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St. Jean BMQ - Inspection photos

Not bad, That must be the green section. It was overbooked when I went. I had to stay in the blue sector. I had to have alot more stuff on the bed, but ever instructor is different. keep up the good work.

Cpl. Brown 1 RCHA
Yes it is in the green sector of the mega. BTW, you can hide double things in your personnal box I did it for all of the course but some day, during an inspection, my instructor opened it. He asked me why there was another soap in my pers. box and he slammed the soap on the wall. I could'nt resist so I started laughing at the attention position. I had to do 200 pushups for this but it was worth it. How could I keep from laughing anyways? ah good times!

Don't give up !



p.s : alexpb, you're definately crazy! ;)
I want get a digital camera to bring with me
. I'm going to BMQ on the 19th  8)

But whats so sick about liking pictures?! :P
alexpb....i am bringing my camera too brand new digital ....i am gonna take so many pictures of my inspections and everywhere....i am gonna look like a tourist...

...i wouldn't bring anything other than a disposable camera....a digi cam is just another thing to drag around and ends up being a burden, and you hardly get any time to take pictures anyways, thats just my 2 cents ::)
I agree with KID, stick with a disposable one.  Thats what most of the guys on my platoon brought with them.  There is also the possibility of the digital camera growing legs.
Point taken.
Disposables are good enough. Small, durable, quick snaps.
Cheap too (well, sometimes).
ab136 said:
In the picture of the shelf with the starch and Tide, what is in the container with the purple lid?   Also people refer to doubles of item.....where do you keep the doubles so they are not "discovered"?

Duct tape them to the ceiling, and hope the Sgt. doesn't look up.
spenco said:
I agree with KID, stick with a disposable one.   Thats what most of the guys on my platoon brought with them.   There is also the possibility of the digital camera growing legs.

All kit has the potential to grow legs.  :(
I would bring a digital camera if i owned one haha. I will end up bringing a disposable one because its cheap and it's not really a big deal if it got stolen.

Even though i'd still be pissed off  >:(
I am doing my final test PT for the reserves on the 11th. I am doing BMQ through a  co op all 2nd semester but this summer I am doing SQ and BIQ. I was wondering should I look at  a cheap digital camera, film cam, or disposable?
I was going to go into the reserves through co-op and have a component transfer into the Regular force, but I missed out on my co-op.
So... I signed up for the Regular Force in Hamilton, so I'll be sent to Meaford or Petawawa (either one, I don't know yet) for my BMQ.
I'm sticking with a disposable, just to be on the safe side. This way it's cheaper than a digital camera in case it gets "lost."
I was too originally signed up for a co-op with the Argylls in Hamilton....bu then decided to go for a full-time basic training during the summer, which is much better for learning, and for the experience, in my opinion. The full-time exposure to it all really does help.

Digital cams might be nice after basic, to store pics on the comp...but I found disposable cameras were much quicker, easier, and obviously cheaper, if something were to happen to it. It is a lot easier to just whip out the disposable and take a quick snap, rather than taking the time to concentrate on the digi...but if you DO bring a disposable, make sure you keep a close eye on it, some people have a tendancy to be immature and take pictures of....their....well you can figure it out. It didn't happen to me, but a few of my buddies had it happen to them -- then after basic when they go to get their film developed, they have a few surprise photos waiting for them...yuck!
I had a disposable camera all summer, I used to roll it up in a garbage bag and put it in the front pouch of my tac. vest to protect it from the elements, but one day my bug spray bottle exploded in the same pouch and somehow the bug juice made its way into the garbage bag....don't ask how...but it did. Anyways the pictures still turned out great although the camera was a little sticky and collected lots of sand, moral of the story: if you don't want a sticky/sandy digital camera then just bring a disposable, also another lesson, don't put bugspray in the front pouches of your tac vest ;)
A lesson well learned! I wouldn't want bug spray inside of my digital camera, or anything else for that matter. "This sandwich tastes kinda funky..."  ;D
WO. McWatt said:
wow. mature. ::)

There's nothing like being ''squared off'' by a cadet Warrant officer..........Lighten up Buddy, it was just a little humor, better get use to it if you're joining this outfit ;) ;)
