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The davidprogresso hijack - Re: The Matt Stopford Saga

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Listen up...Stopford was never poisoned...repeat never.

Superintendent Russ Grabb RCMP then Inspector heading the CF Senisitve Investigation Service, in Sept 1999, publicly challenged and contradicted the the CF
Provost Marshall...."the alleged poisoning did not cause Stopford's illness". See Ottawa Citizen Mike Blatchford 20 Sept 1999.

Toxicologists within 24 hours of the "false and misleading statement" by the CF Provost Marshall...Aug 1999 stated that..."if there had been enough boot polish,
battery acid, or naptha in his coffee to do him any harm, it would have tasted so bad he would not have drunk it".

If you want to talk about it email davidprogreso@hotmail.com
No, No.

If you feel you have valid information to back your "shocking" findings, I say present them here, for all of us to see.

No need for a tit for tit behind closed hotmail doors.


Toxicologists within 24 hours of the "false and misleading statement" by the CF Provost Marshall...Aug 1999 stated that..."if there had been enough boot polish,
battery acid, or naptha in his coffee to do him any harm, it would have tasted so bad he would not have drunk it".

And they know this because they've tried it themselves, right?
davidprogreso said:
Listen up...Stopford was never poisoned...repeat never.

Superintendent Russ Grabb RCMP then Inspector heading the CF Senisitve Investigation Service, in Sept 1999, publicly challenged and contradicted the the CF
Provost Marshall...."the alleged poisoning did not cause Stopford's illness". See Ottawa Citizen Mike Blatchford 20 Sept 1999.

Toxicologists within 24 hours of the "false and misleading statement" by the CF Provost Marshall...Aug 1999 stated that..."if there had been enough boot polish,
battery acid, or naptha in his coffee to do him any harm, it would have tasted so bad he would not have drunk it".

If you want to talk about it email davidprogreso@hotmail.com

Couple pedantic points...

1. Insp Grabb was the Officer Commanding the Sensitive Investigation Section within the National Investigation Service, as part of a two-year secondment from the RCMP.

2. One 'l' in Marshal, not two.
Greetings amigos...this is David Henry writing from the Yucatan Mexico.

Note for 48 Highlander wherever you are...I am not trying to hide anything.

Problem is, that all my information is in a HOTMAIL file and I don't know how to move it to army.ca.

Guess you will have to wait until more wizards arrive next month.

Two key references that are too big to post are:

"Osler's Web" pub Penquin 1997 for US Mil and Health Canada ref

"The Sand Beneath Our Feet" by Brig Gen retd Joe Sharpe RMC archives 2002

over to you. DH

ps a question...when did the CF start to diagnose people with PTSD?

Hope you're not trying to pass off WO Stopford's condition to PTSD
davidprogreso said:
if there had been enough boot polish,
battery acid, or naptha in his coffee to do him any harm, it would have tasted so bad he would not have drunk it".
I don't know, I hear some of that instant coffee from the IMPs is pretty bad
For those interested, Joe Sharpe's paper is available online:
[Joe is actually one of the "good guys" (for a retired Air Force guy anyway  ;) ), who has done some terrific work for the Ombudsman's office].

I'm not sure of Mr Progreso's intent, because that paper actually provides little in the way of supporting his statement. (Mind you [tangent alert] footnote 21 is a wonderfully implied slap at BGen Samson....who did more damage to the CF than is likely ever to be acknowledged  >:( ). Also, be aware that many of the online citations will be returned with  "HTTP Error 404 - Not Found" - - an inevitable shortcoming of the internet.

The reference to Osler's Web is equally puzzling. While apparently an interesting book, according to the Amazon.ca reviewers, it chronicles the scientific/medical/social evolution of C.F.I.D.S. (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). Its relevance to Stopford's case? B.T.F.O.M. (Beats the Fuck Outta Me)

Greetings Journeyman,

Thanks for posting the ref for "The Sand Beneath Our Feet".

Brig Gen retd Joe Sharpe is definitely one of the good guys in this scenario.

I will tell you more about that in the fullness of time.

Re "Osler's Web"...this is a very important piece of  the history.

Please would somebody out there borrow it from the Library and read it.

A book review on Amazon is inadequate.

over to you DH


We've heard your patter before:


You make empty suggestions of holding great secrets, but actually provide nothing.  What is your purpose here?


You ask what is my purpose? In short, to reveal the truth about the saga of Matt Stopford and the tragedy of the hundreds of sick and disabled
CF members whom Brig Gen retd Joe Sharpe states were "misdiagnosed and mistreated".

Sharpe's paper, "The Sand Beneath Our Feet" RMC archives 2002, is a very carefully worded expose of alleged medical malpractice on a grand scale.

To get the full picture you must read "Osler's Web".

