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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Quick question about the medical
will they only want my family doctors records if think something is wrong or do they want them irregardless, also why don't they ask you to bring them in when you go for the medical, because they asked me for my latest report from my optometrist.
And what does it mean "bring shorts" do they mean like PT shorts or boxers?
just some comfortable and flexible shorts, they need it because they may strip ya down for examination. So if you want to be wearing something, id bring a pair :p

Just some running shorts or anything.. just do not bring jean shorts or something like that. hehe
I brought shorts. It didn't matter, I still had to strip down.

They don't ask you to bring all of your medical records to the CFRC because A. Your medical may not be done by a medical doctor. and B. If you don't have anything previously or currently wrong with you, there is no need to go to your family doctor. You need your eye information so they can verify your Visual Acuity level. You will still get the standard eye test and the results of which will still be written down, but having the information there with you means you won't have to mail or come back later with a form to be filled out by your optometrist. If you have good vision already, then you don't need to go to an optometrist, unless you have glasses. In which case, they will want your visual information.
bms said:
I brought shorts. It didn't matter, I still had to strip down.

They don't ask you to bring all of your medical records to the CFRC because A. Your medical may not be done by a medical doctor. and B. If you don't have anything previously or currently wrong with you, there is no need to go to your family doctor. You need your eye information so they can verify your Visual Acuity level. You will still get the standard eye test and the results of which will still be written down, but having the information there with you means you won't have to mail or come back later with a form to be filled out by your optometrist. If you have good vision already, then you don't need to go to an optometrist, unless you have glasses. In which case, they will want your visual information.

Naked? I heard they only go to your undies if need be. Might of heard wrong though.

And I have glasses although they were mainly for reading overheads during school.. I never use them now, I will bring them but I hope I do not have to get junk from my optometrist just for that.

Also, for the Interview do you recommend fancying up a bit? I was planning to wear a dress shirt and jeans (not ultrabaggy of course). Would that work?
Marshall said:
Also, for the Interview do you recommend fancying up a bit? I was planning to wear a dress shirt and jeans (not ultrabaggy of course). Would that work?

I wore a black dress shirt with a black ziped pullover and a (modern) white tie with dress pants and shoes. I was in the middle of the range, as there were people there in suits, and one person saw fit to show up in jeans.

Don't be the person in jeans.
It is just to your undies.

I wore a long sleeve collared shirt with slacks and shoes. When I went in, I was the only one wearing a collared shirt, the only one not wearing jeans, and the only one not wearing sneakers. The funny thing is the Corporal that phoned me said "Wear a collared shirt and for the love of God don't wear jeans". But meh, I was also the only Regular Force applicant, and also the only one applying ROTP(there was a CIC applicant there).

I reccommend casual. Collared shirt and slacks with either sneakers or shoes, doesn't really matter. It looks nice and it's very comfortable, which is ideal due to the possible lengthy time at the CFRC and because you'll be more calm, collected, and confident if you are comfortable.
I wore a golf shirt, khakis and dress shoes when I went. The most dressed person was shirt and tie, and the least dressed person was hoodie and jeans, but the office staff told him to never wear that again when dealing with the military. I've also seen someone show up to my Area Support Unit for in clearance in a T-Shirt and jeans, and wow did the Sergeant ever chew him out for it haha.

Dress like a professional. You are trying to become an officer so if nothing else, start dressing like one.
Hm decisions decisions
Should I wear my School polo with khakis, or My dress shirt with my gray dress pants with the school senior tie.
The one time where going to a privet school pays off  :p
eh I am just going to wear black collar shirt and dress pants.. got some loafers around here somewhere.. that should do ^^

no ties though.. but at least it is not jeans
As long as you look clean, and presentable you should be fine. Ties are a nice touch but not necessary. It's simple, just make sure you look like you can actually dress yourself properly.

Focus and prepare for the part that counts, the interview. Know your trades; know why you want to join the CF; know what qualities will make you a good officer, etc.
derael said:
As long as you look clean, and presentable you should be fine. Ties are a nice touch but not necessary. It's simple, just make sure you look like you can actually dress yourself properly.

Focus and prepare for the part that counts, the interview. Know your trades; know why you want to join the CF; know what qualities will make you a good officer, etc.

I'll just hope everyone else there comes in jeans. ha.

As this being my first post, I would just like to say hello to all the members out there...My mane is Greg, I am from Newfoundland, about an hour west of stephenville.....I am also applying for ROTP 2009-10, and just had one question....

What career options do you have in the Navy with :
1) Arts (business) degree , and
2) Civil Eng. degree

I just got off the phone a while ago with CFRC Corner Brook, and forgot to ask the question to the Sgt. I talked to....

Greg H

I believe those answers are availible on the CF recuiting site. Check out the RMC flash video, it's in there.
hulan said:
As this being my first post, I would just like to say hello to all the members out there...My mane is Greg, I am from Newfoundland, about an hour west of stephenville.....I am also applying for ROTP 2009-10, and just had one question....

What career options do you have in the Navy with :
1) Arts (business) degree , and
2) Civil Eng. degree

I just got off the phone a while ago with CFRC Corner Brook, and forgot to ask the question to the Sgt. I talked to....

Greg H

While not 100% on its functionality, I believe the FLASH version of the www.forces.ca website has a inbuilt "What jobs you can do" option when you go to job cruiser or whatever it is now called. You can enter your education, degrees and such and it will tell you what you are qualified for.

Another question from me, directed to anyone who has done the officer processing already:

Do you wear your fancypants outfit to the CFAT and then to the medical (until he/she tells you to strip). Or do you put the outfit on AFTER the medical and before the interview.

hulan said:
As this being my first post, I would just like to say hello to all the members out there...My mane is Greg, I am from Newfoundland, about an hour west of stephenville.....I am also applying for ROTP 2009-10, and just had one question....

What career options do you have in the Navy with :
1) Arts (business) degree , and
2) Civil Eng. degree

I just got off the phone a while ago with CFRC Corner Brook, and forgot to ask the question to the Sgt. I talked to....

Greg H

Interesting. I live about an hour west of Stephenville.

In the Navy as an officer with a Buisness degree you can be:
- Maritime Surface and Sub-surface Officer(MARS)
- Logistics Officer
- Health Care Administration Officer
- Public Affairs

In the Navy as an officer with a Civil Engineering degree you can be:
- Maritime Surface and Sub-surface Officer(MARS)
- Logistics Officer
- Public Affairs
- Electrical and Mechanical Engineer

Good luck with the process. CFRC Corner Brook has a really great staff.

BMS, what part are you from....I am from St.David's myself......Thanks for the info guys/gals...

Greg H
Hi from Calgary!

Got my application in last week and did my CFAT, interview, and medical today; everything went well and the lieutenant said I have a very good chance of being selected to go to RMC.

See Y'all in August! hopefully...  :cdnsalute:
Congratulations Puffin. The Captain that interviewed me said the same thing.

What academic program and trades are you going for?
bms said:
Congratulations Puffin. The Captain that interviewed me said the same thing.

What academic program and trades are you going for?

Hello bms, I am taking Military and Strategic Studies, and my trades are infantry, armor, and artillery. You?  :)
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