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Reserve A-stan Tour in 2007; 36 bde

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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Not wanting to added fuel to the fire -- but just because you are allocated a line serial -- does not mean you will fill it or go on tour.

My line serial for four years was for a position I was unqualifed to occupy...

They are all just names on a list until its the actual tour ORBAT.

Does anyone know anything further about this tour coming? (im speaking about roto 7)
From my end of the country as far as anyone knows, LFAA was supposed to commit 850 pers and only 200 or so even applied... Our CO and others as well were trying to suck more of us in with the idea that the workup training may not start untill september as opposed to may1, in an attempt to gather more guys.

Is it just me or are they desperate to fill boots?

Someone in 2RCR I assume would know alot more about this than I, I can only find out what my WO is able to eavesdrop on etc.
Well...I do know this:

The bulk of 2RCR + approx 200 augmentees = approx 850 from LFAA.
Thats basically what I thought..... except LFAA only has 200/850 or something.
Considering workup for us reserve troopers was/is supposed to start May 1, that seems like somewhat of a problem to me.
Mack674 said:
Thats basically what I thought..... except LFAA only has 200/850 or something.
Considering workup for us reserve troopers was/is supposed to start May 1, that seems like somewhat of a problem to me.
Where did you hear that?? 2RCR minus rear party = a lot more than 200....

Don't forget about the pers from 4ESR/3ASG etc from around this Base that will be deploying as well.... It's alot bigger numbers than 200 from this Base alone; let alone LFAA.
Okay let me clarify;

from what I was told LFAA was supposed to form a reserve rifle composite company (850 guys) to give to 2RCR to deploy on roto 7, and some guys from the company would be selected and integrated into 2RCR sections, and the remainder would mostly perform camp security.

Saying that, of the 850 positions LFAA needed filled, so far only 200 pers have applied.

That is the current situation from what I understand, and my immediate superiors at home understand.
who'se rifle company is 850 deep?
Rifle Coy = +/- 100 little injuns
so you're [presently looking at 200 names to fill 100 spots...
I hope you don't expect to have a higher attrition.
LOL my bad.... i think im saying company out of habit. Its supposed to be a "reserve composite group", that includes a rifle company.
total group being 850 pers, not the company.
KevinB said:

Read a Pl for Mirage and a PL for Gate duties in K town...

Ask the LER's gearing up for it now

They got the same deal

No one is going to let a reserve coy walk around K town unless they have been smoking rock.

Good one!  Though I recall last year they did rotate some of the Reserves to Julien for three-week periods doing the odd patrols with the Royals there.  On the bright side, they get to do all that gold shopping in the souk's! ;)


Well if theres only 100 rifles needed, and 220 or so are already on the roster, im dropping the CT bomb into my orderly room tomorrow.
This tour possibility was the only thing keeping me in the reserves... i was just going to use the time on all that class b and put it towards a regf career, but whatever.
Reserve contributions in the past, for Bosnia deployment maxed out with the Prep of 1 Rifle Coy, I Armd RECCE Tp and 1 Engr Tp by LFQA... just in time for Bosnia pull-out.

If memory serves me right LFWA, LFCA & TFAA deployed the Infantry segment to Bosnia some 3 yrs ago.
The name has changed from time to time - it was an RCAT - Reserve Combined Arms Team - which begat the RCG - Reserve Company Group.

Those are the training groups that will rotate through CMTC - 4 serials per year, one per area (2006 will only have an LFAA RCG).  They are not tied to deployments.  I say again, they are not tied to deployments.  And I say again for a third time, they are not tied to deployments.  While there was at one time a consideration to using those serials for work-up training, the intent now is to provide each area with the opportunity to conduct a level 4 fully instrumented exercise each year for their reservists, while the four large-scale CMTC serials will validate the Task Forces - including both the Reg F and Res F pers in the TFs.

For the 2 RCR led TF (1-07, I believe) LFAA will be generating reservists to augment the TF.  But with a total TF of ~1000 pers, there will be 150 to 200 reserve positions total, no more.

I do not think the curent plan calls for any organized reserve augmentation above the platoon level; most augmentees will be individuals integrated into Regular Force platoons or troops.

Anyone claiming "There will be 850 reservists deploying on TF 1-07" is incorrect.
between the TF in theatre, the TF in reserve, the 2 TFs in workup and the 2 that have gone offline... if the reserves are asked to "field" +/-200 augmentees per TF we're talking about some 1200 reservists committed at any one time. Given that most Reservists have jobs or are full time students, it's a sizeable committment and I wonder if it's sustainable - year after year?
geo said:
I wonder if it's sustainable - year after year?

I suspect it isn't, and that the extensive Res commitment will lessen over time. Just a theory, but between the new programs set up to to attract Res members to CT (allowing people to apply for a CT on tour, streamlining CT processes for members in designated trades) and the supposed recruiting increase, I would expect to see the numbers of reservists required for deployments eventually drop off.
geo said:
between the TF in theatre, the TF in reserve, the 2 TFs in workup and the 2 that have gone offline... if the reserves are asked to "field" +/-200 augmentees per TF we're talking about some 1200 reservists committed at any one time. Given that most Reservists have jobs or are full time students, it's a sizeable commitment and I wonder if it's sustainable - year after year?

That's the big question surrounding the MRP (well, one of them).  But even when the 5000 person regular force expansion is complete, the regular force will not be able to sustain the full MRP without reserve augmentation.  Whether it will remain at the current 15-20% or not depends on what the army is asked to do and where we are asked to do it.

Given the Army reserve generally has turnover of about 15% per year (including a significant number who undergo component transfers) filling the Cpl/Pte slots on rotation should be possible; it's the leadership positions (MCpl through WO, and Lt/Capt) that may be more difficult to sustain.  With significant pressure on those rank levels domestically - both in terms of shortfalls in numbers and great demand for full-time reserve service at home - it remains to be seen what the Army reserve can generate on a continuous basis.
0tto Destruct said:
I suspect it isn't, and that the extensive Res commitment will lessen over time. Just a theory, but between the new programs set up to to attract Res members to CT (allowing people to apply for a CT on tour, streamlining CT processes for members in designated trades) and the supposed recruiting increase, I would expect to see the numbers of reservists required for deployments eventually drop off.
That is under the assumption that the Check is in the mail.

What with the stand up of the CSOR and the shaking out or all these new HQ command structures - we're getting top heavy again (still) and the funding we do have is being routed away from training and the troops.... IMHO
geo said:
That is under the assumption that the Check is in the mail.

What with the stand up of the CSOR and the shaking out or all these new HQ command structures - we're getting top heavy again (still) and the funding we do have is being routed away from training and the troops.... IMHO

Thats a fair cop, but it in turn assumes that there will be no new funding. Its a possibility, but I'd want to wait a few months and see how the Gov't/MND want to change things. As far as I'm concerned, most of the Conservative's promises are written in water.