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Returning Reservist and new Engineer!


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Hello all!
Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm returning to Reserve life after 21 years of absence (wow, time flies!) I was a Sig-op in the 80's and decided I wanted a challenge now so I chose Combat Engineer.
My CFAT is all done, as well as my medicals and interview. Just one more medical test hoop to jump through because I'm over 40 and that should be that. I'll be joining 31 FES here in Winnipeg and hopefully be in uniform by end of November if all goes well.
So I just wanted to say hi and that I'm VERY proud that I'll soon be serving as an Engineer.
Welcome to Army.ca, and congratulations on joining back up to the CF!

Thanks very much Beav!
It's been a long time coming but I think that this is one of the best decisions I've made. There is some initial trepidation of course, and since they seem to have lost my prior service record, I'll be starting at the bottom end of the totem pole. It's all good though I just miss the work and the family. It's not even the pay that interests me to be honest, I work for Manitoba Hydro and I'm well paid for what I do.
I think mostly, I miss the camaraderie and the feeling of belonging to a large, interconnected team. Where someone I've never met will watch my back and vice-versa with no questions asked.
Can you tell I'm looking forward to it?
Thanks Kevin.
I was under the impression that the 31st wasn't actually part of the Fort Garry Horse, but a separate entity under the Garry's leadership.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The only problem I'm having now is the snail's pace that the recruiting center moves at. Jeez Louise you'd think they'd want to at least reach half of their recruiting targets for the year. (as of right now they haven't hit the 25% mark for the year)
I haven't heard anything about the 31st since I've joined, but I have only been in for a few months. We are part of the Fort Garry Horse, epaulette (rank slip) say "FGH", called FGH engineers.

Now when that will change if ever I'm not sure, like I said I'm just starting out.
Welcome back!

I'm with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. Hope to see you soon!
Kevin_M said:
I haven't heard anything about the 31st since I've joined, but I have only been in for a few months. We are part of the Fort Garry Horse, epaulette (rank slip) say "FGH", called FGH engineers.

Now when that will change if ever I'm not sure, like I said I'm just starting out.

Kevin, thanks for the info. Nice to know.
OldSolduer said:
Welcome back!

I'm with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. Hope to see you soon!

Hey there. I took my BMT with the Rifles in 1980. Sgt Cox was our instructor. Good guy.
Looking forward to serving again.
Blacksmith said:
Kevin, thanks for the info. Nice to know.

Another interesting note, FGH engineers are the only combat engineers in Canada with black berets (armour). An interesting point.

Hopefully the recruiting process moves a bit faster for you. Looking forward to seeing you at the armoury.
Kevin_M said:
Another interesting note, FGH engineers are the only combat engineers in Canada with black berets (armour). An interesting point.

But then, the Elgins is the Engineer Regiment that currently has individual battle honours & a guidon (for as long as it remains in 1 piece)... They were black hats - but they aren,t any more ;)