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The JAG TV show thread

JAG and NCIS come on here in Australia, plus Crossing Jordan, CSI x2, soon to be NYC too, plus Law and Order X3. All good entertainment.


I always use to see re-reuns of JAG on TV but always thought it was a boring all talk show. But I actually watched one episode this past summer and now I watch it pretty regularly. Although sometimes it seems impossible how Rabb can be a JAG, fly F14's, and defend himself from attacks with his pistol while driving, keep an eye on the person who has repeatedly tried to kill him.

But I guess that's what keeps us watching...(that and Mac)


*First post!*

Are you sure about that Mike/Righty/Noval ?.....tread lightly, Mr Bobbitt is a lot nicer than I
JAG should be renamed to JOKE....LOL that show is sooo funny when it shouldn't be. The two stars of the show aren't even real americans,  Catherine Bell is like Persian, or half at least, and that other Dick who is the star of the show is from Canada. But I've heard him say publicly few times how he doesn't really like Canada, and that he loves being in America now and all this other bullshit. Only a dog's vomit would say something like that. It's great that he loves America now, but he shouldn't disrespect the country that raised and supported him; that piece of jakal dung. Ahh....but Catherine Bell is still hot.  :P
nismo0 said:
JAG should be renamed to JOKE....LOL that show is sooo funny when it shouldn't be. The two stars of the show aren't even real americans,   Catherine Bell is like Persian, or half at least, and that other Dick who is the star of the show is from Canada. But I've heard him say publicly few times how he doesn't really like Canada, and that he loves being in America now and all this other bullshit. Only a dog's vomit would say something like that. It's great that he loves America now, but he shouldn't disrespect the country that raised and supported him; that piece of jakal dung. Ahh....but Catherine Bell is still hot.   :P

rolling on the floor laghing............. ;D
The most disturbing thing about JAG is the switch from a "Melrose Place military drama" to a Law and Order/CSI crime show. In the early seasons it was not uncommon to see Ms. Bell strip out of her uniform to take a shower. (Which was an integral part of the storyline). Now, unfortunately she is a serious actor. She doesn't even smile anymore.

ASEOP, you mentioned that there is a Catherine Bell look a like at nav school. I thought all navs had moustaches. ;)

Forget nav school, and forget pilot school. I have heard all the hotties are army nurses.  ;D
Cathrine Bell is hot yes but i like the Yeoman(woman) PO Coutts. Now there is a woman.!!  ;) As for the story lines man i need a good laugh! The one that got me was when Harm lands a Herc on the carrier. I know it was done once back in the 60's, I have a video of it i think. But come on!!
LOL.......they need to send them on my plane then !!!  lots of cute medics here too....dont forget them....non of them look like CB though  :'( but still....damned !

As far as the story line is concerned , the on that gets me is the one in afghanistan where the are in a minefield.....as an ex-cbt engineer i cant help but laugh !!
casca said:
Cathrine Bell is hot yes but i like the Yeoman(woman) PO Coutts. Now there is a woman.!!  ;) As for the story lines man i need a good laugh! The one that got me was when Harm lands a Herc on the carrier. I know it was done once back in the 60's, I have a video of it i think. But come on!!

In last week's episode Harm landed a damaged Space shuttle on Mount Rushmore. And Mac sued McDonalds for copyright infringment and slander, for Calling her BIG "Mac".....LOL
I have to agree with most of you in it is SOOOOO incredible ludicrous. However I am addicted.
I enjoyed the episode where Harm was investigating a F-14 accident. Apparently, an "ol friend" of Harm was getting carrier qualified and was killed when he rolled inverted after doing a touch and go.

Harm discovered that there was a defect with the F-14 recently upgraded Attitude Indicator (Artificial Horizon).  Everytime the aircraft experienced a jolt, the AI would "flip upside down." This caused the pilot to wrongfully believe he was inverted. Harm's friend was cleared of blame in the accident, and some sleazy pentagon contractor was arrested. Catherine Bell took a shower after running on the beach. Great episode!
One must  remember that its always hard to watch the TV/movie portrayal of something that you do for a living.
I can't help but cringe at the cinema portrayal of correctional officers. :-[
For me though I think the one I have never forgotten is in Die Hard 2 when Mr. Willis uses the ejection seat to go through the top of the C-130.....OUCH!
Bruce Monkhouse said:
One must   remember that its always hard to watch the TV/movie portrayal of something that you do for a living.
I can't help but cringe at the cinema portrayal of correctional officers. :-[

Hmm... You mean that correctional guards don't usually discover magically gifted large African American men, who with the touch of their hand can suck out the disease and negative energy and blow out the baddies in the form of flies?
The one episode I caught of that show had some woman using her phsycic powers to locate a downed fighterpilot, lost somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

I never watched it again.

But yes, CB is hot.
JAG is an amusing show, but most of the time the real comedy comes from when I start thinking "What if all CF personnel were as interesting as the JAG characters?"  ::)
The infantry could use a few Catherines, though  ;)
MY room could use a few dozen Catherines.....(did you hear that SANTA JESUS GOD and BUDHA) make it a wonderful chriskuanzahuanmas!