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Re: Canadian Forces : The US Perspective

This is just a 15 year olds opion so take it however you want. But, what I think would be "more mature than that" would be to just drop it, and walk away.
You guys have some serious issues...Lost_warrior just stated his experience he had and everyone jumps down his throat like hes commited a grand crime by sharing a story of what happened to him in the states
I think we all just find it strange of all the Canadian Forces personnel he is the only one that has ever had such an experience. Any US military personnel I and others (well except Lost_Warrior) have encountered have gone out of their way for us. And Lost_Warrior take a pill, I never once brought in the Directing Staff aspect of things at all but if you seek confrontation we have no problems in giving it to you or anyone else that feels they can tweak their noses at us.
i think most americans are ignorant thats why Bush is the president...i trully believe Lost_warrior story because thats the way americans behave!as Canadian we should be proud not bein in Iraq our prime minister is smarter ....all the country whos helping the U.S in Iraq got hit by terrorist action...i was reading some book about the second world war,the 761e units was alll black people, they didnt want to send them to war because they were black u.s soldier,at the end they had no choice sending them to war, and they did a great job kicking nazi a$$$....when they came back to america nobody give them respect or props,american people was callin them N**** ....they went save the world from NAZI...this is how poor is the mentality in the state,they finally give the highest honors to the 761e units 50years later! :salute: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
Lerick said:
i think most americans are ignorant thats why Bush is the president...i trully believe Lost_warrior story because thats the way americans behave!as Canadian we should be proud not bein in Iraq our prime minister is smarter ....all the country whos helping the U.S in Iraq got hit by terrorist action...i was reading some book about the second world war,the 761e units was alll black people, they didnt want to send them to war because they were black u.s soldier,at the end they had no choice sending them to war, and they did a great job kicking nazi a$$$....when they came back to america nobody give them respect or props,american people was callin them N**** ....they went save the world from NAZI...this is how poor is the mentality in the state,they finally give the highest honors to the 761e units 50years later!

::) For this response, its pictures, not words.

I think we all just find it strange of all the Canadian Forces personnel he is the only one that has ever had such an experience. Any US military personnel I and others (well except Lost_Warrior) have encountered have gone out of their way for us. And Lost_Warrior take a pill, I never once brought in the Directing Staff aspect of things at all but if you seek confrontation we have no problems in giving it to you or anyone else that feels they can tweak their noses at us.

Did you even read my experience?  It wasn't with US military personel in any way, shape of form.  When we were in Camp Blanding, the US forces on the base with us were quite friendly.  It's the US civilians who were "not as friendly" as their military counterparts (with the exception of the NYNG fellow, but he still respected us none the less).

And I tweaked my nose at no one.  I simply explained my experience and everyone went on a witch hunt looking for "hidden meaning" into what I said. 
Lerick said:
i think most americans are ignorant thats why Bush is the president...i trully believe Lost_warrior story because thats the way americans behave!as Canadian we should be proud not bein in Iraq our prime minister is smarter ....all the country whos helping the U.S in Iraq got hit by terrorist action...i was reading some book about the second world war,the 761e units was alll black people, they didnt want to send them to war because they were black u.s soldier,at the end they had no choice sending them to war, and they did a great job kicking nazi a$$$....when they came back to america nobody give them respect or props,american people was callin them N**** ....they went save the world from NAZI...this is how poor is the mentality in the state,they finally give the highest honors to the 761e units 50years later! :salute: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:

ummmm what does World War 2 and the US policy of segregation of units back then have to do with the issue on hand? The problem guys is we do not tolerate AntiAmerican rhetoric which you and Lost Warrior seem to be bound and determined on spreading.
Over the years, I have served alongside soldiers from quite a few armies.  In my experience, they fall out as follows:

Americans - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
British - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
Czechs - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
Aussies - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
French - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
Germans - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
Kiwis - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks
Spanish - great bunch of soldiers - met a couple of jerks

Seems to be a pattern here somewhere.
The problem guys is we do not tolerate AntiAmerican rhetoric which you and Lost Warrior seem to be bound and determined on spreading.

Sorry princess, but I'm not "bound on spreading" anything ;)  I love Americans.  I'm "Mr American!"  :salute: 
well if u know ur history and follow all the war and conflict ...u will see that the american people (civilian) always have bad comments against other nation and their own nations!the pass always reflect the present ... :salute:
i mean mentality change but the roots always stay the same!
That doesn't really make sense.  I just find it rather strange that NO ONE here can believe that an American civilian would EVER have anything bad to say about the Canadian army.  They seem to live in some la la land where all Americans know, respect and love Canadian soldiers....  ::)    And if anyone says otherwise, (like myself) they are obviously full of it, and are part of some sinister plot to spread anti-americanism...

Some people just have to be slapped back to reality and realize that not every American in the world loves, and will bend over to take it in the pervibial rear end for a Canadian soldier.   
well im kinda anti american...i read alot about war and conflict, and i realize american are never wrong ,always have a good reason to kill or invade other nation! korea,vietnam,russa(cold war),kuwait,and so on...i dont see why should kiss their butt when most of the problem start from them! we are in afg its not even our problems...we never got hit by any homeland terror ...

Your not even on the same page.

Lost Warrior,

I understand where your coming from, that's why I've stayed out of this since the initial head to head we had. I accept your statement for what you claimed happened. We can see how this went from your initial post, where nothing was explained. In future, take a lesson, if your going to post something, make sure you include all the facts. This could most likely all been avoided if you'd been a little clearer.

Everyone else can stop the flaming now and get back on track.
recceguy said:
Everyone else can stop the flaming now and get back on track.

Sounds good to me...however, now we have this :

Lerick said:
well im kinda anti american...i read alot about war and conflict, and i realize american are never wrong ,always have a good reason to kill or invade other nation! korea,vietnam,russa(cold war),kuwait,and so on...i dont see why should kiss their butt when most of the problem start from them! we are in afg its not even our problems...we never got hit by any homeland terror ...

Were you locked away in the big brother house for the last 4-5 years ?  Or did the battery die in you reality-keeping system ?
its a free country guys...my opinion is my opinion !as far as i know i still dont see ossama in jail...i see ppl dying every day in Iraq..now our troops are looking for ossama as well...i think we are looking for problem just like the U.S...we are on the good way to be hit ...if we keep kissing U.S butt we will be hit ...we will loose soldier! more and more soldier will be sent to afg...my cousin is in afg, keep sending me mail telling me they will never find ossama...we cannot change roots
So Lerick..would you prefer for us to sit on on the War Against Terror and let everyone else do the fighting for the free world?