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ROTP 2011-2012

I feel left out that I only have my CFAT booked and not the medical and interview as well. lol
Well the only reason I have all mine booked on the same day is because I am coming from out of town. Initially the recruiter told me that I'd have to pass the CFAT and medical test before I could do the interview, so I couldn't book my interview. Then he realized I lived 9 hours away, so he put all my stuff in one day, but I still have to pass the CFAT in the morning before I can do the interview in the afternoon. I am assuming that is probably a similar case for everybody else that has all there tests and interview on one day. I may be wrong though. Don't feel left out nairna, feel glad you don't have to fly to your nearest CFRC.  :D
It's not a bad idea to be ready for the interview, just in case something changes. I know when I first applied I had my CFAT and medical scheduled for one day and then when I got there it turned out I was scheduled for my interview as well.
Gotta get up at 5:30 to get to the CFRC, but for the life of me, I can't fall asleep. :P
Ha yeah, I know the feeling. I am a little concerned because I have a 24 hour survival trip I am doing in the bushes on the weekend before my interview, and I am hoping I manage some decent rest, and then get fully rested before my interview. But I know that there probably won't be much sleep for me the night before either.
How did everything go for the people who were doing the CFAT, interview and medical? Well I hope?
Modified because I was being dumb.

Lesson stands though, Make abso-f*cking-lutely sure you meet the requirements before you apply.
Thousand said:
Oh, and make sure you do that BEFORE you spend the money on a $700 airplane ticket.

Hey, I spent 30 000$ on my way to get a Commercial Pilot Licence because 2 years ago a recruiter told me that the CF would not be hiring pilots for the next couple of years, whatever the entry program. I also started a civilian meteorology degree before I learned that ROTP never closed and that I was just unlucky to meet that recruiter when I applied for ROTP in 2008...

I can understand your disappointment...
I hope you'll keep on working hard toward your goal. Good luck.
That is unfortunate news Thousand, but don't give up. Keep the dream alive, from what I understand, it is well worth the wait. Out of curiosity, what math course is it that you didn't have?
MOTHforLife said:
Last year, there was no physical,

A "Physical" is a medical examination. There is one for recruiting.

A "physical fitness test" is self-explanatory and there isnt one as part of recruiting for the regular force.

Most of them, he said. The only one that counted towards it was Math 12.  He listed off Physics, Chem 11+12, Calculus, and something he called "advanced math" which I've never heard of. He said to take any math courses I can find, which is only Math 12 where I live, and even then, it's only every other year. So I don't know what to do. I tried correspondence before, but that didn't work for math. I'm going to go try to earn some money for those math courses, try it again and see what happens.

EDIT: Screw plumbing, I'm going after my dream.
"In addition to the general academic qualifications applicants for the Engineering programme must have completed high school university preparatory courses (normally Grade 12 or provincial equivalent) in the following subjects: English, Chemistry, Physics, and two Mathematics; Functions, and Calculus (if available within the provincial system)."

This is pulled off the RMC website for the academic prerequisites for Engineering applicants. Are you only missing the calculus and this mysterious "advanced math" or are you also missing the Physics 12 and Chem 12? If you are only missing the calculus, I would do some asking around, because it says that Calculus is a prerequisite, if available in the provincial system. This calculus option was obviously not available to you. I would ask about this, if you haven't already, to see if there is anyway you can work around it.

It makes my heart sink to hear this news, I could sense your enthusiasm for the ROTP program, and I put myself in your own shoes and I can't imagine. I encourage you to do whatever you need to in order to get those prerequisites though. This is your dream, you should do everything you can to follow through with it, or you may regret it in the future.

On a side note, plumbing is a great job to get into. But I still encourage you to go after your dream, even if it means making some big sacrifices now (ie moving from the Charlottes to go to school to obtain the prerequisites you need). I might even go far enough to suggest UNBC, I know a student from the Charlottes that goes here, and he loves it, and UNBC would give you all the courses you would need in order to have everything you need to get into engineering at RMC, or any school for that matter.
Hey Thousand, i'm from B.C. as well and as far as I know there is no "advanced math" other than calculus and math 12, unless you took applications of math 12 instead of principles of math 12?

My school also doesn't offer a lot of courses so I know how hard it is to get the courses that you need.

