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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drez
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I smoked weed like 3 or 4 days before I did my medical, and i've been taking whey protein for like 6 months now. But since have quit all drugs, and cut back alot on alcohol.

Got sworn in yesterday.

- Watson
Watson said:
I smoked weed like 3 or 4 days before I did my medical, and i've been taking whey protein for like 6 months now. But since have quit all drugs, and cut back alot on alcohol.

Got sworn in yesterday.

- Watson

So you obviously lied to the recruiter.... :-\
well i think he did because its a trick when they ask you to say if you smoked weed just dare just dare to put you smoked once and your out but they wont tell you, they will give you like an excuse that you failed your aptitude test, it happen to one guy i knew personally for me never smoked grass i always believed in the alcohol. A GOOD COLD BEER aaaaaaa ;D

Wolf  :cdn:
Wolfe said:
because its a trick when they ask you to say if you smoked weed just dare just dare to put you smoked once and your out but they wont tell you, they will give you like an excuse that you failed your aptitude test, it happen to one guy i knew
Wolf   :cdn:

Wrong, that's not the case at all and you shouldn't spread those false rumours. People will think if they smoked weed 10 years ago that it will keep them from getting in. This will implore them to either A) Lie and thereby falisify their documents or B) Completely discourage them from applying at all.
For those of you who are even pondering the idea of lying to your recruiter about past drug use, I have this to say to you. Sit down and take awhile to think about what you are doing. The recruiters refuse applications of recent drug users not because they don't like "druggies", but because they feel you could be a liability to the CF. I personally refuse to put my life in the hands of someone who could potentially have a flashback while in the heat of battle. Or even in training for that matter where live rounds are being practised with. So even if you think you can get away with lying to your recruiter, take into account that you may not only be putting yourself at risk, but also your fellow soldiers who's lives you are supposed to be protecting, not jeopardizing. I began my application process in 2004 and fessed up to using ecstacy in June of 2002. When the recruiter told me that there was a 3 year waiting period from the time you last used this substance, I was heartbroken. But I sucked it up and used that time to better myself for when the time came that I did get accepted. And now that time is here and I've never felt better. I've been selected for the Infantry trade and am going October 3rd to my BMQ. I have nothing to feel guilty about because I was completely honest during my application process. So if you want to lie to your recruiter and fake your way into the CF, than so be it. You'll pay the consequences later. I'm sure it is very difficult to defend your country and risk your life when you have no honour or pride, because you gave that up when you lied. Take this application process very seriously. You are beginning a new life by entering the CF. Why not start over and rid your life of lies and deception?
So if you want to lie to your recruiter and fake your way into the CF, than so be it. You'll pay the consequences later. I'm sure it is very difficult to defend your country and risk your life when you have no honour or pride, because you gave that up when you lied. Take this application process very seriously. You are beginning a new life by entering the CF.

I suggest that anybody who enters the CF shouldn't lie or like somebody said in another topic the recruiters will always finish by finding out what you lied about.

Wolf  :cdn:
oh yea I hate having flash backs from a doob. I must say those alcohol flashbacks are alot worse though... lmao
Watson said:
oh yea I hate having flash backs from a doob. I must say those alcohol flashbacks are alot worse though... lmao

;D Funny
When I went for my urine test i was on protein capsules, which is the same as whey protein but in pills. That was the time i had to take them for strength training (phys ed class). i dont know if it showed on the sample but i was pretty sure i was on protein that time and they said i passed the urine test no problem.
tang72 said:
When I went for my urine test i was on protein capsules, which is the same as whey protein but in pills.

  Protein pills eh?...  I am not familiar with those.  Would you care to elaborate about them, # of pills taken, how many times per day, etc.  Did they do anything else, such as aiding in protein synthesis or were they simply pills with protein in them?
I'm fairly sure you can take allot of protein. It is when you already have kidney damage that the protein escapes into the urine. So basically I think he failed because of kidney problems and not protein overdose.
Kal said:
   Protein pills eh?...   I am not familiar with those.   Would you care to elaborate about them, # of pills taken, how many times per day, etc.   Did they do anything else, such as aiding in protein synthesis or were they simply pills with protein in them?
They are pretty much just protein powder that come in capsules. They are called 2222 amino acids or something like that. They are quite big and would scare you for a second before you swallow it down. It also costs like $6 more than the regular protein powder, i chose capsules because i did not like the taste of the drinking powder at all, and it is very hard blend with your drink, not to mention it kills 10 min. of your time trying to mix. You take 2-3 pills a day and wait for 45 minutes before a workout or a meal.
Uhh you're getting ripped off. The body absorb the protein in a liquid form at a much better rate. And if it takes you 10 minutes to throw two scoops of powder, some milk, a banana and some peanut butter into a blender then I suggest you put your prosthetic arms back on.  ;D Try different powders, there are some really tasty ones out there. I use GNC Pro Performance Whey Iso Burst in either French Vanilla Cream or Chocolate Royale! MMMMM
Watson said:
oh yea I hate having flash backs from a doob. I must say those alcohol flashbacks are alot worse though... lmao

Although you may not have flashbacks from smoking a "doob", I'd love to see your response when a Sgt. gets in your face and the only thing you can say to him is "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wha? huh huh."

  As for the alcohol, DT's are not a funny thing...... but your career in the military will be!!!  ;)  :salute:

Jaxson said:
man this one time at band camp   ;D

   What'd you do? Ram a tuba up your ass? Hope I never share a barracks with you..... if so then "soap on a rope" is in order.   :salute:

NX Care ISO XP, chocolate, the stuff is awesome with milk, just make sure it's skim or else it's too thick.  I can't see that much protein coming out of a few small capsules, make the switch bro...
Try muscle milk ...vanilla...and a bannana, personally i love it.

pro lab NLARGE, owrks like a charm, Im a tall skinny ectomorph, but am starting to se esome minor results.you definetley feel them afte ronly a coupls days, give lots of energy etc.
