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Politics in 2018

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Altair said:
naturally.  He's a politician.

The provinces and senate might throw a wrench in his marijuana plans so that its not legal by July 1st 2018 for one.

But let's not pretend that because he's broken son promises that hes going to break all of them,  or that a broken promise on electoral reform has anything to do with pipeline politics.

Sip, sip, sip on that Kool-aid
Altair said:
pot,  meet kettle.

What colour is a kettle?

Contrary to popular cliche kettle are not all, or even predominately black.
Altair said:
But let's not pretend that because he's broken son promises that hes going to break all of them,  or that a broken promise on electoral reform has anything to do with pipeline politics.

No, past performance is never an indicator of future performance...
Loachman said:
No, past performance is never an indicator of future performance...
so by that same token,  what would you say if i said that trudeau will definitely keep all his promises because he's kept others in the past?

Things are far more nuanced than that,  things should be evaluated and judged on a case per case basis other than the extreme laziness I'm seeing here with"he's broken promises in the past so he will break this one as well".

Again,  if you all hate him so much that you cannot even pretend to remain objective,  that's fine. I just find it sad.
Altair said:
pot,  meet kettle.

Altair, Altair, l know you're an uber fanboy,  it's only natural for you.  Whereas, I am not and never shall be, so it's only natural for me.  We shall remain at polar opposite.  C'est la guerre.

jollyjacktar said:
Altair, Altair, l know you're an uber fanboy,  it's only natural for you.  Whereas, I am not and never shall be,  so it's only natural for me.  We shall remain at polar opposite.  C'est la guerre.
and I know that I do support the liberals.  Same as I know you're a diehard conservative supporter.

What disappoints me is that it seems to be impossible to talk about our opposing viewpoints without tossing out things like drink the koolaid. 

Its disappointing that it seems like you would rather canada do poorly as long as its trudeau at the helm to take the heat than you would canada do well with him at the helm lest he get any credit.
Altair said:
so by that same token,  what would you say if i said that trudeau will definitely keep all his promises because he's kept others in the past?

Had he kept all, or even most, promises (and I truly hope that he does not, and that he has no opportunity to do so after 2019), then I would also take that as an indicator that he is more likely to keep others. Past performance, you see.

Altair said:
"he's broken promises in the past so he will break this one as well".

Has anybody actually said "will break" in this context? I'm not bothering to go back and look. On the balance of probabilities, however, and given that letting pipelines proceed, or, especially, over-ruling BC, would cost him more votes than he would gain from Alberta, I doubt that he would - willingly and happily - force the issue. I expect him to delay and waffle until the company gives up in frustration.

You're the one saying
Altair said:
3 pipelines will be built under trudeau.

I, and others, lack your confidence in that "will".

It may happen. I won't say that it won't. He may become the Country's biggest pipeline enthusiast.

I'd not bet upon that, however, and neither should you.

It is hard to predict people with absolute accuracy.
Actually no, l am not a die hard Con.  They didn't get my vote last spin.  They probably won't next go either.

I'd rather see Canada do better, sadly l don't believe we are with the current sitting Parliament.

I'm ready to dislike the left and the right in equal measures if l think they rate it. 

What dismays me is the people whom are blindly taken in with the Trudeau show, all the nice hair, good looks, boo hoo tears on demand, etc.  It's like reality TV, the Kardashians.  All show and drama, no substance.  I'd rather they see past the fluff and take off the rose coloured glasses once in a while.

As was pointed out earlier by others.  The only reason he's in the chair is because the voters were tired of Harper and he was the silver bullet or wooden stake if you will.

We deserve better, someone who isn't out of his depth.  I truly believe this PM is in over his head in the water and like any drowning man he's going to pull us under with him.

I've said to you before.  I also really would love to be so very wrong about him.  As with anyone who is in that chair, I'd want each and every one of them to be THE best PM we've ever had.
I'm still waiting, unfortunately.
jollyjacktar said:
Actually no, l am not a die hard Con.  They didn't get my vote last spin.  They probably won't next go either.
I figured you voted for Mulcair.

What dismays me is the people whom are blindly taken in with the Trudeau show, all the nice hair, good looks, boo hoo tears on demand, etc.  It's like reality TV, the Kardashians.  All show and drama, no substance.
This is the second time you've mentioned the K word, I'm getting a sense you might have some hidden guilty pleasures. ;)

If reality TV style politics [and revolting behavior] was off limits for conservatives in North America, Hillary would be President.

I also really would love to be so very wrong about him.
Have you ever been wrong in your entire life?  ;D
Alright gents. If we can't be civil in the politics thread and refrain from personal attacks, I'll start handing timeouts. There's also no need for childish name-calling of politicians of any party affiliation. We're all adults here and as shown previously, we're capable of debating emotional topics without resorting to emotional responses.

- Milnet.ca staff
PuckChaser said:
Alright gents. If we can't be civil in the politics thread and refrain from personal attacks, I'll start handing timeouts. There's also no need for childish name-calling of politicians of any party affiliation. We're all adults here and as shown previously, we're capable of debating emotional topics without resorting to emotional responses.

- Milnet.ca staff

Levity and humour>Internet pride and ego.
Til Valhall said:
If reality TV style politics [and revolting behavior] was off limits for conservatives in North America, Hillary would be President.

Can we please agree to not insert American political figures into Canadian debates ?  We have a US Politics thread.  Please don't sully ours with that tripe from south of the border.
PuckChaser said:
Alright gents. If we can't be civil in the politics thread and refrain from personal attacks, I'll start handing timeouts. There's also no need for childish name-calling of politicians of any party affiliation. We're all adults here and as shown previously, we're capable of debating emotional topics without resorting to emotional responses.

- Milnet.ca staff

Sorry for the discord.  Won't happen again.  :ignore: applied.
Halifax Tar said:
Can we please agree to not insert American political figures into Canadian debates ?  We have a US Politics thread.  Please don't sully ours with that tripe from south of the border.

Yes, I didn't intend to trigger another discussion with the H word. :not-again:

But it was ironic that someone brought up US reality TV as a caricature of Liberal voters in the last election.


I do enjoy the commentary from Jordan Peterson when he talks about the delusions of young leftist political activists, which he's very familiar with. But it's hard to say how much that element contributed to the last election. Although, I agree Trudeau has an appeal to that segment of voters, the election was too complex.
Right now they're at his town halls screaming at him about pipelines.


The Philippine government has told Canada to pound sand on the helicopter deal, I can see that coming back as "Liberals costing Canadian jobs". 
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