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The air cadet thread

Geeze.  This thread has gotten quite off topic.  Silly air cadets, always giving me a reason to lock things. ::)
My My! 5 CoC's in the last three years! My sister must have been WO for one of those  ;)
It won't happen.  They are still trying to fully implement cadet.net and Fortress, and that's been years! I'll keep looking for anything written down.

Unless they've already been working on it for a while now. I just want to see it on paper sometime soon.
Well... The captain of the first aid team is undecided  I just hope i get it.

                                      Go 848 Drill team
Well Yoman,

As promised, after looking into this new rank, i am just starting to hear some ramblings here in central region.  They are introducing a new rank at an attempt for better retention amongst the younger cadets.  Apparently studies have been done blah blah, and younger cadets want quick, accelerated progress (so LAC to FCpl will become "gimme" ranks), whereas the Sgt. and up rank will require more work and will have assigned, national requirements.  Yes, i am still in awe, personally i think "Flight Corporal" sounds kind of....odd but hey, what can you do and no i still have not seen anything on paper, so i guess you can still consider this unofficial info.

The level 1 program has been completely redesigned and they are trialing it with 2 units in Central Region (including mine), i am sure other levels are not far behind.  That's all i know for now, but i post any progress including how the new level 1 looks (if i can).


From what I understand the new level 1 program will be put into effect nation wide next Sept, with a re-write of basic coming up for summer 2008. Level 2 will be redone for Sept 2008, with level 2 courses summer 2009, etc.

Should be interesting. I may have to come back as a CI and see what its like.
They will also be cahnging some of the promotion requirements, that is, being able to be promoted more than once in a year.  as it stands right now, promotion to a rank requires that you have a certain amount of time in your current rank yet you can only be promoted once every training year.


How much of a change is there in the level 1 programme from what you have seen so fare?

They have officially cancelled the Photo Tech course and ATC has been renamed to Advanced Aviation Technology - Airport Operation Course. The course material is supposedly different too. Seems the changes are finally coming into affect.


We havn't received the package yet, but it is on the way.  Since, in level 1, you learn the rank structure, maybe it will have a picture of this new rank.


condor888000 said:
Should be interesting. I may have to come back as a CI and see what its like.

Like that's going to happen...  ;)

PViddy said:
We havn't received the package yet, but it is on the way.  Since, in level 1, you learn the rank structure, maybe it will have a picture of this new rank.

I gather your teaching the current recruits the old level 1 until the "package" arrives? It would be interesting seeing a change in curriculum on the go.
I gather your teaching the current recruits the old level 1 until the "package" arrives? It would be interesting seeing a change in curriculum on the go.

Ya, AFAIK they just want us to go through it first, not teach it, then forward our comments, things we would change etc. , like a book review.


I'm hearing rumours that they're phazing out CHAP...please tell me thats not true...
I used to be in the Air Cadets a very very very long time ago! hehe ( From 1983 to 1988 )
I was with the 314 SQN, located in Grand Falls, NB Canada. Final rank was WO 1st class.

I've had the chance to meet fellow Cadets from across Canada.
If you attended any summer courses at the AFB Greenwood, NS during those summers, I was there.

mandal said:
I'm hearing rumours that they're phazing out CHAP...please tell me thats not true...

Perhaps modified. I've heard a little bit of talk about that, but nothing concrete or precise.
Going to a local Remembrance Day parade, maybe two. Going to be doing the school Remembrance Day ceremony's also.

Wanted to go to the down-town ceremony's  but my unit doesn't do those.