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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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Regarding this direct entry opportunity for SAR. I got the unofficial word from a ranking member regarding the prerequisite for the program. You need to have a Paramedic diploma from a credited school, and as posted previously only 2 will go on to QL5A.

Good luck

OK looking for info on the best trade ever?  Well I had just entered the trade.  Completed my Year of Training and am now posted to Gander NL.  I can tell you one thing for sure, You will never find a better trade.  In order to get in the trade, you have to be a corporal and MOC qualified.  However that is in the mist of changing for any civi to enter the trade.  But it is a trial run for now.  As for the fitness requirements, well it is not impossible.  If you want it bad enough you'll training for it.  Besides you can't be a fat lazy slob for the job.  The hardest part is the mental condition.  Your body will only do what the mine tells it to.  If you have question on the trade ask, I can not give you all the secrets on the Selection but I can give hint on training and how to prepare.
How do you like Gander so far?
I was planning to put it as one of my choices when I get selected. How big is the population there?
I heard that Gander is the best place to get experience is the SAR trade.

You seriously want to leave "paradise on earth" TB? ;D Just watch I will be sent to Gander..... >:(

Oh, by the way Rescue 38...Congrats on the new job. I am green with envy.

I truly agree, this is paradise on earth and I don't wanna leave it. But one day I'll get posted somewhere else so I can come back here in Comox later on.  :D
Can't wait until the ski season start at Mount Washington  ;D
I'm new to Army.ca, I hope I've placed this post in the right place.

I'm looking for anybody who is a SAR tech for information regartding the actual life you live once you are posted.

I've scoured this site for all the info possible and got a lot of answers to my questions but this is not.

I am seriously considering joining th CF as a Medic to then apply to become a SAR tech but have a wife and daughter. I read that you are on duty for 24hrs at a time, but have also read that you only do shift work. Which one is it?

Thanking those who respones in advance
Welcome to Army.ca,

We have a SARTech on these means, so you are in luck.

We will hopefully get this topic moved to the Airforce forum and KJ_Gully will address your questions at that time.

As a SAR Operator - I can address your one question about the shifts that we pull.  SAR is a 24/7 operation.  We maintain a quick response posture during working hours, Monday to Friday (8am-4pm). Weekends and weekday nights (4pm-8am) aircrew are on a pager response.  If you pull the day shift, you do not pull the night shift until after at least 10 hours of crew rest.

Mr. Gully will update my response to the specifics of the ST trade.
To members at 19 Wing CFB Comox,

Nice work in Port Alberni guys! Without knowing to many particulars, I would imagine that the survivors owe their lives to you. It's
very sad to hear that three lives didn't make it, but five others did and that is what the job is all about. -but I guess this is really all just in a day's work for you guys. Very impressive responce time.


It was very fortunate that the crash scene was within 30 mins flying time of the base.  The Buff spent zero time homing the crash site as they were already airborne and in contact with the Pilot before impact.

BZ to the boys back home.
Well, having just waded through this thread's many pages, here's some input from someone with several years of SAR time, albeit dated (I was on SAR Course 20 ['82], and left in '89). I assume KJ_Gully or Rescue 38 will correct/update comments as necessary.

As a generalization, the SAR courses weeded out most of the Air Force and Navy guys early on because they couldn't do the PT. Conversely, some Army guys tended to have a particularly difficult time during the Medical phase - - studying just wasn't their strong suit. Practice doing 10 overhand chinups AND applying yourself intellectually.

Someone said SAR Techs get no weapons training. We had .303s for arctic SAR (anti-polar bear)- - at the time 435 Sqn, flying out of Edmonton, was the only one with C-130s, so we had the entire arctic within our region. For south of the tree-line, we carried a Remington 870 12-gauge. If it's bear breeding season and there are cubs around, momma bear does not like people falling from the sky into her living room. And if the bears were hungry and got to the crash site first, you'd have to find where the bodies had been dragged off to. It was always a good idea to send the Team Member ahead, (as bait) while you stayed a bit behind...with the shotgun.

Yes, it IS a 24/7 job. And when the pager goes off, it's usually 2am....and snowing....and you have plans for the next day when your stand-by was scheduled to end.  But once your divorce is finalized, these aren't as much of a problem.

But over all, it IS the most awesome trade in the CF. Imagine.....getting paid to skydive, scuba dive, mountain-climb, and cut the clothes off of total strangers before sticking needles in them  ;D    But if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. 

And if you're selected to try-out and you're are not totally prepared, you're wasting a slot that someone who WAS prepared could have used. So don't waste the time of your instructors, other potential candidates, or yourself.

Regarding the civvies appling for SAR 2007 coarse. I was told that they already have 21 applicants for the 6 positions at prelim. I really didn't think they would get that many paramedics applying. All the mattress backs I know would have to hit the gym HARD to make it out of Jarvis Lake. Luck be with them.

-Don't mind me I'm just jealous >:(

Where'd you get that, Ryan? I'd be surprised if there were 21 all in for next years course.

kj_gully said:
Where'd you get that, Ryan? I'd be surprised if there were 21 all in for next years course.

No, I mean that the CF has 21 applicants for the 6 (than down to 2) direct entry method of applying. I was emailed this info from the CWO.

good for us, for sure, if only we could get that sort of response from within.  How is your application going?  hope to be working with you some day. Keep the faith.
How is your application going?-SLOWLY!!!!

There was some kind of hold up with my PLAR. I have been selected for my trade, and am hoping to get the April BMQ. At this rate I will be appyling to SAR when Im about 75. But darn it I will strap my walker to landing gear of the Buff.  ;D

Sad thing is the Buff will still be flying! Don't worry, there's room inside for another walker. stick it in the head with everything else.
forgive my ignorance,

Who (organization) runs RCC (victoria)? I know that many different organizations are dispatched and"coordinated" from there, but who is the governing body. On their website it says that Air power is run by DND.


dearryan said:
forgive my ignorance,

Who (organization) runs RCC (victoria)? I know that many different organizations are dispatched and"coordinated" from there, but who is the governing body. On their website it says that Air power is run by DND.



Forget it. Found the answer. Good old DND.