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Questions about joining the Reserves

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MaxZ said:
So I would bring this letter from the Waterloo Regiment to CFRC Toronto, and then do BMQ in Toronto this summer? That would be ideal for me. I am currently in Waterloo because I am in first year university already, but I will only be going back to Toronto for April-August, then I will be back in Waterloo.

Thank you for the help and detailed post, much appreciated.

Sorry I didn't realize you were already in Waterloo (I thought you were in Highschool) . You can bring it to CFRC Waterloo right now, the problem lies in  ''What happens if you don't get processed before you leave Waterlooo?'' In which case you could transfer it to CFRC Toronto or depending what is left it might be just ''easier'' to travel back to Waterloo for your remaining appointments (I haven't been in the recruiting system since they put it all online so I'm not sure how easy it to transfer these days).

If you get processed in time and there are spots for a basic, you will do basic with your unit in Waterloo (though likely not in Waterloo). This would be something to bring up to the recruiter when you go in.

''I'm available and would like to work this summer, assuming I am processed in time and there are spots on basic how would transportation work for me as for this summer I will be living in Toronto with my parents''.

You may run into similiar logistic problems that I did but once you get an apartment just leave your equipment in Waterloo should you go to Toronto for future summers. I'm not sure what the actually policy is on WRT to reservists taking a POMV or other transportation to and from and course because they don't currently live in the city where they parade during the year.

I am currently completing an university undergrad in Computer Science and I am thinking of going for the reserve once I graduate (in about 1.5 year). I am thinking about applying as a Signal Officer (reserve) as their is a unit in my town (Ottawa).

As I am not (yet) ready to apply I have a few questions, but I don't really want to bother a recruiting office just yet. I'll wait until my graduation before "starting the process". I just thought I could get a few answer here for the time being.

So first, I was wondering what the training route for a signal officer. As I currently have a job lined-up after graduation, it will be unlikely for me to be able to leave for an extended period of time for training. Is it possible to do all the training during the week-end?

Is there any period of time that is better to apply? (early in September / after new year...)?

I was in the air cadets for 5.5 year (I left in December 2010) and reached the rank of staff sargent (equivalent to warrant officer). I have a good record of service (I have it it a sealed envelope as the CO told me to hold on it if I want to join the CF). I've heard from a friend (former cadet now in the CF) that it could give seniority & faster promotion. Is it still the case? (I've say a post on that before from this forum but it's dating & based on old DFAOs order).

How does the promotion work out in the reserve? Can I expect to be Lt. within 2-3 years, and captain within 6-7 years, or I have more chances getting a CD before making captain? (given I am not intending to be Mr. no show / 2Lt. ScrewUp)?

I have an amateur radio license (have working knowledge of Radio comms. / HF Radio / making antennas / currently learning morse / ...) is it something worth mentioning during hiring process?

Thank you,
Welcome to Army.ca, TangoFoxtrot

I see by your profile that you have already begun to explore older threads. You should soon, if you have not already, stumbled across  http://army.ca/forums/threads/16735.0.html - into which I shall merge this thread shortly. Please continue to read through older threads, especially those stickied at the top of each forum, prior to asking more questions. Almost everything that you could think to ask has already been answered, often many times. As a bonus, you will likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

And speaking of stickied topics, note "READ FIRST" http://army.ca/forums/threads/115341.0.html in the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" Forum:

"This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers."
Thanks for the quick reply, I did look at some previous thread, but some questions were left unanswered. Maybe I should have been more direct in certain of my questions. For greater clarity, allow me to rephrase some of my questions:

So first, I was wondering what the training route for a signal officer. As I currently have a job lined-up after graduation, it will be unlikely for me to be able to leave for an extended period of time for training. Is it possible to do all the training during the week-end?

I've seen lot of topic about BMQ on week-end. More specifically, other than BMQ, do I need to accomplish any other training to become signal officer. If so, would they be offered throughout the week-end. How long (approximately) will it takes to get all the training I need to make it 2ndLt if I do week-end training?

Is there any period of time that is better to apply? (early in September / after new year...)?

This one have been discussed on previous post I have to admit. I've heard different stories on this and wasen't sure if different trades work differently, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask... Point taken I'll refer to other posts.

I was in the air cadets for 5.5 year (I left in December 2010) and reached the rank of staff sargent (equivalent to warrant officer). I have a good record of service (I have it it a sealed envelope as the CO told me to hold on it if I want to join the CF). I've heard from a friend (former cadet now in the CF) that it could give seniority & faster promotion. Is it still the case? (I've say a post on that before from this forum but it's dating & based on old DFAOs order).

Information on that topic (that I've found so far) is old, the post I've saw did not present any clear answer, DFAO cited is no longer on forces.ca website... I think I could use an "up to date" answer on this one.

