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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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This is choice, what a fat ****!

For all those Michael Moore Fans....


Advocate Michael Moore may have released a book titled DUDE, WHERE‘S MY COUNTRY?, and may have vaulted to stardom documenting worker‘s rights and corporate malfeasance in Flint, Michigan, but that has not stopped Moore from outsourcing his website design and servers -- to companies based in Canada!

Cannes-bound Moore, the great protector of the U.S. working class, has outsourced the design of his Web site to a foreign company in Canada, records show.

PLANK -- based in Montréal, Québec -- is the development and design company behind MichaelMoore.com.

Meanwhile, Moore‘s site is hosted by a foreign owned company, Webcore Labs, of Calgary, Alberta Canada. [Webcore does maintain an office in Beverly Hills, CA.]

Moore did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

Moore is to get star billing at this year‘s Cannes Film Festival with the controversial FAHRENHEIT 9/11.
This is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest tragedy ever to befall your nation. This is a time when all americans must band together, regardless of partisan affiliations and unite behind their leader against a common enemy. This was a very newsworthy article, and I doubt any human being on the planet could have gone on living if they were not informed about this.
At least the jobs are still in North America. I mean, he didn‘t send the jobs to companies in India like Bill Gates and Microsoft did.
I‘d be more interested in finding out the reasons as to why he ‘outsourced‘ to this Can. company. For all we know, it‘s possible that some US web design didn‘t want to get caught up in the politics that MM endorses. Get those facts first before you harpoon him in the bag.
Baker, can you please remove your head from your own ***? Moore has a large following because there is a lot of truth in what he says. As a pinko, commie Canadian I don‘t mind him spouting anti-US propaganda, but he kinda pisses me off with his anti-white race remarks, probably feeling guilty for colonialism or slavery.

Major, you seem very frustrated with Europeans and France in particular, may I remind you that you yourself are a European, and your country is the product of French geopolitical planning in North America.
I believe the major was born in Canada. How does this make him European?
Originally posted by Napalm:
[qb] Baker, can you please remove your head from your own ***? Moore has a large following because there is a lot of truth in what he says. [/qb]
Yeah there is some truth, almost all of what he says are half-truths (and outright lies!) and he just presents them in a way to make it seem that they arent. (Examples: the campaign commercial he shows in Bowling For Columbine is 100% made up, the sliced and skewered speech by charleton heston) He leaves out so much of the story when it comes to alot of things, and he uses A LOT of objective things to prove a point (Such as in Bowling for Columbine - "this is the only ghetto i can find in canada!" or clips from the news saying "black male" repeatedly)

In Conclusion, Michael Moore is just another fat jackass exploiting the bleeding hearts while they idolize him. I anxiously await the documentary about him that another filmmaker is making.
Originally posted by S_Baker:
[qb] Thanks "Bruce," for the backstop! :warstory:

I guess I would say I am a Canadian by birth, American by choice! ;) So again, no I am not a European, as for France, well they can BITE ME!
Born Canadian uh? Why the change in citizenship?
Yeah, who would want to be an american? I don‘t see any merits in that, you have to deny your citizenship each time you go abroad or face being shot in the face, especially in muslim countries.

And yes, you are a European, It was France, Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Holland etc. that founded Canada and the US. So you are of European origin believe it or not.
Napalm, If you came here just to be a jerk-off than you have done a fine job. Go somewhere else if you can‘t add to a topic.[hav‘ent you been banned already under a different name?]
Tread lightly, napalm - or you will be gone.

That is not a suggestion.

Thanks in advance, for your cooperation.
"Yeah, who would want to be an american?"

I‘d wager a guess and say someone who wants to be in a powerful technologically advanced military that isn‘t afraid to use the word "kill" or someone who doesn‘t like putting taxes towards a terrorists health care?
who cares about origin. I was born in europe and lived there untill I was 10. 3 years after moving to Canada I got my citizenship. I don‘t care what you or anyone else has to say on the matter, I AM a Canadian. I‘m not european-canadian, or canadian-european, or "of european ancestry" or any other half assed "special" category. I‘m Canadian.
I can understand why Moore outsourced to a Canadian company as we do everything better.
However he really blew it on his stand about the wars both in Afghanistan and Iraq. Nothing is more working class and blue collar than the men and women who serve in the armed forces. These are the root stock, the blood and guts and the heart of out great countries and if you are going to stand up for the little guy than no better place to start than the Armed forces of all countries. These people epitomize the values, morals and perserverance that make Canada and the United States the greatest countries in the world and the number one destination for immigrants the world wide.
Originally posted by S_Baker:
I can understand why Moore outsourced to a Canadian company as we do everything better.
sounds a little arrogant and ultra patriotic, doesn‘t it? ;) [/qb]
I guess living in a border city the American influence is rubbing off.
Originally posted by S_Baker:
I can understand why Moore outsourced to a Canadian company as we do everything better.
sounds a little arrogant and ultra patriotic, doesn‘t it? ;) [/qb]
I‘m sorry aboot that, eh. I‘ll go back to being a meek and mild, laidback, complacent Canadian and have another beer, eh.
good to see that the freedom of speech is well and good in america :rolleyes:

on a more moderating note:

Okay, i have to say that there is a sh!t load of protectionism in the American "Laissez-faire" economy... just for an example: lumber...

now, i do have anti-american sentiments, but it‘s generally either directed towards Washington, or towards the hypocratic side of the population...

however i do the same thing towards Ottawa and the hypocrites in Canada (yes, i hate hypocrites :evil: )

As well, i have to ask you Major Baker, what harm is it to out-source to Canada?

However, if if an american would go up to the white house and protest the US‘ involvment in Iraq, then that person would be labled as anti-US, non-us patriotic, etc. etc. etc. However, you still have free speech.. isn‘t that hypocracy on part of the Bush administration?

Okay, now to be fair, and attack some of my countrymen‘s comments:
NBK: if someone came up to you and told you that Paul Henderson didn‘t actually score the goal, canadians would care, the rest of the world wouldn‘t... News itself is subjective depending on who you report to..

Now for "why the change in citizenship" comment..
People leave, people come.. everyone has their own reasons to... Love, work, extreme dissatisfaction with the government, or maybe just bad experiences. Yes, the majority of us are "immigrants" however, it doesn‘t count when your family migrated here 2-3 hundred years ago..

and my last thing, i have to say to Ghost... Please refrain from saying that Canada has a "Terrorist health-care" system.... it‘s one of the things that as a Canadian I pride on having... we may not have the best health care system, but we have one.. and i am proud that my country will put the well being of it‘s nation in one of it‘s priority‘s list