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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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Hatchet Man said:
You do Basic Training (BMQ) and Soldier Qualification (SQ).  Recommend you search.

This is not accurate. Soldeir qualification turned into Basic Military Qualification-Land a few years back, and infantry no longer do BMQ-L. there would be no grounds for infantry pers to do that course.

What I'm certain of is you WILL do Basic Military Qualification. I will specualte that on top of that you will do Module 1 of the Developmental Period 1 Infantry course. DP1 Infantry is the basic trade course for the infantry trade. Mod 1 is all the different weapons, mod 2 is field and tactics stuff. Mod 1 would satisfy the amount of time left over in the co-op program, and there is nothing else to which a BMQ qualified infantry recruit can progress.

Someone else should be able to confirm, but I'd put a few beverages on being right on this one.
When did infantry reservists stop doing BMQ L? I have a few friends who did it for one month in the summer that just passed and then went on to do their DP1 the next month?
Brihard said:
What I'm certain of is you WILL do Basic Military Qualification. I will specualte that on top of that you will do Module 1 of the Developmental Period 1 Infantry course. DP1 Infantry is the basic trade course for the infantry trade. Mod 1 is all the different weapons, mod 2 is field and tactics stuff. Mod 1 would satisfy the amount of time left over in the co-op program, and there is nothing else to which a BMQ qualified infantry recruit can progress.

Someone else should be able to confirm, but I'd put a few beverages on being right on this one.

Thank you for the info! Hope everything goes smooth for me in the program.
Brihard said:
This is not accurate. Soldeir qualification turned into Basic Military Qualification-Land a few years back, and infantry no longer do BMQ-L. there would be no grounds for infantry pers to do that course.

What I'm certain of is you WILL do Basic Military Qualification. I will specualte that on top of that you will do Module 1 of the Developmental Period 1 Infantry course. DP1 Infantry is the basic trade course for the infantry trade. Mod 1 is all the different weapons, mod 2 is field and tactics stuff. Mod 1 would satisfy the amount of time left over in the co-op program, and there is nothing else to which a BMQ qualified infantry recruit can progress.

Someone else should be able to confirm, but I'd put a few beverages on being right on this one.

:P  Too many changes to keep up with.  It will always be QL2 and QL3 for me.
Would joining this co-op help in my ROTP application or should I get a part time job and join cadets?
C.G.R said:
When did infantry reservists stop doing BMQ L? I have a few friends who did it for one month in the summer that just passed and then went on to do their DP1 the next month?

It's changed this year. Last summer was the last one where infantry do BMQ-L. DP1 is now two months, with two mods.

The short version of what you will learn?

You'll learn to walk. (Drill)

You'll learn to talk. (Military ranks, forms of address etc)

You'll learn to dress yourself. (Uniforms etc)

Eagle Eye said:
Hope everything goes smooth for me in the program.

If it does, then several people are not doing their jobs.
Sorry but in my experience, cadets will not be helpful to you in the Canadian Forces. Do it if you want to do it, not if you think it will help you in any way. On the contrary, do not volunteer the fact that you have cadets experience, because your MC will make your life hell during basic, and you will instantly alienate the non-cadets on the course.
Bowser said:
Sorry but in my experience, cadets will not be helpful to you in the Canadian Forces. Do it if you want to do it, not if you think it will help you in any way. On the contrary, do not volunteer the fact that you have cadets experience, because your MC will make your life hell during basic, and you will instantly alienate the non-cadets on the course.

1. What experience? If you've been honest in your profile and your previous posts, you don't actually have any. The person whose post you quoted, conversely, has more than twice as much time in the military as you've been alive.

2. What the heck is an 'MC'? Is it Hammer time already?

3. Volunteering that you have cadets experience in no way automatically 'alienates' anybody. It will only be a problem if you're a douche about it.

You don't have a clue about the experience of a person on BMQ- former cadet or otherwise. Do not pretend that you do; on this site you are surrounded by people with decades of real military experience in every capacity. You will find that alienation *will* result if you pretend to knowledge or experience you don't actually possess, and force those of us who do to call you on it. Consider this one a freebie.

Milnet.ca Staff
There will be an Army Coop running this year.

One is held out of Georgetown for Infantry Peel and Halton Regiments (Lorne Scots and Toronto Scottish Reg) the other is out of Toronto for Combat Engineer and Artillery (location has not been confirmed but it will be in Toronto).

If you are interested in this course you can contact your guidance councellor or your local reserve recruiter.

You can also send me a personal message and I'll direct you as needed.
Anyone know the application deadline for co-op this year. I really want to get in but I have to get one more credit to be able to. I'm talking about the second semester 4 credit program. Also how competitive is the process. I know I'll be in good shape for the fitness test just would like some more info. My school is lacking.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but, does anyone know if any of the reserve units, specifically army res units, in the Halifax area offer co-op placements?
MP, i would suggest sitting down with your schools guidance dept. and talk to them, they could likely find out if it does exist, if not have you thought about Cadets?
I want to join the Canadian forces Co op program for high school students, but I am having troubles finding one in my area. I live in the lower main land of British Columbia. Is there this program in my general area? If so where could I find more information about it?
Matthew.p said:
I want to join the Canadian forces Co op program for high school students, but I am having troubles finding one in my area. I live in the lower main land of British Columbia. Is there this program in my general area? If so where could I find more information about it?

Your best bet is to check with one of the local reserve units. Where in LMD are you?
Matthew.p said:
I want to join the Canadian forces Co op program for high school students, but I am having troubles finding one in my area. I live in the lower main land of British Columbia. Is there this program in my general area? If so where could I find more information about it?

Another option would be to speak with your school's co-op teacher or guidance consellor.
I have gone through this thread and looked through other related ones as well but was unable to find an answer for this question:

Is a university student majoring in engineering [or any major for that matter] able to do their co-op term(s) with the CAF?

I am aware that ROTP candidates are mandated to do this as they are members [I see that's not the case anymore] but can this be done as a civilian?
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