How does the promotion work out in the reserve? Can I expect to be Lt. within 2-3 years, and captain within 6-7 years, or I have more chances getting a CD before making captain? (given I am not intending to be Mr. no show / 2Lt. ScrewUp)?

My intent behind that question is to be able to have a better idea of what the pay check will look like. Based on some research that I've done (I think) that the estimate that I've put in the question are realistic. Topics on that subject on the forum are often replied by "it depends what trade your going for" which do not really answer my question. I know that promotion do not follow the rules of "an exact science", I was more looking to see if my estimates are realistic.

I have now merged the topics.

More people, with more direct and recent knowledge, can now chime in. Expect a number of links from mariomike shortly. He is the quickest person on the Site for locating information.

I am far removed from the recruiting world, so do not consider myself competent to provide detailed responses, however:

Officers do BMOQ, not BMQ. A search for "Reserve BMOQ" brought up:



http://army.ca/forums/threads/207/post-1067423.html#msg1067423 (Reply 90)

Beyond BMOQ, there will be occupation-specific training.

I do not believe that Cadet experience will count for anything as an Officer. Somebody else will correct or confirm that one soon enough. There have been posts regarding that here before, though.

While http://army.ca/forums/threads/122173.0.html deals with NCM pay, it should give you some insight regarding Res F Officer pay. In brief, it varies, mainly depending upon how much time you put in. Think of it as fun money rather than counting upon it.
TangoFoxtrot said:
I was in the air cadets for 5.5 year (I left in December 2010) and reached the rank of staff sargent (equivalent to warrant officer). I have a good record of service (I have it it a sealed envelope as the CO told me to hold on it if I want to join the CF). I've heard from a friend (former cadet now in the CF) that it could give seniority & faster promotion. Is it still the case?

Does Army Cadets help you become an Officer?

TangoFoxtrot said:
Is there any period of time that is better to apply? (early in September / after new year...)?

When to apply

Best Time to apply?

When should I apply?

Best time to join the reserves

When should I apply for direct entry?

When to start applying for Direct Entry?

Application timing


TangoFoxtrot said:
How does the promotion work out in the reserve?

Promotion Policy of the PRes 

TangoFoxtrot said:
So first, I was wondering what the training route for a signal officer.

Signal Officer Training 

See also,

Signal Officer

TangoFoxtrot said:
I have an amateur radio license (have working knowledge of Radio comms. / HF Radio / making antennas / currently learning morse / ...) is it something worth mentioning during hiring process?

Might be worth mentioning during your Interview. ( Just my opinion. )

TangoFoxtrot said:
I'll wait until my graduation before "starting the process".
Keep in mind application process takes forever. If this is something you know you want, consider applying several months sooner than you intent to "begin". It will get the process rolling and reduce the gap in wait.
Is it like the fitness test where I send an email or talk to in person to book a time that works? and is it like the fitness test where it is once a week at a certian type that I have to book in advance just like the fitness test ?

Thank's in Advance.
First time poster and long time lurker. I'll try to make this short because I'm sure that everyone here is extremely busy.

I'm a 17 year old girl, but I'm turning 18 in June. In June I'll also be graduating high school, and I'll be heading off to pursue a Bachelor of Arts, and then go on to Law school (hopefully). However, for all of my life I've wanted to at least help out in the military, and once I did enough research, I found that the Reserves would be the right branch for me, because of the flexibility (I know about the ROTC program, but I don't feel comfortable signing 5 years of my life away after my undergrad). I've been doing a lot of research on the topic, but I still have some questions. I've been asking around, and I'm trying to contact an army recruiter in my local area (Toronto, Ontario) but since I'm still at school I can't reach them before they close. Either way, let's start?

1. I'm interested in the Infantry Soldier/Officer (From what I've read, an Officer requires a University degree), Armoured Soldier/Officer, Combat Engineer, Supply Technician and Logistics Officer trades. I'm curious about what the training would look like for each, and how each trade differed. And do any of them have overlap?

2. Is there a program like the ROTC Army program in the Reserves?

3. This doesn't have much to do with me joining up, but what is the typical wage per year/month/etc for a Reserve soldier?

4. Would it possible for me to get a day or two off from my placement when it's not the Summer months? My university program involved paid Co-op, and because of that I might be required to move away from my home city for a semester or two

5. Is it true that the standards to be an infantry and/or armoured soldier are extremely high? Does anyone know how high they are exactly? I'm not adverse to hard work, I'm just curious.

6.  In all of the trades I listed, they mention a period of training that requires a series of consecutive weeks. Because I'm planning on still being in school for the next while, would this take place over my Summers?

7. Is there any way that I could get a "preview" of what life would be like in the reserves, and what each trade entails?

