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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I went through the application last year. The earlier the better for sure. Just make sure you have EVERYTHING done before the cutoff date. It might feel like you are doing everything three times (because you probably are). Just get it done, get your fitness up and I'll hopefully see you in St Jean.  :fifty:
Well, my references know me pretty well, so I really didn't need to give them anything besides tell them I wanted to be an officer, my trade choices, and my insitution of choice.

However, I would recommend it(each of references has know me for over 5 years... Basically a huge part of my life).
Did anyone actually put the other two civilian uni's as choices for your ROTP Questionnaire? I think ill just put RMC and say why.?
Well, you can put 3 university choices. I put 1(RMC).

However, for the essay, you write it about your #1 choice. whatever it might be.

By the way, when the acceptences start coming out and we know who is going where and such, maybe we should all get to know something about each other so we'll have atleast some idea of what to expect on the course candidate side of things. Just a thought.

Also, this Junior and Senior Admission status slightly confuses me...

I got Honours w/ Distinction (90%+ Average) in my Highschool but i have not attended any post secondary schools. So should which should i be applying to? Senior?
I'm somewhat dating myself, however, back in 2003 when I was accepted, i had an overall high school average of 87% with a strong extra-curricular background. Even though the recruiter had told me I would get senior applicant or nothing at all, that August I went to St. Jean for prep year. If RMC is what you have your sights set on, then apply for both. In my experience, I found that the whole prep year experience made things slightly easier for the transition from high school into a more regimented military lifestyle. That said, it's only my opinion.
i guess it depends all on your competition that year too?

I got that average, and ive worked for all of G12 and the end of G11. So thats good off-school work to consider... plus the other obvious stuff. So ill apply for Senior, if i get Junior... I could care less because id rather Junior then nothing -  for sure ^^

I'm applying for Arts most likely anyways.. and with my math marks (55 Adv in G11, 74 Academic + 77 Physics in G12 Nova Scotia.) i don't think they'd really want me in anything higher. Not that i could not do them, i just had no value of math. So i never took much care in it. (my loss) All my other grades were 85-95 area he-he.

Also, how many G12 courses do they use to determine your average? I heard it was 6 G12 courses that you have taken (presumably in either G11 or G12 if that was possible where u reside).  This true?

I'm still waiting for the "new" ROTP questionnaire that is apparently supposed to come out for this year... but I'm not sure what's actually going on with that.

I'll probably just hand in the rest of my application for now.
New Questionnaire? I cant see it, they would have it out now since people are applying. Someone called from the National Office or something along that lines and email'd me a ROTP Questionnaire, im mailing in that and a whack of the other forms tommorow or thursday so i wont be waiting for a 'new' one :P
Marshall said:
I'm applying for Arts most likely anyways.. and with my math marks (55 Adv in G11, 74 Academic + 77 Physics in G12 Nova Scotia.) i don't think they'd really want me in anything higher. Not that i could not do them, i just had no value of math. So i never took much care in it. (my loss) All my other grades were 85-95 area he-he.
I hope you're not under the impression that being in the Faculty of Arts, you won't be doing any math. Unless things have changed drastically since I was in first and second year (as well as prep year) you'll be taking math.
derael said:
Is it dated Oct 2007 at the top?


Big Foot said:
I hope you're not under the impression that being in the Faculty of Arts, you won't be doing any math. Unless things have changed drastically since I was in first and second year (as well as prep year) you'll be taking math.

Oh no no i realize id be taking math and thats fine. With the motivation to pass RMC id do more then needed in the classes. I just meant that in the way as they'd want exceptionally better math and science marks from someone going into like... chemical engineering at RMC. lol.
Marshall said:

Oh no no i realize id be taking math and thats fine. With the motivation to pass RMC id I'd do more then needed in the classes. I just meant that in the way as they'd want acceptionally exceptionally or substantially better math and science marks from someone going into like... chemical engineering at RMC. lol.
I'm not trying to be a jerk here, however, I'm trying to drive home the point that if you're looking to go into the arts stream, regardless of which university you choose, you'd best work on your spelling and grammar.
Big Foot said:
I'm not trying to be a jerk here, however, I'm trying to drive home the point that if you're looking to go into the arts stream, regardless of which university you choose, you'd best work on your spelling and grammar.

oh i rarely use commas and such online, computer lingo junk. When im doing anything official i make sure everything is proper. And the whole acceptionally thing i caught right afterwards and fixed. Wasnt going to let a word as badly as that pass me by :P thanks tho. Must be off now tho, thanks for all the help.
Here's a quotation from the Milnet.ca guidlines which can be found in the Administration portion of the forum:
You will not use excessive webspeak, or other shorthand styles of typing. Please use English or French to the best of your ability; this makes it easier for those who are not posting in their native language.
I know it's the internet but, as per the regulations of this board, I suggest that when you post here, you make use of proper spelling and punctuation. I've been guilty of not following this in the past but in the interests of everyone who reads these threads and the forum in general, I suggest you follow the guidlines.
Big Foot said:
Here's a quotation from the Milnet.ca guidlines which can be found in the Administration portion of the forum:I know it's the internet but, as per the regulations of this board, I suggest that when you post here, you make use of proper spelling and punctuation. I've been guilty of not following this in the past but in the interests of everyone who reads these threads and the forum in general, I suggest you follow the guidlines.

Oh i didn't realize it was forbidden here. I'll be more courteous in my future posts then. :P Thanks. (we better get on topic though, hehe)
I'm in arts and I've done zero math! Thank goodness that UBC doesn't have a math requirement in the faculty of arts anymore. ;) Just so you know Marshall, if they want to release yet another new ROTP questionnaire, they will do so when they feel like it. 5000 people could have applied already, and 5000 people would get sent a new copy to complete. I had to fill out a new one before my file could get sent to Borden for processing last year.
well if they send it out thats fine, i don't mind redoing it hehe
Just got a call from CFRC/D Corner Brook.

My CFAT, Medical, and Interview is on Tuesday, October 21. I have to be there 0800. It's a 2 hour drive(so, 0500 wake up, 0545 leave).

They did offer a hotel for Monday night, but I had to decline. The instructions I was given are: "...wear a collared shirt and no torn jeans or anything like that and take a pair of shorts for the medical, just incase." and "...take down your license plate number so we can reimburse you.".

So, I'm all set... I'll have good or bad news soon  ;)

You will be fine. CFAT is not too much of a problem, medical is easy if you prepared. The interview is where i will be sweating. hehe.

I still gotta send in my forms, my last reference is taking awhile to respond.

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