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Re: Canadian Forces : The US Perspective

Lerick said:
...we cannot change roots
No, but you can kill them wherever they try and take hold, ie. Afghanistan.

I can see this thread is on a fast spiral downwards with your comments Lerick, i'll refrain from typing what I really think of your posts as I know it will definitely not be constructive to this thread.
we are on the good way to be hit ...if we keep kissing U.S butt we will be hit

So you prefer we bow to the will of these terrorist b@stards to prevent us from "being hit"?  That's a rather warped way of thinking...

my cousin is in afg, keep sending me mail telling me they will never find ossama

Really?  We have been in Kabul the past couple of years.  It had nothing to do with finding Bin Laden.  We only just got to Kandahar and the full force has not yet arrived yet to begin huntilg Taliban and Al Queda forces.  Just how much mail has your cousin sent you over the past few days since troops started arriving with these "letters of doom and despair"?

Besides, even if we don't find him, he won't live forever.  We can atleast rest assured we made his life a living hell, and had him watching over every shoulder and up at the sky for the next bomb to hit until the day he does kick the dust.
u guys are funny...make peace by doing war...kill to have peace! u think musslam or arabes want to see u.s soldier on their land?why do u think the gaz price is so high?now u wanna go look for ossama in afg when they dont even know where he is after 3yrs???ilol...kabul was a great mission, help ,no violance ,no blood,re built the country...the next mission is way diff and thats scary!
yes my cousin is in kabul...hes coming back on august 4th...when we will loose alots of soldier on suicide booming we prolly will understand we dont belong there!
...kill to have peace!

Well how would you do it?  Honestly.  How would you try and make peace when you have killers out to destroy you?  Making a camp fire and singing kumbaya just won't cut it.

! u think musslam or arabes want to see u.s soldier on their land?

I don't know.  Afghans who want some stability in their country seem pretty thrilled about US (and allied) soldiers there protecting them from the Taliban and the war lords.

why do u think the gaz price is so high?

Gas prices are so high because the supply is not meeting the demand.

ol...kabul was a great mission, help ,no violance ,no blood,re built the country...the next mission is way diff and thats scary!

One mission secured the capital from the murderers, terrorists and Taliban.  The next mission is to bring the fight to them and make sure they don't bring the country into the chaos it once was because of them.  Are you saying you care nothing of the innocent people of Afghanistan and advocate violence and chaos?  Do you really think pulling out of the country is the "best possible solution" as opposed to going after those who take pleasure in killing and intimidating innocent civilians?  I'm sorry, but that's just sick.

yes my cousin is in kabul...hes coming back on august 4th...when we will loose alots of soldier on suicide booming we prolly will understand we dont belong there!

The Kabul mission wasn't to find Osama...  ::)
Lost Warrior

While it was undoubtedly hard for you to be told off by minimum wage employees and bikers in the southern US, I would suggest that you refrain from the displays of juvenile nationalism yourself, if you do not wish to be subjected to them from other people. An example of this is wearing your cdn army t - shirt and army issue back pack in an extremely right-leaning state, then becoming upset when people speak their minds about you and your organisation.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, but you have to accept that someone will always disagree with you.

When I am abroad, I try to stay "under the radar" for two reasons, first, you can't see what a new place is all about if your too busy telling everyone who you are and what you do, and waiting for a reaction, or dressing for one. second, if you get in trouble, the three guys in blaring army t shirts saying "eh" and "hey hoser" are sure to be more memorable than the three in jeans and button down t shirts who quietly toured and had a few drinks.

In short - you dressed and acted in a manner to ensure that you were noticed - you were, so stop complaining!

Lerick do you actually think these Arab nutcases will leave us alone if the west unilateraly withdrew from the Mid east? If you do you are pretty naive about how the world works.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Lerick do you actually think these Arab nutcases will leave us alone if the west unilateraly withdrew from the Mid east? If you do you are pretty naive about how the world works.


I'm actualy at a loss....I go away for a week and i come back to this  ::)
An example of this is wearing your cdn army t - shirt and army issue back pack in an extremely right-leaning state, then becoming upset when people speak their minds about you and your organisation.

Yea, because we know the right leaning states hate the military  ::) (I can't believe you insinuated that...)

