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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

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Do you have a military ID card? If the answer is yes then walk into the nearest base gym and go talk to the PSP staff. If the answer is no then there is definitley something wrong because REG force or Reserve all members of the CF are supposed to have ID, and you should probably go talk to your unit security officer. Also wether or not you are on a callout (A,B,C class contracts) or just going to Thursday night musters shouldn't make a difference, you are still allowed to use the gym facilities at a base. HopeĀ  this helps.
Marc. :cdn:
I was wondering if any one heard about the new pt standard for officers in the CIC if so does any one have any paper work on this or know where to get the info.
yeah I kind of have the same problem except I need to loose about 100lbs before I can join. Im going to try one of your ideas starting today. Im 6 foot 6 and I am supposed to weigh 235, why is that the maximum weight?
I discovered a fantastic site for planning runs!
I use it for Ruck marches as well. Check it out!

Its free and easy to use.

Found a website with some good info on stretches, work out plan, diet, etc

Word came down today through my CoC that the CDS is looking at the results of this year's MPFS. With approximately a quarter of members having trouble passing, word is they are considering the possibility of raising the standard to be effective for 2007/2008. If this higher standard moves ahead, then all members would be expected to Exempt their MPFS each year. I wanted to know what others have heard on this item.
Do you have anything to back up this rumour like a CANFORGEN, memo, policy?
No, there was nothing in writing and no policy has been set yet. I posted to find out if there was more information available from anyone that might know. No harm in asking.
Well I can tell you that the Unit I belong to will have to do both the Army BFT and the Express test next FY (07/08). I am quite looking forward to it too. It is a step in the right direction at least.
kratz said:
Word came down today through my CoC that the CDS is looking at the results of this year's MPFS. With approximately a quarter of members having trouble passing, word is they are considering the possibility of raising the standard to be effective for 2007/2008. If this higher standard moves ahead, then all members would be expected to Exempt their MPFS each year. I wanted to know what others have heard on this item.

Heard the exact same thing this past Wed on my ILQ.Ā  It was told to the whole course during our last SME lecture which happened to be presented by the CCWO's.
So the minimal fitness level will be what is the exempt level is now?

So all these people who got promoted this year who barley passed the express test/ BFT;will I get to see their careers stop when they can't get to the exempt level?

They came out and said pers who didn't meet the fitness standard would no go on career courses,yet I know of two troops who have failed the BFT yet went on PLQ.I also seen people fail express test day one of PLQ and continue on with course and were told they had to pass at the end.Somehow that testing was not carried out and they proceeded to get the qualification.

If you cant reach level 6,how the heck are they expecting the unfit quarter of our army to go to level 8?

I use to be excited about this sort of thing,but alas I will venture out on a limb and say this:

Next year will come,nothing will change.As per the past year of canforgens on fitness which were ignored.I'm fit,I am exempt.Yet the other cpl who is overweight and cannot pass is still as qualified as myself.

Another bunch of useless ramblings which no one will listen to IMHO.Last time I looked unfit were getting ahead as per.
Really what will they do with quarter of our army who suddenly cannot do their jobs due to not being fit for service?
099* said:
Next year will come, nothing will change. As per the past year of canforgens on fitness which were ignored....Another bunch of useless ramblings which no one will listen to...Last time I looked unfit were getting ahead as per...Really what will they do with quarter of our army who suddenly cannot do their jobs due to not being fit for service?
099* said:
So the minimal fitness level will be what is the exempt level is now?

So all these people who got promoted this year who barley passed the express test/ BFT;will I get to see their careers stop when they can't get to the exempt level?

Well, think about it. Anybody serving in a Land Op Postion this FY/or even last FY who did the BFT got an "exempt" on their PER already as they always do.

A person posted from a AF or Naval position into a Land Op position is still required to do a BFT, even if they have achieved an "exempt" on an Express Test that FY. Maybe it's just me, but in my Unit if they didn't pass their BFT, they got a "fail" even though they had done the Express with an exempt, because that is the Army Fitness standard. One pers did file a grievance, and lost.

I'm not talking about the "standard" of either of these tests. I'm just saying that achieving an "exempt" vice a pass standard is the norm in the Army.

Go from an Army Base to an Air or Naval after having done a BFT, guess what...automatic exempt for you....no Express Test required.

