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SigOp Kit

Canadian Sig said:
wow. wore it everyday for 6 months in Afghanistan and used that pocket for a pen..lol

You knob,

I was at the same brief as you and they said that there!!!!

The wind might have been blowing and caused a whistle in that thick head of yours, lol.

Most of the reserves get it before the Regs ive been told...  iw as on SQ in meaford and kinda cranky that this fresh 3 week basic dude.... (dont get me started) already had his issued.... i have to say taht im jelous of some of the kit taht you reserves get... i wont see my vest im told till after i get posted. :crybaby:  oh god i hate the webbing.  the vest is so much more secure compared to the webbing.. which seems flimsy to me in contrast.
Peace said:
Most of the reserves get it before the Regs ive been told...   iw as on SQ in meaford and kinda cranky that this fresh 3 week basic dude.... (dont get me started) already had his issued.... i have to say taht im jelous of some of the kit taht you reserves get... i wont see my vest im told till after i get posted. :crybaby:   oh god i hate the webbing.   the vest is so much more secure compared to the webbing.. which seems flimsy to me in contrast.

You have also have to pass a spelling and grammar test to be issued the TV.  Be patient, you'll get it
Sig_Des said:
You have also have to pass a spelling and grammar test to be issued the TV.   Be patient, you'll get it
That will come in hand when the Duty O tries to read the logs you are keeping.   Spelling and Grammar, I mean.   A TV doesn't help much when you are in the CP scribing Radio Messages.
Well we have been told that we will not be recieving our TV until after we pass MOC and are posted to REG.

I have passed BMQ and SQ and the let down continues.  I still ahve to wear my 1962 webbing,  grr I wan the Guichi Kit. lol
Bull_STR said:
Well we have been told that we will not be recieving our TV until after we pass MOC and are posted to REG.

I have passed BMQ and SQ and the let down continues.   I still ahve to wear my 1962 webbing,   grr I wan the Guichi Kit. lol

I wore the webbing for 16 yrs, get over it newbie.  Wait until you actually need it before you complain.
If it works, don't b*tch about it. You'll get it in time. Only real reason to have the TV if you aren't anywhere is the LCF. (look-cool Factor).

Besides, it's a lot less expensive if you lose the webbing than if you lose the TV
I didn't see any bitching above.  Just somebody wanting to have the stuff that is newer and in some people's opinion, better than the old stuff.  Most of us do this.

:warstory: "I'll take my web gear over that new crap anyday.  I remember when my webbing an I were crawling through the mud in the Former Yugo.............."  Blah blah blah.  Keep the new stuff coming I say.  Anybody that wants to use the old stuff can pick my crap up at the Army surplus when I turn it in.

Sorry if I've offended any of you old timers.  Much respect - but respect goes both ways chaps.  :salute:

Bull_STR said:
Well we have been told that we will not be recieving our TV until after we pass MOC and are posted to REG.

It is not a letdown.   Stop bitching.   The system is now set up that you don't get your TV from Clothing Stores, but from your Regiment/Unit.   It is held in Unit Stores, not Base Supply.

Now...Does that make some sense to you?
What's the CF without a lil bitching - which I STILL haven't seen.  ::)

And I think this guy was likely fed some wrong info through the chain.  We all know that sometimes just to shut someone up, a supervisor, etc. will feed you a line that's BS just to get rid of you.  Fact of life in the uniform.  Don't hate the player - hate the game.  Give the guy a break already.


I started with the 54 patterned webbing, then the 84 patterned and now the TV.  We always look at new gear and want it but then complain it doesn't meet the level of the old stuff.  Human Nature.  We have to adjust to the new gear.  I remember getting the Cadpat and saying I will never get use to wearing this crap.  Here I am 4 yrs later and saw someone in RMC getting issued the old stuff and asked why they were still issuing that crap.  Another words, Cadpat grew on me and now I like the stuff.

Training is were most of the equipment is damaged and it makes sence to issue the stuff to the people who are deploying vise the guys training first.  It is also a means to ensure everyone carries it the same because no-one has figuared out better ways to use it yet.


I agree with you and if you look at the leadership manual it states (I am paraphrasing here folks):

The Canadian soldier loves to bitch, it is the leaders responsibility to determine if that bitching is good natured fun or a serious problem that needs dwelving into.

(under strengths of the Cdn Serviceman)
Ok Radop - I'm with you on this one.

Just think the youngins' are sometimes "cadpat with envy"  :P when they see someone else wearing the cool stuff.  Same as when a new vehicle comes into the system and all the young guys just NEED to get on the course.  I still remember when guys were dying to get their Bison crse upon our first posting to the Sqn.

I never really saw any of the complaining about not having the stuff as any problem.  Just a matter of guys A) not understanding that the military didn't go out and buy 50-60,000 of the things for immediate simultaneous issue to us all or B) not being properly informed of WHEN the item is required and issued as part of the individual's scale of issue.

