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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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Hello everyone, I submitted my application for the the Primary Reserves and it's almost gone through, and I'm kind of feeling anxious as if I I should have went co-op. My recruiters seemed to like I was joining normally and I was also misleaded in my decision (someone told me that co-op applicants end up leaving/getting kicked out after high school and I foolishly believed them). I was wondering if I would be able to somehow go into co-op after my application was fully processed as I think I heard somewhere on this site and what the process would be, and I would also like to hear some personal opinions on Co-op vs. going in normally.
P.S. Just in case it matters im joining as an Artillery NCM. Thanks for your help in advance!
war2001v said:
I was wondering if I would be able to somehow go into co-op after my application was fully processed...
Short answer, no.  If you want to go co-op you need to apply under the co-op program.  If you want until you're fully processed you cannot change.

The next information is purely based on my own experience around those that have done co-op.  Most co-op students do not stay in the military any longer than normally their co-op time.  Those who do stay beyond co-op aren't hugely successful in future courses.  I'm sure there are individuals in the CAF who've done the co-op route that are very successful; but what I've found is that when co-op students have to go away to do their first "away from home" / overnight course it's a huge culture shock to them.  Most are not prepared for this culture shock and either fail off course or return home voluntarily.  Again I'm sure there are co-op students out there that have been successful, but the above is my experience to date.
Thank you for the response, it was really helpful! I'm just going to continue on with my application as normal since I find all the things about co-op way too confusing which I don't feel safe with. Thanks again!
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