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So I'm on my way

Week 8 now.  I've got my weapons test on Monday, the 7.2k ruckmarch also, the drill test on wednesday, the topo test whenever, and there's probably more.  Should be a fun week; I know I can do the weapons test no problem, the drill test should be a joke and topo is the most obvious subject ever.  Ruckmarch...shouldn't be too bad even with my knees in the shape they're in.
As an update to the previous post, I had perfect drill on my weapons test.  My actual drill test, on the other hand, went horribly wrong.  I passed, but didn't score as well as I had hoped; the nerves got to me.

But now I'm starting week 12 on Monday.  Four more days in the field then I prep for grad.  I can't believe I'm so close.

I m a comm. rsch. done unclass. ql3 portion and working in Victoria right now. Just to give you few pointers. I see you are almost done with basic. There is a new ql3 scheduled for late august. it was rescheduled from apr. look into that once they ship you to PRETC. make sure you ask everyone and anyone in you b coy in PRETC about your course print out. If you are graduating soon u should be booked for aug. as they only had 9 students in apt. hence delayed.
secondly in this trade it does not matter what element you are, you will be doing a soldier qualification at an infantry trade, this is firstly army support trade. There are lots of 291ers my classmates that have different colored DEUs but had to do this. Your career is planed out till the end ouf your initial 4 yr contract. it is garanteed u wont be seeing a ship unless tasked out on EWAT during your security clearance wait, which has no relavance to you being OS. A lot of us from my class and classes after us were not even given a chance to pick an element, although I do understand that recruiters have to meet numbers, but your element DEU will not dictate your future postings in this trade. For it only takes 4 weeks for a 291 PTE to do a navy envr. course and to do navy work. it is the demand and supply of HQ...thats all.

best of luck. brash up on MATH, before you head to Kingston for sure!
Thanks for the reply!

Sorry for the late update, but I finished BMQ and have been on PRETC for 2 weeks.  I'm on for the Aug 25th course and it's now full so it should be good to go.

The only reason the element mattered to me, and I know this is sad, is because I don't want to be a seaman/po for the rest of my life.  Pathetic, yes, but it just irritates me.  Plus, I hate my NCD's.