process is a bit quicker.  I was told that the recruiters are doing my reference checks and due to the high demand of my trade (LCIS), they'll complete it once medical is back from the chief medical examiner.  Backcheck is WAY behind apparently, so recruiters are doing it.

I can only go by what I was told.  My recruiter and file manager both told me that if backcheck is fine, then I'll be merit listed and offered a job.  I may have jumped the gun on "booked for BMQ", was just trying to get my point accross. :)  My recruiter also told me he is my career counsellor.
treysik said:
Hey DavieRocket77 ,

I am in Ottawa, so the process is a bit quicker.  I was told that the recruiters are doing my reference checks and due to the high demand of my trade (LCIS), they'll complete it once medical is back from the chief medical examiner.  Backcheck is WAY behind apparently, so recruiters are doing it.

I can only go by what I was told.  My recruiter and file manager both told me that if backcheck is fine, then I'll be merit listed and offered a job.  I may have jumped the gun on "booked for BMQ", was just trying to get my point accross. :)  My recruiter also told me he is my career counsellor.


Your process is no quicker, nor any slower than anyone else's.  Everyone is an individual, all having different life histories will have different timelines in the process of checking backgrounds.  Some people will be processed quicker than others due to their having fewer problems with their various test results, Reliability and Credit Checks, medical histories, etc.  This has nothing to do with the CFRC staff, nor the location of the CFRC. 

As for your Recruiter doing the background and Credit checks, and also being your Career counsellor, where does (s)he have the time to do the "Recruiter" part of their job?  Doing all of this for you takes away the opportunities of others who may wish to talk to a Recruiter.
Thanks for the reply George.

I understand everyone is different.  No disputing that, just sharing my process and experience.

My Recruiter said he was the counsellor/recruiter only.  My ERC was done already - I was told by him, that the recruiters at the office are doing the backcheck (references).  Why he is acting as a counsellor is a good question for him.  I have no idea.  I am only going by what I was told, that's it.
treysik said:
Hey DavieRocket77 ,

I am in Ottawa, so the process is a bit quicker.  I was told that the recruiters are doing my reference checks and due to the high demand of my trade (LCIS), they'll complete it once medical is back from the chief medical examiner.  Backcheck is WAY behind apparently, so recruiters are doing it.

I can only go by what I was told.  My recruiter and file manager both told me that if backcheck is fine, then I'll be merit listed and offered a job.  I may have jumped the gun on "booked for BMQ", was just trying to get my point accross. :)  My recruiter also told me he is my career counsellor.
Hey Treysik,  just wanted to wish you luck buddy, hope everything goes smooth for you:)  I got my job offer today ....Combat Engineer... Basic starts Nov 1st ......excited
TheNoob said:
Would you be able to shed some light on your interview? Like, the kind of questions and stuff. I'm not sure if it's like the CFAT where you're not allowed to discuss it with anyone, but whatever you can would be great.

I have my medical on the 28th and I'm assuming an interview not far from now.
I've attached a CF Interview prep guide. It's a great tool - but you need to know about your trade(s) selection, about the CF, and about yourself. Get a good sleep the night prior and take the interview seriously.
DavieRocket77 said:
Hey Treysik,  just wanted to wish you luck buddy, hope everything goes smooth for you:)  I got my job offer today ....Combat Engineer... Basic starts Nov 1st ......excited

Nice, congrats! I just got called 2 days ago - my file was returned from the RMO and my reference (backcheck) is being done.  Finally.  Yes, backcheck can take a month or so - if they have backcheck do it.  Many times, if backcheck is behind, they will do the check at the CFRC which is what they are doing for me.

Good luck! :)