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The JAG TV show thread

Actually no, it's very American. What's with all this Canadian bashing?  ??? Chill out buddy.
So whats Harm found guilty of the murder of Singer?  Who was the killer/  I missed that episode because my stupid housemates were watching some dumbass MTV show.
You know whats disgusting?  Yesterday Lauren (one of the housemates) started watching TV at 4 in the afternoon, she only left the living room to get food and go to the bathroom, anyway she finally went upstairs at 1 in the morning...  thats 9 hours of constant TV watching!  How do I know this?  Well, my room is right next the living room and I spent all of yesterday afternoon/evening doing school work (yeah, 9 hours of school work even though I'm still on Winter break is kinda sick too but... jeez)...

And isn't CB a little young to be a Lt. Col?  Shes only in her mid 30s!

Watch an episode of border town FSgt_mandal.

You will see what I am talking about.
No, it was that Lt. Commander that did the audit at JAG and did a horrible job because he hated the admiral. He switched covers with Rabb and dropped it in the river.

Mandel, on History right before JAG at 18:30. It's OK, but not my cup of tea...JAG isn't sometimes either...
Ghost said:
Watch an episode of border town FSgt_mandal.

You will see what I am talking about.

wow, because of that one show, all Canadian TV "sucks so bad" you're cool
I didn't say all Canadian TV sucks I am just saying a good majority of it sucks.
Ghost said:
Watch an episode of border town FSgt_mandal.

You will see what I am talking about.

You do realize that border town was a product of the 80's right? As in the decade that brought us gems like Airwolf?

Brilliant example... really...  ::)
yeah... If youre going to cite an example of bad canadian TV try "Rocket Robin Hood"

If you want a really bad Canadian show just look at Degrassi: The Next Generation. 

Why is it that so many people think that Degrassi was such a cultural achievement.  When it was first on the air it sucked ass; a lot of people tuned in just to see how bad it was (eg: a cult hit) then Kevin Smith came out and said that he liked the show and now everyone loves it.  And then there is CTV that is milking the hell out of the show (wasn't it originally a CBC production?) 

Has anyone noticed there seems to be a lack of gratuitous undressing/shower/bikini/shower scenes with Catherine lately?
During the episodes where she was a judge and playing a "pregnant vision" of Harm and such she was actually pregnant.  Hence all the chest and up shots.  So I'm guessing no shower scenes for a while, sorry boys.  :'(
^^^^wow, thats news to me, lol, i just thought it was fake, but i can clearly see that now, haha
Ex-Dragoon said:
NCIS now in its 3rd season I believe.

NCIS, 3rd season? Well it first started here only in Sep 2004, so I guess we are a bit behind down here. The good thing is when its cancelled back in dealr ole Canada, we'll still have a few seasons to go.

Sunday nights 2130-2230, aand its not that bad of a show.

However, we do have both CSI's and the NYC CSI starting next month.


Hehe, I think Rabb found a new special friend  :o ;) ;) I wonder what Maj, Mak will think hehe
HOLY CRAP!! and a coupel minutes later......................jeez. I hope i'm not the only one who will know what i'm talking about lol. don't want to give anythign away.