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Room and board while at BMQ

the Q&R is pretty hefty for sure, ANd the food isn't that great (it's not bad, but for $500 a month you could eat a lot better even eating out everynight in civiland).  My warning to anyone with mortgages and families is be prepared to NOT get anything more than the single person without any other expenses for quite some time.  They have a wonderful way of screwing people here.  There are atleast four of us in my platoon who are still having out Q&R deducted when we shouldn't be because of red tape that has nothing do do with us.  Personally I have been getting full deductions and my family is borrowing cash, missing mortgage payments and taking food donations at home because of it and I'm now going into week 10 and there's nothing I can do.  I doubt now I'll see the corrections before I graduate and move to my next posting.  SO BE WARNED
Sorry to bring an old topic, but I'm in the same situation. I'm single, but I pay a rent ($900/month) and all the bill that come with it (electricity, insurance, etc.) I don't think it's fair that because I don't have a wife to live here (and to probably pay half of the rent) that I have to pay ration at my BMQ.

And I have a lease, I can't say, well I don't pay anymore... I will check with my Recruiting center, but I hope they have something for a situation like mine, if not, I don't know how I will manage to pay all the bill with the DEO Officer pay.
Algae said:
Sorry to bring an old topic, but I'm in the same situation. I'm single, but I pay a rent ($900/month) and all the bill that come with it (electricity, insurance, etc.) I don't think it's fair that because I don't have a wife to live here (and to probably pay half of the rent) that I have to pay ration at my BMQ.

And I have a lease, I can't say, well I don't pay anymore... I will check with my Recruiting center, but I hope they have something for a situation like mine, if not, I don't know how I will manage to pay all the bill with the DEO Officer pay.

Rations = food, which is why you would be required to pay it if you are single.

As for the rent thing, can't answer that one.  Sorry.
I will contact my recruiting office, they are really good to sort out those thing. They are really easy to deal with.
If I'm not mistaken, they may pay you up to a certain amount to break your lease.  Otherwise, make sure you bring a copy of your lease with you.
You know what I love with the army so far, it's that everything is already planed. No mather what happend, they have a procedure for everything. I really love that.
Algae said:
You know what I love with the army so far, it's that everything is already planed. No mather what happend, they have a procedure for everything. I really love that.

Well, it only makes sense.  Why continue paying rent for a place that you're not going to move back to, in all likelihood?
Algae said:
Sorry to bring an old topic, but I'm in the same situation. I'm single, but I pay a rent ($900/month) and all the bill that come with it (electricity, insurance, etc.) I don't think it's fair that because I don't have a wife to live here (and to probably pay half of the rent) that I have to pay ration at my BMQ.

And I have a lease, I can't say, well I don't pay anymore... I will check with my Recruiting center, but I hope they have something for a situation like mine, if not, I don't know how I will manage to pay all the bill with the DEO Officer pay.


Here is what my recruiter told me, a few months ago:

Army helps you brake your lease, moves your furnitures/boxes into lockers (I don't know if this is the right word in English). You do pay for rations/room during your BMQ.
Once your get your "final" posting (that is after BMQ and all the courses you have to take related to your trade) and once you've found yourself a place to live, they deliver your personal belongings to your new address.

Depending where you do your BMQ, rations/room could go up to 600$/month.

All that being said, you did have the best attitude by saying you will contact your recruiter to find out about your questions.  :nod:

Not everyone has to pay for R & Q, remember.

If you maintain a residence, you don't pay quarters. 

If you have dependents (IAW the CF definition of the word) at that residence, you don't pay for rations as well.

Thats the basics of it.
Strike said:
Rations = food, which is why you would be required to pay it if you are single.

As for the rent thing, can't answer that one.  Sorry.

my mistake, i mis read

comment withdrawn
When I was on BMQ the first time, I got a tasking with the clerks of AWT ( Pat platoon) and I was talking to one of the Cpl., she told me that if I was still paying for my apartment, and had proof of it, I would get compensated for that.
Even for people that live with mom and dad, but pay rent, and continue paying it while on BMQ can get compensated from what she told me.

