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Sgt Ernest Smith VC dead at 91

Heard the sad news this morning. I never met Smokey but was fascinated with his stories and accomplishments. A true Canadian hero. RIP and thank You.
I heard on the news yesterday that Canadian flags on were to be lowered in honour of Sgt. Smith, but to my disappointment the only flag I saw lowered on my way in to work this morning was one on a local fire station.

For those who don't know about Smokey Smith, his is a story that is well worth finding out about.   When he was sent to London to be awarded his VC, they locked him in jail - protective custody - because of his reputation as a heck-raiser and didn't want any problems before he was to meet King George.   Another story I read was that he used to like messing with officers by going out of his way to walk past them so they had to salute him.   And if they didn't he would point to his ribbon and give them a reminder that they were supposed to salute him.

There is a great story on Smokey Smith in today's Ottawa Sun:


A sad day for Canada. :salute:

Rest in peace Sgt Smokey Smith.
My fav milblog posted an article about his passing but the comments by the readers are what really grabbed my attention.

A true soldiers soldier! :salute:
A hell raiser who was up and down the ranks a few times! ;D
We have truly lost one of the good ones.
RIP Smokey. :salute:
I too have the honour of meeting him once at a function many moons ago in Vancouver.  A part of our history is gone now but it is our torch to carry for all that follow.

Rest In Peace Smokey.

An outstanding soldier who I'll always look to as an example- He was someone with his own ideas about principles for leadership you will never read about in the leadership pams.

:salute: :cdn:
By the way, this was from the Canadian Press article that Tomahawk6 linked above:

"Try to do this as often as you can,'' said Smith, who used to kill enemy troops with a half-metre-long, Indian-style warclub bristling with nails.

Wow  :o

Can anyone confirm this or did the columnist make it up?
Just for the record, there is no way on Gods green earth would I EVER use the term "heck raiser", I used the more proper, less PC terminology. Censoring the word "hell" now! ???
Some details (including lying in state), in case you're interested or can attend if you're in the Ottawa area.


Tribute to Sgt. Ernest Alvia â Å“Smokeyâ ? Smith
August 4, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin today invited the public to pay their respects to Sgt. Ernest Alvia â Å“Smokeyâ ? Smith, whose remains will lie in the foyer of the House of Commons on Tuesday, August 9 between 10:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.

The public is also invited to sign one of the books of condolence that will be available in Ottawa in the foyer of the House of Commons and at the Canadian War Museum as well as in Vancouver at the Seaforth Armoury at 1650 Burrard Street, home to the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, Sgt. â Å“Smokeyâ ? Smith's regiment.

The books of condolence may be signed at any of these three locations on:

Friday, August 5 between 9:00 a.m. â “ 8:00 p.m. (local time)
Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August 7 between 9:00 a.m. â “ 6:00 p.m. (local time)
Monday, August 8 between 9:00 â “ 8:00 p.m. (local time) (6 p.m. at the Canadian War Museum)

The book of condolence in the House of Commons may also be signed on Tuesday, August 9.

Canadian flags will be lowered to half-mast on Tuesday on Canadian government buildings.

â Å“I look forward to joining fellow Canadians in paying this last tribute to Sgt. â Å“Smokeyâ ? Smith -- a great hero and man of honour,â ? said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister will personally sign the book of condolence on Tuesday.

The remains of Sgt. â Å“Smokeyâ ? Smith will also lie at his regiment on Friday, August 12 followed by a full military funeral in Vancouver on Saturday, August 13.
I am at a loss for words.......  :o

We'll raise a pint in Kabul.....

RIP Smokey    :salute:


I too, was privileged to meet Smoky.  This was at a few legion events over the years and his wife and he autographed a book for me at a convention.  I piped for him with a former P/M (A.D.) of the Seaforth and I am pleased to recount that this grand gentleman was moved to buy the two of us each a scotch!  He personally told me that he thought that a lot of what people said he had done was highly exaggerated, and that it would be extremely difficult for anyone to fire a PIAT from the hip as some accounts would have him doing. He also said that he wanted to help his friend and that he was angry at the Germans that were attacking.  He was a fine and humble gentleman and it was a shock to hear of his passing.

I was sent this copy of Smoky's citation, it is one heck of an account:


'In Italy on the night of 21st-22nd October 1944, a Canadian Infantry Brigade was ordered to establish a bridgehead across the Savio River. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada were selected as the spearhead of the attack, and in weather most unfavourable to the operation they crossed the river and captured their objective in spite of strong opposition from the enemy.

Torrential rain had caused the Savio River to rise six feet in five hours, and as the soft vertical banks made it impossible to bridge the river no tanks or anti-tank guns could be taken across the raging stream to the support of the rifle companies.

