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Reserve A-stan Tour in 2007; 36 bde

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No names...no pack drill. PERSEC.    ;)

For 1-06 there are two reserve D&S Pl, the normal CIMIC/Phsyop/HUMINT drivers etc, the NCE, as well as individual augmentees. There are several reservists augmented into 7Pl C Coy, and apparently there is most likely the need for more, or so the RUMINT goes.

As for the ongoing discussion, being a reservist going on 1-06 I completely agree with Kev, GO, and the rest. If the reg force can fill the role the reserves have no business taking their jobs. For all of the reservists out there think of it this way. We are always bitching about the need/want for job protection and using the fact that we may lose our jobs as the reason for not participating in training. We are doing the same thing to the reg force. This is their job, they do it full time, they are the most qualified to do that job... Let them!
Franko:  Ack.  Col Fraser was publicly announced.  I deliberately didn't include the other name.  ;D


As for the ongoing discussion, being a reservist going on 1-06 I completely agree with Kev, GO, and the rest. If the reg force can fill the role the reserves have no business taking their jobs. For all of the reservists out there think of it this way. We are always bitching about the need/want for job protection and using the fact that we may lose our jobs as the reason for not participating in training. We are doing the same thing to the reg force. This is their job, they do it full time, they are the most qualified to do that job... Let them!

I'm not sure where this type of reasoning is coming from??  The Reserves have a key role in force generation and by augmenting the Regular Force it provides much needed depth within our force generation system.  No jobs being taken away here...there is more than enough to go around particularly if you are planning using managed readiness....  ::)
Teddy Ruxpin said:
This is somewhat incorrect.  

Commander of TF Afghanistan (TF 01-06) will be Col Fraser (Comd 1 CMBG, A/WSE to BGen) - in addition to his duties as Comd MNB(S).   The Canadian TF DComd is slated to be CO SALH (former LdSH LCol - A/WSE to Col), who will run the NCE day to day.   There is no BGen in the NCE.   This is not a "Reserve deployment", but the NCE does indeed contain a substantial number of Reservists in augmentation roles.   41 CBG also has a D&S platoon deploying on the same rotation, unless things have changed in the last 48 hours or so.

It has been argued that the NCE will find itself playing a very limited role, given the significant number of Canadians within the Brigade itself and the "double-hatting" of the TF Comd, but we'll see.

Sorry on that one.  It was late last night when I posted the info and I wasn't as careful as I should have been.  I meant to say that the Brigade Comm was a Canadian.  I realize that it is not a 'Reserve Deployment' per se.  The LER is supposed to have a D&S platoon.  The SALH suppling BHQ drivers and Phsyops etc.

"This is their job, they do it full time, they are the most qualified to do that job... Let them!"
  Have to disagree. :salute:
I have my position for TF 3-06, I'm with A-Coy 1 RCR.

A little FYI form LFCA ( 31 Brigade )    

This is how the Brique Looks:

1. Example: Inf ( RCR ) BG/ A COY/ Coy HQ/ 1 RIFLE PL/ 3 RIFLE --- RIFLEMAN --- CPL --- 031 CPL J. DOE.

2. Example: TF NSE/ D&S/ 1 SECT   --- RIFLE --- CPL --- 031 CPL J. DOE.

3. Example: PROPOSED TF 3-06 PRes Posn/ CAMP MIRAGE SECURITY PL/ 4 SECT --- RIFLE --- CPL --- 031 CPL J. DOE.

1. Looks to be a member in a reg force section?
2. D&S some place in the Gahn
3. D&S in Camp Mirage( not sure on spelling )

Also each position has a primary, an alternate and a spare.

We started our "Pre-Pre-Training" last week, every weekend for 2 months.

P.S New to the site... hope this new information can help some other guys understand things a little better.
I've heard the initial amount of reservists asked for TF06 (265 pers) was cut in half, give or take. (Someone sai 700 applied!)
I've also been told basically there's no selection process anymore- that the soldiers filling the positions have been picked. The selection week-ends in meaford are basically for bringing soldiers up to MLOC in preperation for them joining the 1RCR battlegroup in febuary.
I haven't heard if there will still be primary, alternitive and spare positions.  I know on roto 13 it was pretty messy. Close to or just under half of our platoon were designated spares or alternates IIRC and they ended up going over in primary positions. I hate spending 6 months of uncertiany.  I know some guys will need to possibly quit their job. It'll suck of they quit and don't end up going over.

I was surprised to hear that reserve soldiers will be augmenting the rifle platoons. I heard there were two companies, one LAV and one with the G-Wagons. At a guess the reservists will be in the G-wagon company?
I myself have been confirmed for TF 3-06 as well and Ghost what you have said appears to be correct from what I understand on my end. The positions are apparently "hard positions" and the TF has the positions tenatively filled for the individual pers, obviously which can be subject to change once the actual pre-training starts.

