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The New World Order and the Canadian Soldier

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I can't believe how ignorant you guys are  - the New World Order is fact and its power is increasing every day because of the Zionists and their minions. The apocalypse is upon us - the government is watching and they're taking note of everything from your shopping habits to the regularity of your bowel movements. I discovered one of the agents researching the latter while on the can the other day. They'd cleverly disguised the diabolical b@stard as a peanut. Don't you see the repercussions of this? THEY'RE IN OUR FOOD.

You guys are doomed - your poo isn't even yours anymore. When a (wo)man can't even trust his/her own fecal matter, we're too far down the path of oppression to ever recover. :o
I saw the camera in my toilet, and I didn't realize it was for the peanuts.  Damn!  I better read 1984 again. ::)
"You guys are doomed - your poo isn't even yours anymore. When a (wo)man can't even trust his/her own fecal matter, we're too far down the path of oppression to ever recover."

- Is this what they mean by having your sh_t wired tight?


I can no longer sit back and allow Communist American infiltration, Communist American indoctrination, Communist American subversion and the international Communist Capitalist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Scene: a bunker 200 feet below a Quick Mart on the outskirts of Conspiracy City (aka: Washington, DC)

Masked man enters:  "It's over, General.  The snuff team got to that Revelations2005 guy. 

General Mayhem:  "Outstanding!  Any idea where he got his information?"

MM: "We suspected a turncoat in the Halliburton coordinating group, sir, but that turned out to be a dead end.  Our investigation is focused on Area 51."

Gen M:  "Gad!  You mean we might have a traitor inside the warehouse complex?  Inside that huge subterranean cavern we dug without anyone noticing the three extra mountains we created in the process?  The place where we store all our tanks and artillery and black helicopters and peanut surveillance devices?"

MM:  "Yes, sir.  And the well-preserved alien bodies.  Don't forget those."

Gen M:  "Of course.  Of course.  So this little leak in Canada has been snuffed?"

MM:  "Snuffed, sir.  When we find whoever sold us out to the Canucks, we'll take care of him too."

Gen M:  "Sold out?  Someone actually sold out to a Canadian intelligence agency."

MM:  "No, sir.  Canada claims it doesn't have any intelligence agencies."

(Both men laugh)

Gen M:  "How much did the traitor get?  Do you know?"

MM:  "A file clerk there recently tried to cash a check for $50,000 drawn on a Canadian bank, sir.  We think he may be the culprit."

Gen M:  "Good God!  Fifty thousand?  In Canadian funds?"

MM:  "Yes, sir.  I don't have the exact exchange rate handy, but after the bank deducted its international handling fees, the clerk owed them a few bucks."

Gen M:  (Lights a cigar)  "A clerk, eh?  He'll regret his foolishness."

MM:  "Affirmative, sir.  He and Revalations will have a fine time hunting IEDs on the Baghdad to Fallujah road."

Gen M:  "Fine.  Just the thing.  Get me the Grand Guildersleeve -- or whatever his name is.  The head of the Masons.  I have to let him know that the threat to the New World Order has been eliminated."


Sorry, I can't resist tweaking trolls.
Good Lord!  How did Revelation2005 discover the "plan"?  Unless we act quickly, all could be lost!

EVERYONE! EXECUTE OPERATION THETA 215! This is our only chance! Further instructions will be issued via the usual means!

I can no longer sit back and allow Communist American infiltration, Communist American indoctrination, Communist American subversion and the international Communist Capitalist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

I was wondering when the obilgatory "Dr Strangelove" quote would come out.

This is too much fun!  ;)
I hope we didn't crush the little tool.  He hasn't responded for some time.  Maybe the mother ship was concerned that the Haliburton Storm Troopers were closing in.
On that note....thread is now locked.

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