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Sgt Ernest Smith VC dead at 91

this int is from an official source...in print

think of a document that would be coded 135/05 had it yet been distributed...

keep your ears to the ground on this one...

On to-night's 11:00pm newscast Sandy Rinaldo announced that Sgt. Earnest "Smokey" Smith had been awarded the Vancouver Cross.

Is this a new decoration or is Sandy just a little confused or like the rest of her ilk she just doesn't give a darn.
I'm thinking that perhaps Sandy should lay off the glue for a little while.  >:(
The NCOs certainly called me up in a hurry, although I'm pretty useless with out a dress uniform.  I'll gladly show up for some GD, though.  :salute:
Blackdown Cadet Training Center held a memorial for this great soldier at our Battalion Parade yesterday. It included Last Post, a piper, the Canadian Flag was lowered to half mast and we had a minute of silence.

RIP to this great Canadian.
Thank you for my freedom, Smokey. Rest In Peace. You've certainly earned it.  :cdn:
Driving around Westlock AB today, something struck me as slightly "off".  Then it hit me; not one federal building had its flag at half-mast.  I went in and crapped all over the post office guys, and nobody answered the buzzer at the RCMP detatchment. I was LIVID  :rage:!  You couldn't throw a rock in this town without hitting a lowered flag after the unfortunate events in Mayerthorpe, including the Legion.  Smokey was a national treasure, and this blatant disrespect is unacceptable  >:(.

rant ends, just had to vent

Kat, from an email I got from the RMC CWO:
Death of Ernest (smoky) Smith, Victoria Cross winner 1914-2005

Flags will be at half mast today and will remain half-mast until sunrise
Friday, Aug 05, 2005
Not sure if this is Canada wide, but thats how it was in the little bubble that is RMC.
I was under the impression that traditionally, flags remain down until the memorial, or internment.  At the very least, they should stay down while lying in state......no?

Prime Minister Paul Martin has also ordered flags on Canadian government buildings lowered to half-mast during the day to honour Smith, who died last week at the age of 91.

As I said, I live in a bubble. lol. Not really sure how things are done in the real world.
Sorry to flog this old horse one more time, but I will anyway.  After Mayerthorpe, the flags here were lowered for almost 2 weeks... seems a tad uneven to me, is all

I remember watching the dramatization of what he did on TV some time ago and that really started my interest in military history. The more I learned, the more I wanted to serve...

Rest in peace, may angels guide you in...

Cheers Smokey
Big Foot said:
Kat, from an email I got from the RMC CWO:Not sure if this is Canada wide, but thats how it was in the little bubble that is RMC.

The Canadian Flag is to be half masted from sunrise to sunset today, 09 Aug 05.  See the link here for the complete order:

Thanks for the clarification, Haggis.  It still just doesn't seem enough to me, but I'll just grumble to myself.....

I just got back to work after going over to Parliament Hill to pay my respects to Smokey. There was a pretty good turnout, with probably 1500 military pers in line by the time I was leaving at 1100.

Unfortunately, my 'unit' appears to have not taken the CDS and DM's direction to heart
Therefore, CF personnel within reasonable military transport (buses, etc) commuting distance of these two locations will be expected to attend and pay their respects.
  and because many of them didn't 'feel' like wearing CFs, they didn't go...

Working at NDHQ can be pretty demoralizing.