As for the certainty, I am one of the guys who might be fortunate enough not to have to quit my job, but I know that a couple of my friends will have to do so in order for them to go on tour.
Has anyone heard of full confirmations of being placed on tour/tasking as of yet, as leaving a full time job is a large decision to make...
I'm not too sure what a hard position is.

Rule one. Don't tell friends and family your going overseas until your pre-tour leave starts. :)

That way you don't have to explain why your not going if you don't make it heh
  My last tour was the same, I was a primary, and only if a guy sucked or was broken did his alternate or spare bump him off the tour. All the positions were the same from start to end, from the time we seen the orbat till we were in theater.
  I still wouldn't be suprised to get f***ed around a little bit, or even no tour.

I just received an update from our OC on the tour so far....

its a company from LFAA to augment 2RCR. Workup training begins in May, where we will train as a company, then in september we will do work up training with 2RCR. 2 Platoons will be used for D&S security on the gates, and the rest will be taken one and twos at a time and dropped into regF sections that need them.

Thats what we were told anyway.

A few questions I have to anyone that can answer them:
I imagine the regF guys wouldnt like having a reservist thrown into their section.What kind of attitudes are shown towards them? I would guess the reservist would take alot of punishment and be the mule at least at first...

Id rather not do gate security for 6 months, but its better than nothing, and its still a great opportunity I wont get here. What are anyones experiences with this?

Im not certain but I think by the time this tour rotates through, most of the canadians will be in Khandahar? What are the sourroundings like down there? (Camp, locals, village/city, mines and overall danger, wildlife like snakes and such)

jmackenzie_15 said:
its a company from LFAA to augment 2RCR. Workup training begins in May, where we will train as a company, then in september we will do work up training with 2RCR. 2 Platoons will be used for D&S security on the gates, and the rest will be taken one and twos at a time and dropped into regF sections that need them.

Thats what we were told anyway.

The part about the reserves being used as formed platoons for D&S tasks and as individual augmentation sounds like what is happening in 1 CMBG.  Guy at the head-quarters gave me an ear full when I made a comment about reserve companies being deployed as formed sub-units.

Before you guys flame me to death I think he had a good point -

Regular force Battalions/Regiments are force generators now and the Army is grabbing sub-sub unit elements for TF creation (A Recce Pl from the Vandoos, a Recce troop from the Strats etc).  Why should the reserves be treated any different?

little jim said:
Regular force Battalions/Regiments are force generators now and the Army is grabbing sub-sub unit elements for TF creation (A Recce Pl from the Vandoos, a Recce troop from the Strats etc).   Why should the reserves be treated any different?
I suppose the simplest answer is for you to look around the "Floor" on a normal Parade night and see what you would be able to muster for a long period of time.
jmackenzie_15 said:
A few questions I have to anyone that can answer them:
I imagine the regF guys wouldnt like having a reservist thrown into their section.What kind of attitudes are shown towards them? I would guess the reservist would take alot of punishment and be the mule at least at first...

This is probably the LEAST painful way to lbe augmented. Although the toon/rental/maggot/half-man etc. will take some abuse at the very beginning, at the end of the first week, your duties are identical, which breeds familiarity and respect. Take this if you can!

When formed units of reservists are added to a real unit, the "us and them" mentality becomes more apparent with seperate standards for leadership/dress/timings etc. This is where the problems lie. I know members of my unit can find fault with anyone - and the last Pl of reservists we had attached (two weeks ago) was a target rich environment. Having a formed Pl of reservists will also almost guarantee the most menial tasks, because the reg F leadership will want to lead the sexier stuff themselves.

My 2 cents
GO!!! said:
When formed units of reservists are added to a real unit, the "us and them" mentality becomes more apparent with seperate standards for leadership/dress/timings etc.


Then someone's not doing thier jobs. Could it be the Res F leadership or the Reg F command structure above it.  Either way, it's unfair to solely lay the blame on the Reservists.  They answer to someone.... don't they???

(The only visible difference in dress that should be tolerated is DEU/Regimental headdress.)

Don't get your knickers in a twist. We all know that GO! is firmly on the "other" side when it comes to Reservists. He dislikes them, for various and mostly unfounded reasons, and never passes a chance to take a cheap shot at them. Let it pass, his opinion on the Reserves is not worth debating.
Remember folks, this is a great opportunity for reserves to prove to the Reg's, we're work hard & put in long days to get on tours such as yourselves.  Great opportunity to work together as opposed to one another.