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The Queen Visits Household Cavalry at Combermere Barracks


Army.ca Legend
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A few images of Queen Elizabeth II.




I find that picture of the table of ceremonial gear (boots, etc.) and Brasso/polishing cloths a little weird.  If I was to show someone important (and a former servicemember themselves) around a unit, a table of how boots and breastplates get polished wouldn't be my first choice...
Briefing by the officer gets a bored look.

Chatting with the soldiers polishing kit gets an attentive look.

Chatting with the soldier with a metal detector gets an interested look.

Examining a .50 cal machine gun gets a great...big...grin.

God Save the Queen  ;D
jpjohnsn said:
Chatting with the soldier with a metal detector gets an interested look.

God Save the Queen  ;D
NO The Queen is asking what the glowy thing in the ground is?
When did they start letting long haired hippies into the Household Cavalry?
What are the odds of a hyphenated-name....from 'old money' and a 'good school'?  ;)
Journeyman said:
What are the odds of a hyphenated-name....from 'old money' and a 'good school'?  ;)

I wouldn't give you odds, certainly on the last two. His breeding also probably is as least as good as his horses' and the family name may be featured in Blake's Peerage.
Old Sweat said:
I wouldn't give you odds, certainly on the last two. His breeding also probably is as least as good as his horses' and his intelligence only slightly less and the family name may be featured in Blake's Peerage.

Having met several cavalwee officsaws, I thank you for your correction!
Can't resist a segue to Monty Python    ;D

Does the soldier on the left, the one polishing the riding boots, have a tattoo behind his ear?  Also a pinkie ring and an extra-long fingernail on his pinkie finger?

It used to be, and I know I'm a dinosaur when I say this; wedding bands only, trimmed and clean fingernails, and no visible tattoos.  Have times changed that much or have I just not been paying attention?


You did read that these guys are cavalry, right?  As for the tat, he's probably long since been jacked and stacked over it, and short of removal at crown expense, what would you have them do?
George Wallace said:
He may be a Strat on Exchange.    >:D

Nope if he is a Canadian on exchange he would be a Drag queen Dragoon as the Blues and Royals are your Sissy Sister Regiment  >:D