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The JAG TV show thread


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I watched an episode of JAG recently where an evil Russian ex-Soviet sub commander - egged on by an even more evil Islamic terrorist - were using an Iranian ex-Soviet submarine to attack a US carrier battle group in the Persian Gulf - one of the tactics was to settle on the bottom beside a sunken oil tanker thereby fooling the sonar. This of course was after being chased by a US nuclear sub in which the crafty evil Russian sub commander suddenly dove his boat straight down at the tanker (not marked on US charts you see) and then, pursued wildly and impetuously by the naive US sub commander, pulls up just above the wreck. The US sub, not realizing the wreck is there, pulls out just in time, and misses the wreck by inches, but still needs to do an emergency surface (they then cut to that classic sequence of the Poseidon Class sub breaking the surface like a porpoise which is run every time I see a documentary about modern subs). Who would have guessed that being a JAG lawyer would be that much fun? :D
mdh said:
I watched an episode of JAG recently where an evil Russian ex-Soviet sub commander - egged on by an even more evil Islamic terrorist - were using an Iranian ex-Soviet submarine to attack a US carrier battle group in the Persian Gulf - one of the tactics was to settle on the bottom beside a sunken oil tanker thereby fooling the sonar. This of course was after being chased by a US nuclear sub in which the crafty evil Russian sub commander suddenly dove his boat straight down at the tanker (not marked on US charts you see) and then, pursued wildly and impetuously by the naive US sub commander, pulls up just above the wreck. The US sub, not realizing the wreck is there, pulls out just in time, and misses the wreck by inches, but still needs to do an emergency surface (they then cut to that classic sequence of the Poseidon Class sub breaking the surface like a porpoise which is run every time I see a documentary about modern subs). Who would have guessed that being a JAG lawyer would be that much fun? :D

It is enough to make one weep...

JAG is to military operations as "Gilligan's Island" was to tour boat operators, as far as realism goes (IMHO)  
(Sorry if I have offended any Gilligan fans)
Tis better to laugh than cry, SeakingTacco. I love watching JAG when I need a good laugh. Of course, my favourite comedy of all  has to be The Hunt For Red October. Watching a 30,000 ton boomer accelerate like a sports car and out turn a torpedo cracks me up every time.  Wouldn't your life be a lot easier if the nukes charged around at 30 knots all the time?
As for that emergency full power surfacing, I get a good grin out every time I see it. It was necessary for first of class sea trials, but the USN sure didn't like the press finding out it took 18 months to repair the shock damage to the brand new billion dollar boat.
I must confess that I have become addicted to JAG despite the ludicrous story line. I suspect that I am not alone.   However, as a public affairs guy I will say that the show is a work of propagandistic genius for the US Navy. It must drive a whole lot of recruits to the service who want to wear cool uniforms, fly fighters, defend innocent ratings in courts martial, do the odd secret mission overseas and still have the coolest boss in the world (Admiral Chegwidden. Not sure I am warming up the new JAG marine guy but it's still early days.) Don't we all wish that we worked for an Admiral Chegwidden?

The closest we've come in Canada is Truth, Duty, Valour- not a bad show but lacks the glamour of JAG.
I watch JAG for 1 reason and 1 reason alone....


Let me modify my comments and say instead that you sir, are a genius for posting that jpeg! :salute:
Wait a minute..........

there's a Catherine Bell look-alike here at the nav school................thanks for the pic....now i wont be able to pay attention in class !!
hehe...i love being in the same school as the navs.......that trade is full of hotties !....students anyways......only one good looking instructor  :-[
Dang Infanteer.... Semper Fi indeed!  ;D

Its a Funny Show, but like any Fictional show, its just that. Fiction..

i WISH my job was as exciting as those JAG guys have got it....
Ms Bell is as hot as WP! Ouch!

Did you know she was born in London (UK) and her Mum is originally from the Middle East?    :o Iranian I do believe.

CB can speak fluent arabic.

Check her website out.

Cold beers,

mdh said:
I must confess that I have become addicted to JAG despite the ludicrous story line. I suspect that I am not alone.  However, as a public affairs guy I will say that the show is a work of propagandistic genius for the US Navy. It must drive a whole lot of recruits to the service who want to wear cool uniforms, fly fighters, defend innocent ratings in courts martial, do the odd secret mission overseas and still have the coolest boss in the world (Admiral Chegwidden. Not sure I am warming up the new JAG marine guy but it's still early days.) Don't we all wish that we worked for an Admiral Chegwidden?

The closest we've come in Canada is Truth, Duty, Valour- not a bad show but lacks the glamour of JAG.
Seconded, I am addicted to the show too.

As for Infanteer's pic... DAMN. I admit, that is one of the main reasons that I am adddicted.

Did anyone see the episode where Lt. Roberts loses his leg (I'm not sure if it is the same one as the sub with the sub carrying the dirty nuke)
Any show where one character can train with SEALs, Force Recon, Do HALO and HAHO jumps, fly any plane in the US inventory and then practice law on top of that is definitly a high quality story line..... ::)
I have been knowen to watch a few episodes, but did any of you know that catherine bell did some softcore work before hitting it big?? Also, the one with the sub race, and roberts loosing his leg is the same one. Though, they are all like 2 seasons old. If only I could be a JAG, and go to Afghanistan, and get my own jeep, and weapons, and drive around by myuslef, then when attacked, use my pistole instead of the M16 right beside me :threat:
foerestedwarrior said:
but did any of you know that catherine bell did some softcore work before hitting it big??

She was on an episode of 'Red Shoe Diaries' shown in the states on Showtime. The scene I remember was probably 5 or 6 minutes long and involved total nudity, but it was 'soft core'.'

She was indeed very beautiful but I'd bet that she's had some improvements since then  :o  That famous rack was noticeably smaller back then. Of course, what work she's had done was very good as they look wonderful today, not cartoonishly big or distorted in any way.

Given how beautiful she is it's still hard to stomach the 'ripped from the headline' storylines and the lives of adventure lived by these lawyers  ::)  Oh well, the wife watches for that ugly Canadian guy David James Elliot so I'll keep playing computer games and looking for Catherine out of the corner of my eye.
great picture...

cant get enough of TDV or jag....we use to watch it every lunch time when i was working down asu everyone would crack jokes about the fact that those guys get to have more fun then all of us.
If anyone wants the video of CB's softcore appearance, PM me and i will try to send it to you !!!  Or look for it on limewire....hehe
Even though I am a Huge Fan of CB and that show....oh ya JAG....I found myself drawn to that other US Navy show that wants to be like CSI....good for a few laughs. Of course no one is as good looking as CB, but the Goth lab tech isn't bad....in a weird way...lol

I always use to see re-reuns of JAG on TV but always thought it was a boring all talk show. But I actually watched one episode this past summer and now I watch it pretty regularly. Although sometimes it seems impossible how Rabb can be a JAG, fly F14's, and defend himself from attacks with his pistol while driving, keep an eye on the person who has repeatedly tried to kill him.

But I guess that's what keeps us watching...(that and Mac)


*First post!*