What leadership manual are you speaking of may I ask?  I personally try to practice the right stuff rather than preaching/memorizing anything (Leadership Principles come to mind right off the bat) - but I love to read some of the info that we have been graced with in the CF.  I've learned 60% from experience, 30% from training, and 20% from research.  So I'd appreciate anything you'd have to share.

By the way - for those of you counting......I know those total 110%.  Hopefully you can figure out why.  ::)  (insert pat on back here)

It is out of Leadership Vol 1.  I know it is in Chapter 1 and I believe Para 7 but too many beers ago.  It is actually a good read for a PUB.
"Bitching"  Where is there Bitching in my statement?  You people are truley Military for sure. YOu read what you want to read in a statement and like an RMS clerk you loose the rest.

This is a discussion Forum I stated Facts there were no Bitching and like others that have read my post expressed there confusion reguarding your responses.

As for the Webgear it is Junk!  The buckles constantly are breaking the belts never fit right the shoulders are not made for all body types, which ends up causing premature back/neck pain.  These are just a few of the issues that helped the military in deciding to get rid of the kit.

Do I like the webbing, No Way it is JUNK and that style was around as far back as Korea.  But it does Burn me to see Reservists using the TV and we REG are to use the older gear.
Bull_STR said:
As for the Webgear it is Junk!   The buckles constantly are breaking the belts never fit right the shoulders are not made for all body types, which ends up causing premature back/neck pain.   These are just a few of the issues that helped the military in deciding to get rid of the kit.

Do I like the webbing, No Way it is JUNK and that style was around as far back as Korea.   But it does Burn me to see Reservists using the TV and we REG are to use the older gear.

I would have to agree man.  both on the body type issue and on the burn my bisquit over reservists getting kit fresh outa their 10 weekend basic or whatever.
Well Bull - you're on your own now.  I was with you on the fact that you weren't technically bitching before - but now your name may come back to haunt you, since all I read was "Bull".  Don't let the "Big R - Little R" issue cloud your thoughts.  Wait 10 years until you truly understand what the Reserves are to the Canadian Forces before you put your new combat boot in your mouth.  And if your ignorance of Reserves comes from your training/instructors - then I truly feel sorry for you. 

Reservists get their kit after basic if they go back to their home unit afterwards.  The Reserves doesn't exactly work the same as the Reg Force as they do summer training - not back to back like the Regs until you get posted to your unit.  Does that make any sense yet?  They are entitled to the kit BECAUSE they are at their unit even before they do their 3's in some cases.  Do your homework.  Hate to tell you this but the Army doesn't order 100,000 pieces of equipment and then make a big list of who gets what with EVERYTHING having to do with Reserves at the bottom.

Whenever you go to the table without the facts and start complaining about somebody else having something that you don't - you are bitching.  Perhaps someday you'll find yourself on a leadership course where you'll learn that a valuable trait in a leader is to support the decisions of your commanders, supervisors, and leaders.  If you can't do your job without questioning little things, you are in the wrong job.

Calling the web gear "junk" is a pretty lame remark.  Telling people here who could very well have more time in webbing than you have in uniform, that the piece of kit causes premature neck and back pain is pretty silly too.  The only pain I find in my neck lately is young people who think they have it ALL figured out.  ::)

Your comment about RMS clerks - also not on.  Pure ignorance.  Don't bother with making bold remarks around here that disrespects trades that aren't yours.  You are being watched - and your integrity is at stake.

Facts are - some of those Reservists will be wearing their TVs in operational theatre next year.  So sorry that you won't have yours to wear in the Gore Training area or on a march around base </sarcasm>.  It's not your job to decide who needs kit more than someone else.  That's why the Army has officers and supply techs who decide where the priorities are for new kit and it's distribution.  Keep with shining your boots and doing as your told.  Wait a few years when your cadpat is faded, you have a few ribbons, and some TI before you come in here telling us that you as a Regular Force Sig needs anything more than a Reservist.

I agree that this is a place of discussion - but take some constructive criticism the right way when some of the more senior members enlighten you...........I'm sure they may now after your last reply.


You have to understand a little bit where he is coming from in order to make such bold statements as you have.

1.   RMS Clerk statments comes from seven months of improper pay payments, which still arent fixed.   It also comes from the fact that the move request information was sent to our future posting three times and that in fact the Captain had to become involved to try to get the mess straightened out.   So as you can see the track record hasnt been great.

2.   He is not a younging although maybe to you he is.

3.   As he pointed out not all body types are the same.   During SQ training he was forced to wear a vest that was way way to small for his extremely large chest and shoulders and was told to put it on and not breathe during the exercise.

Sometimes you have to stop and think about why the person is making the posts that they do and try to understand the bigger picture.   A gently answer is all that is needed, not nasty and frankly rude comments, which would lead one to believe that you are anything but a nice person.