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Romeo Dallaire Speech In Kitchener

Dan Gerous

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On Friday at St. Jerome's College in Waterloo Romeo Dallaire gave teh best speech I have ever heard anywhere.   He spoke about his experiences in Rwanda and its relation to the world.   One of his key points was the question "Are all humans equal, or are some more human than others?"   Not that are some humans better, are some humans more human.   While in Rwanda representatives from other countries came to make a report on whether or not their home countries should send troops.   All said no because they don't care about the country, it has no political, military, or econmical value.   It doesn't matter that 800 000 men women and children were murdered in 100 days, no care of the human side.   Some even made ratios of peacekeepers killed to Rwandans and what was acceptable.   He had a couple stories that made me so proud to be a Canadian soldier.   One story he told was when a corpral leading a patrol through a village that had just been massacred and they came across a group of women that had been attacked with machetes but were still alive, though only just.   Now the corpral was faced with the choice of sending his men in to help, knowing that the AIDs rate was over 30% at the time, and maybe save one or two of them but have the possibility of having his men conract AIDs, or walk past saying "well they are going to die soon anyway so why bother."   Lt. Gen. Dallaire went around to his commanders from each nation there and asked what they would do in this situation.   23 of 26 said they would walk past.   The commanders from Senegal and Ghana said yes.   The corpral who was faced with the decision was Canadian.   But he couldn't make an order becasue when he turned around to give it all the troops had already gone forward to help.   Wow.    I think that I would help, I just think I can't watch someone innocent suffering.   I bought a copy of his book to get it signed and when I went to get it signed I told him that he made me proud to be a Canadian soldier.   He asked what unit I was in so I told him RHF and he said "ah yes, an excellent unit."   He asked if I was going away this weekend so I told him I was leaving for basic training soon.   He finished signing the book, then took my hand and while he was shaking it he said "You make me very proud too and give my compliments to your CO.   Best of luck at basic."   I said thank you and then just walked away in a trance.   WOW.   That made the night so much better.   But the speech was amazing.   Numerous times I felt a shiver just go through my body.   It was very moving and thought provoking.   I haven't put the book down yet.   That's why it took me so long to write this.   If any of you have a chance to see him talk at all, DO IT.   It was just amazing.   I can't put it any other way.   This was just some of the highlights.   There were so many other good parts.   But just go see him talk.

Its always good to hear a young soldier be proud of his unit and his service. Good for you that you understand the importance of the CF. Try to keep the faith, even though there are lots of thing to get discouraged about.

Just try and remember that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to people. Without good people the CF would be nothing!

Soldier on. :salute:

I met him last year at Crescent School in Toronto.  He was very encouraging and I told him I was honoured to meet him and that I was planning on joining the Regs and he wished me good luck and was delighted that my interest was with the CF.  I also told him I had written an essay on the Rwanda incident and he asked if he could have a copy. He's a great speaker and a very encouraging character.
I watched a few hours of his testimony at the war crimes trials for what happened in Rwanda. The man is quite the speaker, and quite the soldier given the conditions he had to work under.

Does anyone know where he is speaking or how to contact him to request he speak at an event.

Thanks for any info you can provide.
You can reach him through his publishing company. I don't know what it is off the top of my head since my book is at home, but you can find it at the front of the book. The publisher is in Toronto, that much I do remember.

I felt the exact same way you did after I went to his presentation at Calgary.  Unfortunately, I left my copy of his book at home  :crybaby:.  He is certainly a gifted speaker and he made me a damn proud Canadian too  :salute: :cdn:  :salute:.
I'm midway through the book now ( I'll post a review over in Mil Authors when I finish) and from what I've read so far I echo the sentiments here. Sounds like someone I would have been proud to serve under. I'm going to make an efort to catch him speak in person.
I have a lot of respec for Gen. Dallaire.  I've seen him speaking on TV a couple times.  I can't wait to read his book, it's next on my list.