*Edited for mistakes
MP_Bound said:
actually, if you can prove to the CF that you are common law, or married, you are not required to pay for R&Q

this is the link

feel free to read it

...which wouldn't apply to someone who owns a home/rents and is single, which is what you will see Strike is talking about in what you quoted.
291Hopeful said:
When I was on BMQ the first time, I got a tasking with the clerks of AWT ( Pat platoon) and I was talking to one of the Cpl., she told me that if I was still paying for my apartment, and had proof of it, I would get compensated for that.
Even for people that live with mom and dad, but pay rent, and continue paying it while on BMQ can't get compensated from what she told me.

Usually you require an acceptable piece of documentation, such as a lease, to prove you maintain a residence.

And...technically it is the parents residence, right?  So Johny doesn't have his OWN residence, he is at home still.
291Hopeful said:
When I was on BMQ the first time, I got a tasking with the clerks of AWT ( Pat platoon) and I was talking to one of the Cpl., she told me that if I was still paying for my apartment, and had proof of it, I would get compensated for that.
Even for people that live with mom and dad, but pay rent, and continue paying it while on BMQ can get compensated from what she told me.

First off, you don't really get compensated, per se.  You would get free quarters at BMQ (and subsequent trades posting) and that's it.  They are not going to pay your rent.  I would imagine that they would expect you to quit that lease as soon as you're able as they are not going to give you free quarters forever, while you "maintain" a place that you will never live in again (owning a house is a whole different can of worms).  And if you pay rent to Mom and Dad, you had better have a lease.  Not just a note from Mommy.
Thanks for all the reply

For sure, in fact, the most expensive it's to be single. When I was with a girl friend, it's much less expensive since you share all expense.

I will ask my recruiting center, and I can provide my lease if needed, I have one, and all other expense if they want to know. (university loan, car payment, etc.)

But the ration are the most expensive, (like nearly $500/month) (currently I eat for like 200 to 300$/month). I try to make a budget, and if I have to pay for the ration, I won't be able to pay all my expense. Anyway, I will check all this with my recruiter, everytime I was wondering for something, they sort it out for me.

I'm only leaving on September 6, so I still have few months to get all my things ready, for now I focus on my physical training, that's the only thing I have power on right now. 1 thing at the time!
PMedMoe said:
First off, you don't really get compensated, per se.  You would get free quarters at BMQ (and subsequent trades posting) and that's it.  They are not going to pay your rent.  I would imagine that they would expect you to quit that lease as soon as you're able as they are not going to give you free quarters forever, while you "maintain" a place that you will never live in again (owning a house is a whole different can of worms).  And if you pay rent to Mom and Dad, you had better have a lease.  Not just a note from Mommy.

Yes, that is what I meant, I just couldn't find the words so I said compensated (frenchy :D). Thank you for clearing that up! As for the lease, I was told that a simple bank statement showing the money leaving one account  and going into another  (as long as all the information is on those statements) would be fine. (One of the recruits was in that exact situation)
291Hopeful said:
As for the lease, I was told that a simple bank statement showing the money leaving one account  and going into another  (as long as all the information is on those statements) would be fine. (One of the recruits was in that exact situation)

Really?  Well, IMHO they've certainly gotten slack, if that is indeed the case.  I was paying rent to my sister when I joined.  What's to stop a person from making a payment to someone simply to avoid paying for quarters?  Hell, it could even be going into the same person's other account.

Algae, sorry about the expenses, but that's the way it goes.  Hopefully you will find that they will help you break your lease, store your stuff and then you won't have to worry about the utility bills.
PMedMoe said:
Really?  Well, IMHO they've certainly gotten slack, if that is indeed the case.  I was paying rent to my sister when I joined.  What's to stop a person from making a payment to someone simply to avoid paying for quarters?  Hell, it could even be going into the same person's other account.

Funny I said the exact same thing!
291Hopeful said:
As for the lease, I was told that a simple bank statement showing the money leaving one account  and going into another  (as long as all the information is on those statements) would be fine. (One of the recruits was in that exact situation)

Told by who?  Another recruit? 

I am not an RMS Clerk, nor do I play one of TV but I'd be highly surprised if they let you use a bank statement.

Eye In The Sky said:
Told by who?  Another recruit? 

I am not an RMS Clerk, nor do I play one of TV but I'd be highly surprised if they let you use a bank statement.


No as I said in my previous post, I was on a tasking with the AWT clerks. So I was discussing this with one of the Cpls.
Only saying what she told me.