As the right forward company was consolidating its objective it was suddenly counter-attacked by a troop of three Mark V Panther tanks supported by two self-propelled guns and about thirty infantry and the situation appeared hopeless.

Under heavy fire from the approaching enemy tanks, Private Smith, showing great initiative and inspiring leadership, led his P.I.A.T. (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank gun) Group of two men across an open field to a position from which the P.I.A.T. could best be employed. Leaving one man on the weapon, Private Smith crossed the road with a companion and obtained another P.I.A.T. Almost immediately an enemy tank came down the road firing its machine-guns along the line of the ditches. Private Smith's comrade was wounded. At a range of thirty feet and having to expose himself to the full view of the enemy, Private Smith fired the P.I.A.T. and hit the tank, putting it out of action. Ten German infantry immediately jumped off the back of the tank and charged him with Schmeissers and grenades. Without hesitation Private Smith moved out on the road and with his Tommy gun at point-blank range, killed four Germans and drove the remainder back. Almost immediately another tank opened fire and more enemy infantry closed in on Smith's position. Obtaining some abandoned Tommy gun magazines from a ditch, he steadfastly held his position, protecting his comrade and fighting the enemy with his Tommy gun until they finally gave up and withdrew in disorder.

One tank and both self-propelled guns had been destroyed by this time, but yet another tank swept the area with fire from a longer range. Private Smith, still showing utter contempt for enemy fire, helped his wounded friend to cover and obtained medical aid for him behind a nearby building. He then returned to his position beside the road to await the possibility of a further enemy attack.

No further immediate attack developed, and as a result the battalion was able to consolidate the bridgehead position so vital to the success of the whole operation, which led to the capture of San Giorgio Di Cesena and a further advance to the Ronco River.

Thus, by the dogged determination, outstanding devotion to duty and superb gallantry of this private soldier, his comrades were so inspired that the bridgehead was held firm against all enemy attacks, pending the arrival of tanks and anti-tank guns some hours later.'

:cdn: :salute:
does anyone here know if it is his own regiment providing the honor guard or is going to be a mix of forces? hate to see his own regiment be excluded or something and have reg force soldiers doing when the seafor should be doing it for one of their own.
just curious
FormerHorseGuard said:
does anyone here know if it is his own regiment providing the honor guard or is going to be a mix of forces? hate to see his own regiment be excluded or something and have reg force soldiers doing when the seafor should be doing it for one of their own.
just curious

The Seaforths will be escorting Smokey to Ottawa, where he will lie in the foyer of the House of Commons on Tuesday. There will be a guard, obviously, and AFAIK that will be a Seaforth guard. On Wednesday, he will return to Vancouver, where he will lie in state until the funeral on Saturday. He will be brought from the Seaforth Armouries on Saturday to St. Andrew's and Wesley United Church downtown Vancouver (a few kms for those unfamiliar) for the funeral. He will be carried in or by a WW2 gun tractor to the church, escorted by a guard et al.

This is all from the Vancouver Sun (well, mostly). Here is one link...


and this from Thursday's Sun, but it's subscriber only on their site, so here's the text...

"a one-day lying in state...at the Seaforth Armoury...The following day...a "substantial funeral procession" consisting of official mourners and a military guard will proceed from the armoury across Burrard Bridge to St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church...Smith's coffin will be carried aboard a vintage Second World War gun tractor...A military flypast is also likely."
FormerHorseGuard said:
does anyone here know if it is his own regiment providing the honor guard or is going to be a mix of forces? hate to see his own regiment be excluded or something and have reg force soldiers doing when the seafor should be doing it for one of their own.
Rumour has it that 39 bde can't muster enough soldiers, so LFWA will send 250 pers from the IRU.
. . . and by "rumour", I mean the unqualified "facts" that came the same time as the WngO.
McG, when you say 41 Bde....do you mean 39? 41 Bde is Alberta...no? 39 is of course BC. Just seems strange...could you clarify? As well, what is the IRU?
The IRU is the unit on 8 - 12 hrs NTM for when Vancouver slides into the ocean, Winnipeg floods, the mountains burn, or the RCMP need additional muscle.  It is a rotating task in 1 CMBG.
....there will be two lying in state ceremonies.....
....09Aug05 @ Parliament Building Centre Block.....
....12Aug05 @ Seaforth Armouries, Vancouver.....

heads up as this will be slashed in a large fasion through the press this weekend, and expect losts of bustle Monday @ 0700.

:salute:Smokey :salute:...on guard for thee...
My understanding is the same as McG, 39 CBG do not have the manpower(certainly the Seaforths cannot do it) as if is the summer and the soldiers are all over Canada. They have a summer training company in Chilliwack but I think the decision has been made for them to continue training (this is about 1 week old as I am on leave).
