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SAR Tech

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FSgt_mandal said:
Acedemics? Like what?

Like medical, phisiology, aeromedical training.........its not all glory and jumping out of planes you know !! We had a SAR tech course come here for AMT and they stayed on my floor in the shacks and they were burried in books at night and those books had nothing to do with the AMT course they were on.
whew! Painful slogging through the reams of crap, misinformation, hero worship, and supposition. Listen, If you are serious about being a SARtech, first  join the military. Whatever trade appeals to you. Next, do really good in that trade. Take every course that's offered, ask for courses you know you will never get, and top a few of them. 3rd: Go overseas. If you can't get overseas on tour in whatever element you're in, do something to get some life experience and maturity, like get married, have kids, get divorced, go bankrupt and bounce back. LASTLY make sure you are in top notch shape. If you really have to worry about more than "tuning up" your fitness for sartech selection, then you probably haven't done any of the previous anyway, and you are destined to whatif for your whole career. We need people. Lots of motivated fit people. We have selected a female in the past, and there are more applying this year. If you think you are ready for this, message me, and I will be happy to give you the info you need, or will know who to talk to and get it for you. If you aren't even part way thru the list I've laid out, don't waste my time, or yours. Get to work, I'm waiting.
Oh, yeah, as of this year, Reseves can apply for selection. Once again, before you jump, read my last post. work your way through the list then apply.

kj_gully said:
Oh, yeah, as of this year, Reseves can apply for selection. Once again, before you jump, read my last post. work your way through the list then apply.

There you go...straight from the horse's mouth !

Gully.....SAR better than your previous MOCs ?
Gully.....SAR better than your previous MOCs ?
lol, I'm home on a teusday, nuff said!
PPCLI MCpl said:
Application to MOC 131 SAR Tech is done through the Continuing Occupational Transfer Program(COTP).  The prerequisite is 48 months service in a Regular Force trade and you must hold the minimum rank of Cpl.  If you are a higher rank and are selected for your QL5A, you lose your rank until you complete your first year when you are automatically promoted to MCpl.

I hope this Question makes sense.
What is the difference between  QL5 and  QL5A?
The terms are pretty much used interchangebly by most but QL5 is divided in 2

QL5A is the trade realted course
QL5B is the junior leadership course ( PLQ)
what are the requirements for the SAR training? mini rank? time? etc.
any SAR techs here?
A quick search yielded this.

A change from previous years is that members of the Primary Reserve can attend pre-selection as well.
Scuttlebutt in the SAR shop is that the MOC will be opening to direct entry applicants.  This, IMHO, is a big mistake.
Zoomie said:
Scuttlebutt in the SAR shop is that the MOC will be opening to direct entry applicants.   This, IMHO, is a big mistake.

Application for remuster could then take place before being in the CF for 4 years? Any indication as to when this is supposed to come into effect?
Relax, and do your time, Zombie! Lol. There is a trial tba, with certain well qualified pers (ie paramedic) off the street will be invited to selection, and possibly 2 would be selected in addition to the remusters. Your chances are better if you join, and it is still just a concept. i wouldn't steer you wrong!

to: gurus who maintain site

Please combine this with the SARTech thread in the Airforce forum. I think that will assist in reducing duplication.

Manimal, please see my posts in the Airforce Sartech thread.

kj_gully said:
Relax, and do your time, Zombie! Lol. There is a trial tba, with certain well qualified pers (ie paramedic) off the street will be invited to selection, and possibly 2 would be selected in addition to the remusters. Your chances are better if you join, and it is still just a concept. i wouldn't steer you wrong!


Haha, understood...going 043 all the way. Thanks for the reality check... :salute:
Hey there,

Yet another question regarding SAR.....How old is the average SAR tech????

Too old. on course the average age is 30ish, which probably makes the trade near 40. I hope we get some younger guys soon.