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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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I agree. I know provincial education programs must approve co-ops. I was observing a door is now ajar for those interested in the Naval Reserve. I should have added, "There is no harm in asking the CFRC and you school co-op coordinator if it is a possibility for a co-op with the local NRD."  There are numerous posts making it clear how and where co-ops for the army, it is refreshing to hear one is available in one location for the navy.
This is interesting, any idea how this will be run exactly at the NRDs?
I do not know how it will work in the NRDs....yet. I will be inquiring at my NRD as I tended to be asked lots of questions regarding Naval Reserve and recruiting. Hopefully, this program will expand within the NR. When I learn more, I will post it.
  I know that this may have been answered before, but I was unable to find an answer though the form's search bar. I just applied for the Army Co-op though my school last week and would like to know if they're any more forms, letters, etc. that I would need to have/ send in for the Co-op since my school hasn't really said anything along those lines.

  I've also read that the Co-op counts as your BMQ, so does that mean that after you graduate from the program, you're eligable to stay with the regiment as a reservist?   
I can't answer the fist part of your question since I don't know how the co-op application process works. However I can tell you that once you are done the co-op (BMQ and BMQ(L) you can stay in if you like and do your DP1 and become a badged member of the unit, or you can leave.
Even if you apply through the co-op program, you're still technically applying in the same manner as everyone else, so that means you still have to fill out the back check references, the application, etc. If you completely filled out the joining folder and handed it to your co-op teacher / school recruiter you should be fine. But if you're in doubt ask one of them.
Thanks for your responses.
JohnTBay said:
...fill out the back check references, the application, etc. If you completely filled out the joining folder...
When would I have to fill out those forms and hand them in? Cause all I got to fill out for the Co-op was a small couple page yellow form. Also, where do you get the joining folder?    :army:
well, i'm in the co-op this year in my town, and  at the start of semester 1 they gave us our booklets to fill in.   

and John Tbay, I pm'd you a while back, just to let you know I got in fine. aha
Accepting CO-OP applications is done for this year. It started at the begining of second semester. You can wait and apply for next year. I heard that Toronto may be running a CO-OP in September AND February.
I just got back from the local recruiting centre in Toronto to hand in my Co-op application papers, all went well, and I was sent to the back to book a day for my PT,Medical,CFAT,and Interview. I got it all in one day, which is convenient, but I am reall nervous. Starts off with the CFAT at 8:00 a.m, Medical at 11:00 a.m, PT at 1:30 p.m, and the Interview any time between each. I was wondering what I could expect for each of thse tests, and what kind of questions do you guys think the Lt. will ask during the Interview?  Alot of questions, I know, I'm just really nervous. It doesn't help that I have to do good on the CFAT considering a fail would send me home right in the morning. Any tips? Hope I get through the day without problems. :)
THe Co-op interview will take about 15 minutes. It's more to confirm the info in your file and to make sure you understand what it is to be in the CF. Don't sweat the interview and don't BS. Concentrate on the CFAT. There are more than enough threads on here for you to look at on CFAT.
Oh, alright. I've been doing some sample aptitude tests online, but I've been reading on this site that those are nothing compared to the CFAT. Would getting an ASVAB book help me much more? Even though its geared toward the american military? I guess it wouldn't really matter right?
The ASVAB tests different subjects.  I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to practice the math and english portions of the ASVAB, but not the rest of it.  I don't think theres spatial testing on the ASVAB, so that may be something to practice to, look online.  The CFAT really isn't too difficult, I'm sure theres more then emough free websites for you to practice your, etc don't need to buy a book IMO.
If you go on line and punch in "IQ Test" or "Aptitude Test" you should find a lot of different tests. You can go to chapters and spend $30-$40 on a book on aptitude tests. It depends on how much you think you need to study or how badly you want in. In my experience for CO-OP 50% failed the CFAT and of the remaining 50% half of them failed the PT test.

Again it's up to you and how badly you want it.
I ordered a book off chapters called "Test And Assess Your Iq: Numerical, Verbal And Spatial Aptitude Tests". Probably the best book I found. I guess it'll help me and prepare me a bit more for my CFAT in the upcoming days, so I guess it's worth it. Just wondering, any of you guys use books to help you prepare? Or did you just do alot of those IQ tests online?
When I was working in the RC in Toronto I had to counsel a young person because they were unsuccessful on the CFAT. THey scored so low they didn't qualify for anything. I told them the same thing I told you, internet and chapters. They came back 6 months later and told me they bought a book (forget which one) at chapters and did everything they could on line. They rewrote and not only passed but scored high enough to qualify for everything except AEC.

Does everyone who prepares pass? I don't know but I do know that if you don't your chances of not being successful are greatly increased.
2 more days for my CFAT,PT,MT, and Interview. Getting more and more nervous as the day approaches.
Passed everything!! So damn excited :) :D :D Still not guarantee'd position for co-op, still have to call my references,but im glad I got everything done with :)
How did you guys feel when you passed everything?

Just wondering, if your recruiter tells you he is going to call your 5 references in 1-2 weeks, but 2 of your references just went to portugal on vacation, would that be a really big problem? (I hope to God not..)
Hey there. currently I am applying to be in co op program through my high school. It has been a very long process and I am still doing my medical. I have done everything but get the results of my asthma test, so basically I have not finished my medical and nothing else!
I called the recruiting office and they told me that there is 5 spots still left for the co op. My question is this,  if those spots fill up and I do not get in the co op, what are my options? I would still like to be in the reserves. Would this mean I would do BMQ during the summer or what?
Your options are;

1) apply next year,

2) apply for the Primary Reserve.
Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will be enrolled in time for summer BMQ.
Talk to the Reserve unit Recruiter he/she should be able to tell you how many are being enrolled this year.
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