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So excited to be applying...


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I'm new here and have been reading through the threads...I'm so glad to have found this site, what an excellent resource! Thank you.

I began talking with a recruiter in London this past winter and am finalizing all my paperwork to submit my application next week. I've been working towards my Bachelor's Degree through Athabasca University and am applying to the CEOTP with MARS as my first occupational choice.

I was going to post and ask some questions (I have so many of them). The recruiter I have been speaking with has been phenomenal and there is so much great information here, I decided just to post and introduce myself in the hopes of experiencing some of the camaraderie I've been reading throughout the forums. Other than my mother and the recruiter I've had no one to talk to (well, I ran the idea by one friend who is very supportive - but they're a friend and I didn't really expect any less ;) ).

I was 18 when I first spoke with a recruiter, got scared, and wasn't mature enough to make the commitment. Now that I've made the decision to move forward (22 years later :-[ - I'll let you do the math) I'm as excited as I am terrified. I've chosen the Navy because I am a mariner at heart - I love big blue water, working and being aboard ship. I didn’t consider the Air Force much. I think being a pilot would be neat but I don’t have the reflexes. Air Navigator could be a contender. I did consider the Army because I have the 'impression' it might take me more places and would provide the opportunity to interact more directly with other places and cultures which sounds romantic...but my heart really is at sea. And within the context of defining a career I think Navy is the best choice for me.

Does anyone have any experience (first hand or otherwise) being an older recruit and the obstacles (if any) that might be unique to being older at the time of enlisting? Regarding the obvious - I am single and do not have any children. I've been training for the physical test and at this point in time I am most concerned with the Step Test. Recently I've undergone medicals for the Coast Guard and all 'seems' to be good in this regard. I've also been reviewing for the Aptitude.

I've been hoping to have the opportunity to talk with someone who's 'career' Navy to give me the 'skinny' on life in the Forces (either set me straight or confirm my thoughts ;) ). Unfortunately, I think I previously held some negative stereotypical beliefs of military personnel and life in the military. As I've gotten older though and better understood what I value and what is important to me, I've come to realize that these same things are the foundation of the military. And I’ve been finding they are more and more rare to come by in private industry. Some people have the fortune to realize what the Forces have to offer at a young age – I didn’t. I figure though that I’m still young enough I’ve got a career left in me and believe I have something to contribute.

Sorry, I’ve rambled here. As I said, I haven’t had anyone to listen and I’m guessing there are a number of you here, if not most, that understand what I’m saying. I wish everyone else the greatest success in their pursuit of their dreams in the Forces and will keep you apprised of my progress throughout this process.

i can't give you much info considering i haven't even done BMOQ yet (leave august 16th) and im going army, however i thought i would just say congrats on finally applying, and from what ive read across the board your age is absolutely no problem at all. Zilch. There is a ton of info on "older" people going into the CF (trust me, i was never looking for it and yet always found it) It is just up to you to get physically prepared, like everyone, no matter what age. Anyways, info like that you'll find all over the forums. You'll probably also find tons of info on MARS and the navy in general. Anyways, good luck.
London, eh? I went through that recruiting centre in 1978, and look what happened to me...

Congrats VM on going to BMOQ! It doesn't appear that age is/will be a problem - from everything they've told me and what I've read. It does seem unusual though and as open as I am I do bring 'baggage' (oops, experience I mean  ;) ) with me. Are you transferring or just enlisting?

And Loachman, can't be all that bad...you've got 20 years into something I'm guessing you enjoy a whole lot considering you're still doing it! That's great to hear and I hope to be able to say that one day myself.  :D
WaveDancer said:
And Loachman, can't be all that bad...you've got 20 years into something I'm guessing you enjoy a whole lot considering you're still doing it! That's great to hear and I hope to be able to say that one day myself.  :D

Thirty-five, actually, including my reserve time - and going back into the Reg F.

And I didn't say that it was bad at all.

Were I able to be seventeen again, I'd do it all over again.

Have fun.
first of all congrats! secondly i joined up in recruitment London and one piece of advice is to check the progress of your file when you can, the personal at the recruitment center are very busy and sometimes it takes a real long time for them to call you. took me 6 months to get into the forces. Theres no problem with your age at all. As long as you ha determination and try to get in shape ahead of time there is no reason why you can't keep up. In fact the wisdom and maturity could come in real handy, not talking about being a father figure or such, rather life experience tend to teach you how to react to situations and deal with stress. Being 18 I observe this kind of thing, and being 18 we'll see where I end up eh

oh and you can pretty much find everything about the CF on this fourm. if you don't know some info, someone knows in this community. Best of luck!
Thanks lone bugler!

How long ago did you go through London? Are you in yet?

I'm taking the physical preparations very seriously and have begun training already - before my apps even in! I'm hoping my experience will help me.  I don't want to be sent home because I was short 1 pushup or something like that. If I'm successful in entering I'd like to be able to focus my attention and energies on things other than trying to makeup shortcomings in meeting the physical requirements.

I know when I first met with a recruiter when I was 18 I didn't have the maturity or the ability to make the commitment necessary to be successful in the Forces. I've now come to a place where I really feel I can give of myself to a larger cause and contribute in a positive way. And am so excited! Did I say I was excited?  ;)

It's just so great to hear positive stories from other applicants and recruits. And their excitement for the careers they're about to embark on.
Best of luck to you too!
Wave Dancer,
Get that application in ASAP, you can use the on line application. There is a Naval Operations (?) Assessment Board (NOAB) in late June and you may make it if you get rolling now. You will need to attend in order to get a MARS offer. London is busy but can process with speed if needed. PM we if you have questions.
Ok...apps in and I'm scheduled for my CPAT, Medical and Interview next week on the 11th. Whoohoo!

p.s. I'm nervous as s*@t. Hopefully I don't end up being sent home by noon  :-[