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The New World Order and the Canadian Soldier

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Revelations2005 said:
You people make me sick if you call yourselves Canadian. Go ahead surrender your Freedom for Security. See what it will get you.

Now that is too far my friend..... someone bounce this guy ....
Hey Bud. I wasn't the one who threw in the whole Illuminati thing. I still don't have any real idea who or what the illuminati is.

Doesn't anybody here realize the world is changing?

Doesn't anybody realize that things are not hunkey dorry?

Doesn't anybody realize we're heading into some really bad times?

Geez. Canada doesn't stand a chance with you people. I'm really saddened. This country will be annexed very soon and It looks like I'll be the only one defending.

You people make me sick if you call yourselves Canadian. Go ahead surrender your Freedom for Security. See what it will get you.
Dog said:
"It is theorized that the Illuminati, gathering power and fortune over the centuries, only grew more ambitious with each defeat, forming the Plan that enabled them to virtually run the world behind the scenes until the world was ripe for them to come out in the open and rule directly. At that time, religion, private property and government will be abolished in the New World Order, replaced by a dictatorship of the enlightened that would wither away as all people became illuminated -- or so they say."
He's right everyone!! Worship him as the Bringer-Of-Light!!!

Ironicaly enough, Illuminati means "bringers of light"  ;D  I smell another conspiracy!
Revelations2005 said:
Geez. Canada doesn't stand a chance with you people. I'm really saddened. This country will be annexed very soon and It looks like I'll be the only one defending.


I can just see it now.  Gomer Pile, standing on The Wall, with his pants around his ankles, his rifle pointed backwards, and sucking his thumb....waiting for the rampaging horde of Corpofachiamerican Storm Troopers.

If nothing else, this guy'd be great to have in the field.  Just tell him Bush and Chaney are hiding "somwhere close by" and he'll volunteer to be the sentry all night.
Buddy, you have to learn to think for yourself.... you obviously have managed to watch too many X-files episodes and read too many conspiracy papers... wake up and take a look around. The basic global system that we live in hasn't changed much in the last few decades.

If we make you sick, you are going to hate every single person in the military. Don't join, you are not needed.
Yes, the world is changing.  We are finally getting over the post hippie BS of the last few decades and tackling the problems before us head on.  Your pathetic rhetoric is best saved for your other D and D friends.  
Yes, I read 1984 (in high school) and also saw the wretched movie.  It was a bunch of socialist crap.  What you civil libertarians fail to get is that the Govt does not care if you spend all of your savings on creating a fabulous wardrobe for your Lhasa/Poodle mix.  They have more important things to worry about.  
And enough with the annexation talk.  You are obviously not old enough to remember when the original Free Trade Act came in and all of the Council of Canadian whiny bullsht that came with that.  Its old.
There are a great many people who have dedicated their lives to defending this country and it's way of life.  If you are so convinced that the US is so evil, then it would probably be pretty easy for you to get signed up and go to an Al Qada training camp and fight for real.  Also, feel free to fill out your user profile so you can attempt to qualify your hysterical opinions.

BTW, the Illuminati are an ancient order that was against the Catholic church.  The guy who wrote "The DaVinci Code" did another book, "Angels and Demons" and it covers them pretty well.
I can't help but wonder if we are bickering with some 14 year old in study hall with an enhanced vocabulary and spare hour or two, regurgitating the argument he heard his dad yelling at the news last night....
Oh, god.... don't get him started on the DaVinci Code!
I can see from your double posting, that you have come to the end of your page of "Quotes" which I am sure you compiled at great length, but took out of context. 

Which of your Double posts do you want DELETED so that we can continue on with our "Morning Smile"?
Revelations2005 said:
Within a group called the Council of Foreign Relations is an objective called the New World Order. This plan is to merge the countries of the Free World into one big happy Empire. On 9/11 this is what Bush meant when he said the world was changing.

Unfortunately the NWO is a system similar to 1984. Big Brother. Totalitarian Police State. Where we have no choice but to surrender our Freedom for Security

I thought the New World Order was a bunch of wrestlers from the old WCW back in the 90's.... Macho Man, Hollywood Hogan, and some other guys..... 

by the way, your tinfoil hat came in....

check your facts buddy..... look through history.... its not like we've ever really had a Utopia on earth anyways.... just glance through the past oh.... thousand years of mankinds existance and im pretty sure that you'll find more then enough wars and evil-doings throughout... dig a little deeper and I bet you'll find even more.....

but then again, you seem to have it pretty set in your mind that right now things are just spiraling out of control and going straight to hell in a handbasket. so I dont suppose there is much sense in arguing with someone who just wants to stir the pot.
Freemasons run the country!!!!

I think this guy is actually part of the new world order, and this is an attempt at reverse psychology to discredit any valid theories and proof of the new world order.
Revelations2005 said:
Hey Bud. I wasn't the one who threw in the whole Illuminati thing. I still don't have any real idea who or what the illuminati is.

Doesn't anybody here realize the world is changing?

Doesn't anybody realize that things are not hunkey dorry?

Doesn't anybody realize we're heading into some really bad times?

Geez. Canada doesn't stand a chance with you people. I'm really saddened. This country will be annexed very soon and It looks like I'll be the only one defending.

You people make me sick if you call yourselves Canadian. Go ahead surrender your Freedom for Security. See what it will get you.


You have been warned about spaming the boards with this retoric.

Welcome to the Warning system.

Also, insulting serving members of the CF on this site is a quick way of being shown the door....and if you're serving  ::)

Wow, and I thought I was far-fetching with some of my dislikes of the USA administration.... I suppose I am normal!  ;)

Say, what is a freemason, my grandfather always blabs about thier "Secret society!"...  ::)

If we're run by some giant-ultra powerful geopolitical organization that rules the modern world, how come Harper and Martin look like thier about to crap a bucket worth or god knows what every time you see them on TV? They seem pretty nervous about who we vote for! I think it comes down to this, not what the "masters" say who will be in charge...

I got rid of my tin-foil hat awhile back, I was out there, not saying I still agree with everything I see and read, but wow, this dude MUST have went to university and been influenced by some hippie-rhetoric!!!

New serving member of the Primary Reserve 1+yr as of Jan 6 2006 (my new and second birthday!)
R031 Pte Joe said:
Say, what is a freemason, my grandfather always blabs about thier "Secret society!"...  ::)

Freemasonry is not a secret society, it is a society that has secrets. There's a difference.
Freemasonry is a fraternity that allows good men to become better men. As far as them controlling the world, as a friend of mine said, we discussed it for ten minutes prior to figuring out ways of raising money for the Children's Burn Units or Children Hospital.

Do a search on Goggle and you will find many sites both pro and con on Freemasons. As a  side note, many members of the military are members.  :salute: If you are wondering how to join...to become one, ask one.
Didn't you guys try and take over Italy once?

I mean...  well,  probably SOMEBODY should... but the MASONS?


:-\  Is this thread a joke.?

Either this guy is poor comic or he is off his med's...
KevinB said:
:-\  Is this thread a joke.?

Either this guy is poor comic or he is off his med's...

Im going for off his med's with a slight problem of watching too many X-file episodes.
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