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Reserves - Kit

That raises an interesting point, if everybody in the world just respected each other, than wars over ethnicity, class, rights, etc would not occur. LGen Dallaire‘s book mentions respect several times, and how the lack of it contributed to the problems UNAMIR faced in Rwanda - the lack of respect countries had for the mission itself, and the lack of respect between the RPF (rebels) and the RGF (gov‘t).

I‘ll have a good chance to learn more about the genocide, at a lecture by Major Beardsley at my armoury tommorow night

Wow, this thread has definitely strayed away from a simple kit list request.
That is an interesting point...however, I don‘t think it‘s that simple. There are deffinitely bad reasons for witholding respect...like you said, ethinicity and class are among them. Also race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. But in my opinion, there are also good reasons for not respecting someone. Why should I have any respect for someone who‘s lazy or has a poor attitude? I‘ll still respect their rights and freedoms as individuals, but that‘s about it. Or why respect a policy that‘s not working? If everyone respected every person and policy, both good and bad, the bad things would never get changed.

That doesn‘t mean that if you don‘t like a policy you shouldn‘t follow it, or if you don‘t respect an individual you should treat him like **** on a regular basis, it just means you have to work on changing it. Being harsh with recruits tends to change their attitudes and conduct, which is the point of doing it. I‘m not going to yell at a soldier who‘s lost my respect just to make myself feel better, I‘ll do it in order to motivate him to improve. Isn‘t that the idea behind discipline in the CF?
48th I understand where you are coming from with the respect thing. You are basically saying that just because I got signed up for the reserves isn‘t really good enough to have your full respect. I can kinda understand that.

But you did say, that you had respect for the recruits that come well prepared. I do not know a lot about how everything is run, as you‘ve seen from my mistake of "promoting" myself to private when I‘m really just a recruit. I also don‘t know how to do simple things like march properly, or form on the parade square etc. and I don‘t know the proper terms, or even all the details of the equipment that I will be using. That was part of the reason as to why I asked the question about the kit. At least if I had a general idea of what I was getting I wouldn‘t feel like such a dummy when they said things like "ruck sack" etc.

I want to be prepared as possible. I am getting sworn in tomorrow (thursday) so last thursday I dropped by the Armoury and sat and watched, and for some activities took part (dressed in my civilian clothes) just so that I wouldn‘t be clueless for my first official night. I wanted to get a grasp on how things worked, who I salute, how I salute and things like that.

It was just frustrating that I got flamed, for trying to get a head start.

Obviously this has been blown a bit out or proportion though and has strayed off on a few different tangents regarding what makes a good soldier. Everyone has their own opinions, and we have to respect that.

On a side note, 48Highlander did private message me and apologize for the way he came off in his post. I don‘t think that he meant to tear me a new *******, he was just frustrated with my "newbie" question that he‘s hear a million times. Understandable. Sometime‘s it‘s just better to turn the other cheek.

So anyways, like I said I‘m getting sworn in tomorrow and I‘m pretty excited about it. I get issued my kit so I‘ll know EXACTLY what I‘ll get! hahah perhaps I‘ll come and post a full list here for other curious recruits like myself!

Take care!
Let me know how the signing in goes, and good luck with your course.

When I said "prepared" I didn‘t mean knowledge wise. An instructors job is to teach you everything you need to know, so we don‘t expect you to know anything. Being prepared to me means having the right attitude, and if you‘re really as eager to learn as your posts make it seem then I don‘t think you‘ll have a problem with that at all. Even if one of your instructors gets annoyed at the questions you‘re asking (like I did) it‘s not something that‘ll make them lose respect for you. The only things that‘ll do that are a poor attitude, and gross incompetence, and it doesn‘t seem like you‘ll have a problem with either.
Munner, if you would take the time and effort to write down your kit (you should recieve a list of all the kit and all of the prices when you recieve your kit, they will make you sign for it, if they dont give a copy to you, ask for an extra copy...it can also come in handy if you lose something and want to know how much it costs), and post it here, I would be very grateful to you, and will put it in the recruiting faq. Wish you the best of luck...watch and learn, watch and learn. :)
Good god. What a mess of a thread...

Munner, here is an answer to your question. I am currently finishing up my BMQ, and this is what I recieved.

Combat Pants x2
Combat Shirt x2
Combat t-shirt x3
Combat Boots x2
Over-boots (rain gear) x1
Beret x1
Kevlar Hemlet x1
Combat Belt x1
Gerber (an all in one tool like a swiss army knife) x1
Wool socks x4
PT T-Shirt x2
PT Shorts x2
PT Joging pants x2
PT shoes x1
Webbing pieces (which they will show you how to put together)
C7 Mag pouch x2
C9 Mag pouch x1
Butt pack (for webbing) x1
Cantine pouch (for webbing) x1
KFS pouch (for webbing) x1
Bayonet pouch (for webbing) x1
Cantine (1 liter) x1
Cantine (2 liter) x1
Thurmas x1
Ruck Sack (it will come in pieces. You will learn to put it together)
Kit Bag (duffle Bag) x2
Barrack Box x1
Sleeping Bag x2
Ground sheet x1
Bivy Bag x1
Ranger blanket x1
Parka x1
4 Seasons jacket x1
Rain coat x1
Rain pants x1
Mucklucks (winter boots) x1
Leather combat gloves x1
Trigger gloves (winter) x1
White winter combats x1
White ruck sack cover-all x1
White helmit cover x1
Winter cammo thurmal sheet x1
Gas Mask/filter x1
Sewing kit x1
Cap Badge x1
Foot powder x1
Combat flashlight x1
Wind/Waterproof matches x1 pack
Cup x1
Plate x1

I‘m probably missing some stuff, so if anyone can please fill in the blanks. Hope this helps Munner, and good luck. You‘re going to have a blast on your BMQ!
Originally posted by Ghost778:
I think if the soldiers in iraq involved with the prisoner abuse investigation had respected the prisoners (enemy soldiers/suspects) they wouldnt have touched off an intertational incident and embarassed their country. A little respect goes a log way. [/qb]
Personally I‘d think that‘s just unprofessional behaviour and failure in leadership somewhere, but it‘s another topic. :)
Thank you Lost_Warrior for being the only one who stayed on topic and answered the question.


Sure your points are interesting, maybe go to off topic and share them, this is not the place to post them.
Hey Guys,

Well I just got back from being sworn in. Feels great!

However the supply tech wasn‘t there today, so I don‘t get issued my kit until next wed. or thur.

I‘ll check the list that was posted with what I get, and post any of the differences.

One freebie - Watch your tone.

Some of these go off on a tangent, nature of the beast.