Also, did you think about doing an Arts degree at RMC, because there are lots good degrees and jobs you could get without the need to have this "advanced math" or sciences. All you need is English 12 and math 11 or 12 (principles or applications). Or maybe trying to apply as a junior applicant for the prep year at St.Jean, although I have no idea what courses you would need to get into the prep year.

Anyways good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I'm modifying this post, because I've been thinking and I figured that I only get one life and I'm going to do what I want to, and not give up. I'm going to give 'er 200% and get those courses done and accepted into ROTP.

While thinking, I had an idea, just got off the phone with my uncle, who I'm going to be staying with and go to school and take the courses there. Also, I found out that I can't go back to highschool, because I've graduated (even though I graduated 2 years early, and I just turned 17 last month :P) Anyways, I guess I'll have to dig into some more savings and get a tutor.

On an unrelated note, boy I'm glad I didn't blow all my money that down payment for a Camaro. Also, I'm glad to see the last few years of work come into play for something useful. Education > Everything. Now I know why my parents pushed me to work and save my money, and not spend it on iPods and cars and such. Camaro's can wait, degree's can't, and I can't. Besides, insurance would be too high anyways. ;D

I was a little discouraged earlier, but now I'm gonna WORK HARD to get those courses done and maybe if I work hard enough, I'll get them before Feb. If not, there's always next year. I'm going to get that place at RMC. I don't want to be a giver upper (my dad's words, not mine) and this is just a bump in the road. Or maybe a pothole that blew one of my tires. Anyways, I've put on a new tire, so to speak, and I WILL be going to ROTP. If not this year, next. See ya'll there! :salute:
That is certainly the sort of attitude you need to have! Good job! Your motivation and dedication to your dream will certainly show on your application and in your interview, when the time comes to do it all again. If you are only 17, you have tons of time. Don't sell yourself short, and do you best, and it will happen.

Also, what hockey2010 said is something worth considering. The Junior Applicant option is a great one, it would enable you to get the courses you need, while at RMC St Jean, and then after that you could feed into RMC, already with one year of military and post-secondary experience.

However, it sounds like you've got a plan with your uncle. What school will you be going to?
Apparently there's a continuing education school in Richmond, by the South Terminal of the airport.
Good luck Thousand!

And as for this "advanced math", I know that in Ontario, for grades 10 and 11, there is an Enhanced Math course. It's basically a pre-AP course for AP Calculus. Instead of the course code MPM2DI for grade 10 Academic math, it's MPM2DX. Maybe there's the same kind of thing in BC?
The only thing that I could think of that might be similar to that in BC would be honours math courses. But those are viewed in the same light as regular Math from what I know (in other words, no university in BC requires Math 12 Honours for any of its programs if you are from the BC school system). I am a little perturbed by this "advanced math" business also, being from BC myself. Although I took AP Calc and I have my first year of sciences under my belt, so I figure that would be advanced enough for them.
Thousand said:
I'm modifying this post, because I've been thinking and I figured that I only get one life and I'm going to do what I want to, and not give up. I'm going to bust my ***, go 200% and get those courses done and accepted into ROTP.

While thinking, I had an idea, just got off the phone with my uncle, who I'm going to be staying with and go to school and take the courses there. Also, I found out that I can't go back to highschool, because I've graduated (even though I graduated 2 years early, and I just turned 17 last month :P) Anyways, I guess I'll have to dig into some more savings and get a tutor.

On an unrelated note, boy I'm glad I didn't blow all my money that down payment for a Camaro. Also, I'm glad to see the last few years of work come into play for something useful. Education > Everything. Now I know why my parents pushed me to work and save my money, and not spend it on iPods and cars and such. Camaro's can wait, degree's can't, and I can't. Besides, insurance would be too high anyways. ;D

I was a little discouraged earlier, but now I'm gonna bust my mofoing *** to get those courses done and maybe if I work hard enough, I'll get them before Feb. If not, there's always next year. I'm gonna fu*king get that place at RMC. I don't want to be a giver upper (my dad's words, not mine) and this is just a bump in the road. Or maybe a pothole that blew one of my tires. Anyways, I've put on a new tire, so to speak, and I WILL be going to ROTP. If not this year, next. See ya'll there! :salute:

Adding in many *** and * in between words doesn't hide the words you mean to be saying.  Think of it like when you interview.  Just because the actual f word is innapropriate to say to a potential employer, you wouldn't say. "I effing want this job"    Just because you replaced the actual word with "effing" isn't going to make any less of a bad impression.  Just an observation since Recruiters do operate on Army.ca as well.