Besides, in case you haven't noticed, the matter is closed.  Lessons learned, everyone is happy.
sometimes...I think this country need a tall order of **** hitting the fan, just shake things up a bit....seems like the only way for some ppl realize theres a problem, is that if an attack happens on their front step... if thats the only way the cob webs on the C7s are gonna come off and that coinage into the paper cup designated "military funding" LIKE HOLY MOLEY...its great Canada is a free country, but darn it!  Are people NOT aware sometimes its better to get at the problem before it shows up at your front door?  I may have said this in an extremist sorta way...but sometimes it takes extreme action for any kind of reaction... :rage: Im all in support for the US military ...and the Canadian...Hillier is one of the best things to happen to it in a while, there should be more like him!!
Lerick said:
its a free country guys...my opinion is my opinion !as far as i know i still dont see ossama in jail...i see ppl dying every day in Iraq..now our troops are looking for ossama as well...i think we are looking for problem just like the U.S...we are on the good way to be hit ...if we keep kissing U.S butt we will be hit ...we will loose soldier! more and more soldier will be sent to afg...my cousin is in afg, keep sending me mail telling me they will never find ossama...we cannot change roots

Tell me just one thing, your profile says your military units are 291 and 227. Can you inform us all on here what that is. After almost 30yrs of military service in two countries, I have never heard of this before.

Your posts in this thread are right "out of 'er", and you don't really seem to have a clue on whats going on in the world today. I would think at the age of 29 (or so your empty profile says), you would be a bit better informed of the big picture and world events. What is it going to take to give you a wake-up call on reality.
What's with all the whining?  Ofcourse some Americans make fun of Canada and our army - and a hell of a lot more Canadians make fun of the US, while many of our soldiers mock their army.  When it comes down to it though, those of us who have actually worked with the Americans respect them and their capabilities, just like most US soldiers I've had the chance to work with have come to respect us and have been quite impressed with out training.  So who cares what some igonrant bastards said in a bar somewhere?  How the hell did you guys manage to start an argument over that?

As for Lerick, let him read some of the forums for a while and educate himself before you bother trying to argue with him.  It's quite clear that he has no clue what he's talking about, and as everything he's mentioned so far has been discussed on these boards dozens of times, there's no point rehashing the same arguments again.
Lost_Warrior said:
Yea, because we know the right leaning states hate the military   ::) (I can't believe you insinuated that...)

Besides, in case you haven't noticed, the matter is closed.   Lessons learned, everyone is happy.

The "right leaning state" was in reference to a pro - war, nationalistic populace you clown, and one that would find our dithering, peaceful ways foolish.


Get the picture?


How anyone can associate an army t-shirt and army backpack, and claiming to be in the army as "anti-war" is beyond me.

You're just arguing for the sake of arguing  now.  Let it go man...  ::)
Lost_Warrior said:
How anyone can associate an army t-shirt and army backpack, and claiming to be in the army as "anti-war" is beyond me.

You're just arguing for the sake of arguing   now.   Let it go man...   ::)

Not to put words in GO!!!'s mouth, but the CDN part is important. If you'll remember , Canada decided to leave the US high and dry in Iraq.  That could very well be why you encountered that perticular attitude.

GO!!!, if i am mistaken, my appologies.
Lost_Warrior said:
How anyone can associate an army t-shirt and army backpack, and claiming to be in the army as "anti-war" is beyond me.

You're just arguing for the sake of arguing  now.  Let it go man...  ::)

Yes, you did quote that it was a Canadian Army t-shirt.

Is this the same one that includes "Armee" on the bottom?
Wesley H. Allen said:
Tell me just one thing, your profile says your military units are 291 and 227. Can you inform us all on here what that is. After almost 30yrs of military service in two countries, I have never heard of this before.

Lerick is a little off base and seems to be referring to the 291 (Comm Rsch) and 227 (LCIS Tech) MOCs.   Since the CF has zero Comm Rsch in Laval Quebec, he is likely in the recruiting system and wants to be 291 or 227.   If such is the case, than he will serve with a number of 291'ers who have served in places like Afghanistan and have little tolerance for ignorant opinions not based on fact.
