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So far so good

Hey, Yeah I have had experience with the high cholesterol worry.

    My cholesterol level was 3.9, which was 0.3 above the normal range..

      I was a little worried about this, so I have changed my eating habits and have gone to a dietician to try and rectify the situation. However, no questions were asked by CFRC and they are scheduling me for ACS in march. Apparently they weren't too worried about it.

I don't think total cholesterol of 3.9 is high.  Do you mean LDL Cholesterol or where are you getting that number?  thanks.
  I can't remember the specific number right now, but from what I remember it was the overall cholesterol was 3.9, which was 0.3 above what I was told was normal. That put me in the "high normal" range.

    For my good and bad cholesterol levels, I can't remember exactly, but my bad cholesterol (LDL? I think) was slightly higher than what It was supposed to be.. around 0.15 higher or something.

  If I had the sheets I would look at them but I sent the only copies I had to trenton. Hope that helps.. sorry if I can't give you the exact numbers.
I'm going back a bit here but my File Manager just told me that March 20 is my ASC date. Just curious if anybody is going that week....
Do you have to do a Physical Test before they get you a time for ASC?  Because I have done everything except for the PT so far.  They told me they will get back to me with a time  for ASC, which should be in the coming weeks.  However I haven't done my physical yet??
  Hey all,

    I just received word that I am booked for march 6th-13th, which co-ordinates perfectly with my march break from university.
      Good luck to everyone! I need to start preparing!

    And to double0three, I believe you will have to fit the PT in before you would be able to go to trenton, as that is one of the requirements needed to complete the initial recruitment process. However, someone else may know more about this.


I believe you are right Zach, I can't see them spending the money for me to go to Trenton not knowing if I'm able to do a few pushups and situps or not :p

But glad to hear you got your ASC date, and less than a month away!  Hopefully I get in that same time slot or something similar.  Although I'm happy for you, you're still competition for me since we're both going pilot  >:D

OR they could just give us both the job and I would be OK with that too  :P
You don't have to do the physical test before you are sent to ACS you have to be medically fit.  If it so happens that you have done the physical before ACS then so be it as it is not a requirement.
Interesting!  Guess I thought wrong, you are a wealth of knowledge Mr Kincanucks!  How much would it cost to hire you for a few hours of questions?? :D
double0three said:
Interesting!  Guess I thought wrong, you are a wealth of knowledge Mr Kincanucks!  How much would it cost to hire you for a few hours of questions?? :D

You are welcome to PM me anytime.
well according to the lab my blood tests were good.  My cholesterol falls into the healthy level there hopefully that is all the CF is looking for.  Off to the specialist tomorrow for consultation and then hopefully medical clearance can soon follow.  I really want to get into asc before the spring pilot board.
Good for you; I hope it all works out for you.

I got my ASC date for about a month after I received a call from my File Manager. But I was scheduling for March which is really popluar with University students because of the break. Maybe yours will happen quicker...

PS- when exactly is the board meeting? This has been answered.
  I just got finished the simulator part of ACS. I met the requirements for pilot and navigator.

    I had to keep looking at the piece of paper to reassure myself I actually made it :) Very happy right now, to say the least.

    7/10 of us made pilot, and one other guy made navigator only. Myself and one other were the only ones who passed both.

        So I am off to Toronto tonight, good luck to everyone else who is heading to ACS soon - its a great experience!

        - Zach
Congrats Zach!!!! GOOD LUCK IN T.O!

I can't wait to go. I just found out today that I was conditionally accepted for April (provided I pass ASC)...
Thats great news, man. Just be confident and I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Just need to sit tight and hope for a call with an offer now, I think. Assuming my medicals are processed without incident :)

        - Zach
congrats Zach....what were the numbers like as far as previous flight experience?
Hmm conditional offer, I didn't know they did that.  That would certainly be nice!

Would put a lot more pressure on you when it comes time to do the simulator I would think though :p

I wonder what warrants a conditional offer????