Another important reference is a medical journal article by a British infectious diease specialist...Myalgic Encephalomyelitis...A Baffling Syndrome
With a Tragic Aftermath.  just google Ramsay me/cfs uk...should be easy to find.

NB Ramsay and other top Public Health and Infectious Disease specialists in USA and Canada have stated that ME/CFS is not caused by stress.

Also note that in cases where people are diagnosed late or misdiagnosed the outcome is usually permanent disability...or in some cases death by suicide.

And very important, note what Ramsay says about the impact on eye muscles.

Now a task for you...

When were CF members first diagnosed with Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and by year since 1990 how many PTSD cases were there?

over to you thank you David Henry

Tell you in fullness of time and other wonderful cliff hanging garbage

Sounds like drama queen stuff to me....attention is attention, no matter what kind.... heh  ::)
Greetings GEO,

I am most definitely NOT trying to pass off Matt Stopford's problem as PTSD.

But some very powerful interests would like everyone to think that PTSD is the problem.

The PTSD ruse surfaced in early 2002...front page Toronto Star..."CF Ombudsman blasts CF for bad treatment
of 3000 CF members diagnosed with PTSD"

I asked a neighbour...Vietnam combat vet, if he knew anything about PTSD. he said "a lot".

He then explained that he was in a group of about 100 "combat vets"..."no cooks no drivers no clerks)
that the US VA put through a PTSD program at the VA hospital in Bangor Maine in 1979.

this was the first ever of its type.

I asked...where you and the others physically unwell, lack of stamina, activity level less than 50% of normal,
joint and muscle pain, stomach problems?

He replied...no, we were just screwed up. Got sent into the jungle at 17-18, survived for 2 years.

And then we had trouble fitting back into society.

"we were strong as horses, just kindof social misfits"

more later, but get the CF diagnostic criteria for PTSD.

and as for the reader who resents being assigned a task...just don't do it!!!

All the members of the research group are volunteers!!!  over to you DH

davidprogreso said:
and as for the reader who resents being assigned a task...just don't do it!!!
I'm not a 'reader' on this site. I'm Staff. The funky purple thingie under people's names...that designates Staff. We work for the Owner. You don't task us, and you don't get mouthy when given Direction or Guidance.
Hola paracowboy,

Perhaps you could enlighten me further on the role of directing staff.

I am a humble campesino seeking enlightenment.

Does the purple colour that signifies "directing staff" indicate some kind of imperial status?

We must work this out over a pitcher of excellent margaritas some day!

Remember, only buy Tequilla that says "100% Agave Spirit" on the lable...good for arthritis.

cheers DH

I am a humble campesino seeking enlightenment.

Por favor lee aqui http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html  y tambien aqui http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/3616.0.html

Quando no sabe las reglas, no esta problemo de nuestro
Hola muskrat 89,

Good spanish...I speak it, but writing is a bit rough.

have just read all the rules...

Now I have a very serious question:

In order to tell the Matt Stopford Saga, and the story of the hundreds of  former CF members that Brig
Gen retdJoe Sharpe states were "misdiagnosed and mistreated", I will have to post complete
correspondence from two former Ministers of National Defence.

This includes a detailed reply by a CF Medical Officer.

This issue is "serious and sensitive". It is also a matter of public interest and public health.

Do you want to see this information before I post it?

over to you cheers DH

davidprogreso said:
I asked a neighbour...Vietnam combat vet, if he knew anything about PTSD. he said "a lot".

He then explained that he was in a group of about 100 "combat vets"..."no cooks no drivers no clerks)
that the US VA put through a PTSD program at the VA hospital in Bangor Maine in 1979.

this was the first ever of its type.

I asked...where you and the others physically unwell, lack of stamina, activity level less than 50% of normal,
joint and muscle pain, stomach problems?

He replied...no, we were just screwed up. Got sent into the jungle at 17-18, survived for 2 years.

And then we had trouble fitting back into society.

"we were strong as horses, just kindof social misfits"

more later, but get the CF diagnostic criteria for PTSD.
All the members of the research group are volunteers!!!   over to you DH

Well that says it all.

Your research, and reference has convinced me!

I am not suffering from PTSD, frig I am going to march right up to my doctor, Psychiatrist, and psychologist and let them have it!  You don't mind if I print your post and use that as evidence of their medical misgivings, do you?

I think you have a definite argument especially with the "my neighbour the Vietnam Vet said" criteria.....


the 48th regulator said:
Well that says it all.

Your research, and reference has convinced me!

I am not suffering from PTSD, frig I am going to march right up to my doctor, Psychiatrist, and psychologist and let them have it!  You don't mind if I print your post and use that as evidence of their medical misgivings, do you?

I think you have a definite argument especially with the "my neighbour the Vietnam Vet said" criteria.....


Marching right behind you 48th.


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