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Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

civvy3840 said:
Maybe you should because that isn't normal. There is nothing wrong with going to a doctor you know.
what he said. Hard -------- Stupid. Which side of the line do you want to be on?
Well just finished my fitness test and push ups didn't go well. I could only manage 17.
I was able to do 54 situps in a minute....step test was a breeze. Grip strength was 42 for both hands so 84 total.
But pushups and damn' pushups. They killed me today.
I've gotta retest in 2 weeks and I am desperate to improve my pushups. I've read a lot on pushups here on this forum but for some reason no one is giving any importance to rest. Seems like everybody is mentioning about doing them whenever you can, everyday etc.
Wouldn't you get better results by doing them every second day or it's okay to do them every day?
And when you do,do them how much rest between sets etc?
The best way to get them IS to just do as many as you can anytime you have during the day. Seriously, when you get up, after brushing your teeth, at lunch, when you take a break etc... You rest enough during the night, your muscles will have time to rest. Just don't overexert yourself they day before your test and even better just don't do any push ups the day before your test
steep said:
The best way to get them IS to just do as many as you can anytime you have during the day.
Focus on doing them properly. Controlled.
All the way down. Pause.
All the way up. Pause.Ā 
When it's time for the test, you'll go "wow."
Journeyman said:
Focus on doing them properly. Controlled.
All the way down. Pause.
All the way up. Pause.Ā 
When it's time for the test, you'll go "wow."

What he said works. For me I do push-ups everytime I enter my room, start at 5 the first week, then 10, 15, 20, etc... but because you don't have that much time, you might want to start at 15. Do them how Journeyman said. If you take your time you are less likely to mess up. However it is a little bit harder.

Wow, some good advice in here. I tried doing a set of the put your feet on your bed, that was perty different considering my legs are now around 20-22 inches above my hands and the blood likes pooling in my skull.Ā  ;) I will try these myself for a week or so and then hammer on a set of regular on the ground pushups and see how much of a difference there is.
Ā  I have had sore wrists too.Ā  I switched to doing them on knuckles when my writs are sore.Ā  I have found that a good warm up of exercise helps, and a bit of stretching. I have also been doing push-ups on a bosa ball, different positions.Ā  I believe the problem for myself is that I've been doing push-ups for along, long time and its just a repetitive injury.Ā  Maybe time is catching up with me...
Be aware though that when it comes to the Express test, you have to perform to the CF standard.Ā  If you can't pull off the required amount (for your sex/age group) without your wrist collapsing, you need to apply for a "modified push-up protocol" to CFPSA.

You'll need a Memo that makes the request, a MO's substantiation and the approval of your CO.Ā  (Just got mine back a few months ago...now permitted "knuckles/closed fists push-ups".)Ā 
Dirt Digger said:
Be aware though that when it comes to the Express test, you have to perform to the CF standard.Ā  If you can't pull off the required amount (for your sex/age group) without your wrist collapsing, you need to apply for a "modified push-up protocol" to CFPSA.

You'll need a Memo that makes the request, a MO's substantiation and the approval of your CO.Ā  (Just got mine back a few months ago...now permitted "knuckles/closed fists push-ups".)Ā  Ā 

I think that V means that after awhile of doing push-ups his wrists start to hurt. Then he switches to doing knuckle push-ups. Therefore he should be ok to do the phitness test without going through the hassle that you did.
Rest for a couple days,ice the heck out of it and pop ibuprofen like candy.
I did my wrist in a couple weeks ago doing chin ups,something snapped and it was shaking for a day uncontrollably.I personally hate doctors,and find they only tell you common sense things for acute injuries anyway.


works everytime.

If its a repetitive injury think about switching your workout up with weight training.
As kind of a side note to wrist strength and whatnot, I think everyone should check this out:


If you look at the website it kind of looks like a dumb gimmick, but there are tons of people who swear by this thing.Ā  Me and some friends got a couple, and they are great.Ā  They are really good for building hand, wrist and forearm strength.Ā  They work a lot of hard to target muscles.Ā  If you find your wrists getting sore and tired from pushups, I am pretty sure this will help a lot.
So last week I had my PT and medical , well cardio sit ups and grip were great... pushups was another story I have to go and retest , I have little girl triceps and couldn't keep form
it wasn't that I didn't do 9 push ups I kept falling out of form and then I had to get recounted everytime I dropped or wiggled up. I will be fine the next time around I got myself a trainer who is working with me on core strength and arms(she was the woman who PT tested me). Right now I am working a lot on the pull up machine and triceps pulls also for the ladies the Pilate's ball is you best friend is around 20-30 bucks and its a worth while investment. As we have strong legs it makes us force ourselves to use our abdominal muscles. It was a a really eye opener . But staying in form is so important and they weren't going to cut me any slack.

LOL recruits should have a PT buddy sign up list .

Try dips. Use a couple of chairs and place your feet on one and your hands on the other then lower your butt to the ground(or as far as you can) and then pull yourself back up. If this is too hard try it only with one chair and your feet on the ground. You should feel a real burn in your tris after doing this exercise.

Don't over do this, as it will only delay your progress if you hurt yourself.
From what I read, its not a arm problem, its your body position. You seen to be having trouble keeping your body straight. Work on your mid-section and like Leon said, best way to practice push-ups is to do push-ups.

GunsĀ  that was was my problemĀ  it was a tight straight center so I'm working on it . it is something that can be fixed , besides if DND wants a fit employees then its my full time job now to give them the standard they need.
That's some good perseverance, Brixxie. Keep it up! :D
And just to repeat everyone who has said it: best way to get better at push ups: more pushups!
http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/20897/post-106573.html#msg106573 --> I find that this technique works well for me (yes, you can try it without someone else).
as stated your core needs to be strong to maintain proper form (try the plank exercise, it's described in the training section), and keep working on it!
another denied applictaion due to failing the fitness test.
The whole point of BASIC military training is to develop the mental, Physical and miltaristic abilties of one self to become a valued member of the CF.

I shake my head eveytime I hear of a person who fails to meet the required standard prior to enrolling. The miltary should make you run, ruckmarch, situps, chin ups, pushups and at an intensity you have never known before once you are in. The fact that they turn away so many applicants due to the fitness requirements is silly.

Hope you the best of luck,

Move ahead 6 months after you have enrolled and it would be a different story.