8. Do any trades overlap with other areas? Like, do any trades allow one to work with the Army and the Navy consecutively, for example?

Thank you for your time and I hope I'm not being annoying.
mariomike said:
Written test? Do you mean the aptitude test?
  Yes, this is what I am talking about sorry for not using the right name, so after fitness test when do I take the  aptitude test? Is it just like the fitness test that it's taken once a week and I call someone or email someone to book my spot  ? so I can find a date that works?
TheSnake said:
  Yes, this is what I am talking about sorry for not using the right name, so after fitness test when do I take the  aptitude test?

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ 

See also,

Step three: Aptitude Test

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Welcome to Army.ca, ShatteredAwe

There is a ton of information already here on this Site. As a long-time lurker, you should already be aware of that. Most, if not all, of your questions have been answered before.

I shall move this into a more appropriate forum, wherein more people may respond, soon, as none of you questions require answers from a Recruiter specifically.

And, yes, many people here are quite busy, hence our expectation that people make their own effort to find what is already here.
Loachman said:
Welcome to Army.ca, ShatteredAwe

There is a ton of information already here on this Site. As a long-time lurker, you should already be aware of that. Most, if not all, of your questions have been answered before.

I shall move this into a more appropriate forum, wherein more people may respond, soon, as none of you questions require answers from a Recruiter specifically.

And, yes, many people here are quite busy, hence our expectation that people make their own effort to find what is already here.

I understand. Sorry.
No need to apologize.

We are here to help, and we want you to succeed. If you cannot find an answer to something, then we will do our best to provide one.

Looking for yourself really does have benefits, though.
ShatteredAwe said:
I'm interested in the Infantry Soldier/Officer (From what I've read, an Officer requires a University degree), Armoured Soldier/Officer, Combat Engineer, Supply Technician and Logistics Officer trades. 

Browse Jobs
"Select all of the Education Levels that you have completed to view the jobs that you are eligible for."



Combat Engineer

Supply Tech

ShatteredAwe said:
This doesn't have much to do with me joining up, but what is the typical wage per year/month/etc for a Reserve soldier?

Pay Rates

Career Options

ShatteredAwe said:
I know about the ROTC program,


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

The Recruiting Website should be able to answer most of your questions.  www.forces.ca

Joining the Reserves

If you are interested in joining the Reserves, your first step is to contact one of your local Reserve units to find out which positions are available.  You can find local Reserve Units at the "tabs"  http://www.forces.ca/en/centres/findarecruiter-110

Some Units will hold "Info Sessions" during the evenings and most are open on Thursday nights.  Call or email one of them for additional details.
TheSnake said:
  Yes, this is what I am talking about sorry for not using the right name, so after fitness test when do I take the  aptitude test? Is it just like the fitness test that it's taken once a week and I call someone or email someone to book my spot  ? so I can find a date that works?

Once you have undertaking the initial Physical Fitness Testing (FORCE Test) at your local Reserve Unit and if successful, they will send these results to your local Recruiting Centre who will update your application record/files and then make contact with you to schedule an appointment to write the CFAT/TSD.  If you haven't heard from your local CFRC within two weeks of completing your fitness test, I'd suggest you contact them directly.
ShatteredAwe said:
I'm interested in the Infantry Soldier/Officer (From what I've read, an Officer requires a University degree), Armoured Soldier/Officer, Combat Engineer, Supply Technician and Logistics Officer trades. I'm curious about what the training would look like for each, and how each trade differed. And do any of them have overlap?

Regarding "overlap". The three highlighted trades are Combat Arms, "A team that includes Armour, Artillery, Infantry, and Engineers."
Thanks everyone! I'm feeling really positive about joining up sometime within the next few years now. Now I just have to find the time to be able to call a recruiter (in my area they're open until 4pm, but I get off of school at 3pm and I don't get back home until 4pm) for some more intimate details. I'm going to ask if it's possible to tour the armoury / see the equipment each trade uses.

Once again thanks! If I have any more questions I'll let you know.
ShatteredAwe said:
Now I just have to find the time to be able to call a recruiter (in my area they're open until 4pm, but I get off of school at 3pm and I don't get back home until 4pm) for some more intimate details.  I'm going to ask if it's possible to tour the armoury / see the equipment each trade uses.

Perhaps leave a voice mail on their answering machine asking the unit(s) of your choice to return your telephone call at a time convenient to you. Or visit the unit(s) on a parade night.

Eg: This is just one random example in the GTA,

Join Our Team

Please do not hesitate to call us for more information! We would be pleased to review your resume, and have you visit us for a tour of our unit.

Email: 32cbgrecruiting@forces.gc.ca

Phone: 416-203-XXXX extension XXXX

Unit Parade Night: Thursday evenings 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.