So in regards to your comment "anybody who barely passed a BFT" and you watching their careers stop when they can't get the exempt level...delete the BFT...because those guys who did barely pass that BFT...already get an "exempt."
True enough.It really doesnt make sense that a BFT which I dont think is a good example of someones fitness gets you excempt even if you haul your fat slobbering carcas over the finish line in 2 hrs 20 min.So really the min standard is the excempt standard.I discussed this sort of earlier the year

The Librarian said:
Well, think about it. Anybody serving in a Land Op Postion this FY/or even last FY who did the BFT got an "exempt" on their PER already as they always do.

Maybe it's just me, but in my Unit if they didn't pass their BFT, they got a "fail" even though they had done the Express with an exempt, because that is the Army Fitness standard. One pers did file a grievance, and lost.
I know one that came in 2 hrs 20 minutes"ish"(read close to 2h30) and was somehow excempt.Im not sure if its their gygantic size that created a small time zone,but it always seems to happen. "The buddy system".
Having said this its the same person creature who failed the BFT, then failed express.Then put on remedial and placed on PLQ.

The Librarian said:
so in regards to your comment "anybody who barely passed a BFT" and you watching their careers stop when they can't get the exempt level...delete the BFT...because those guys who did barely pass that BFT...already get an "exempt."

If you can walk for 2 hours,your in superbe shape.So basically what this new directive is stating that in the army you will have to meet the same standard as before?Sounds like a way to trick the outside world into believeing were doing something about fitness.

cheers vern

BFT trumps express everytime.
Canforgens get ignored.
fattys unite and push back the clock.
099* said:
If you can walk for 2 hours,your in superbe shape.So basically what this new directive is stating that in the army you will have to meet the same standard as before?Sounds like a way to trick the outside world into believeing were doing something about fitness.

BFT trumps express everytime.
Canforgens get ignored.
fattys unite and push back the clock.

Well, I am of the belief that the Express test is a "lower" standard than the BFT. That is why those who do sucessfully complete the BFT get an automatic exempt on their PERs, while those who achieve only the minimum standard on Expres get a simple "pass."

Please do not assume that I agree with the standard of either one of these tests. But I know pers who can hump their ruck forever and a day (figuatively speaking of course), pump the push ups and sit-ups off like crazy, dig their trench, do their firemans carry, but can not for the life of themselves manage to do that shuttle run.

And I know people who can achieve exempt on the express, who couldn't carry a ruck 13ks if their life depended on it.

At least doing both tests is more "rounded." I'm not saying that standard of doing them both is a high enough standard either, but it is a move in the right direction.

I'm not a runner. I would much rather be rucking for 20k than running 2. Running hurts my knees. But can I do an Express? Well I've done 2 in my career (during my AF posting), and achieved exempt on both, and I didn't quit when I hit the exempt level, I went as far as I could.

I am of the opinion, that by having to do 'both' tests, we are going to be more rounded and will see a marked increase in the fails. But don't be surprised either when some of those big muscley army guys can't pass the shuttle run. So the Army achieving the same standard as they do now? No, now at least in my Unit they will have to do both. And I think you'll see alot pass the BFT and fail the shuttle run. I've seen it.
The Librarian said:
At least doing both tests is more "rounded." I'm not saying that standard of doing them both is a high enough standard either, but it is a move in the right direction.
+1.More testing the better IMHO. (maybe more rounded to make other members feel at home? ;D)

The Librarian said:
And I know people who can achieve exempt on the express, who couldn't carry a ruck 13ks if their life depended on it.
And I think you'll see alot pass the BFT and fail the shuttle run. I've seen it.

I have seen more in the way of people being able to pass one or the other using the last as a crutch.Like the guy who just doesn't want to walk 13km getting on the truck and doing a 8 minute run at the express test.And for sure you will see people pass 13km but couldn't run to save their life's on the express.But what is this new directive doing?Making everyone do the express test to exempt levels for their age category?
099* said:
I have seen more in the way of people being able to pass one or the other using the last as a crutch.Like the guy who just doesn't want to walk 13km getting on the truck and doing a 8 minute run at the express test.And for sure you will see people pass 13km but couldn't run to save their life's on the express.But what is this new directive doing?Making everyone do the express test to exempt levels for their age category?
Well perhaps, eventually, if they can't pass both the Express & the BFT they will get a "fail."
I have a question:

I am planning on going to my BMQ next summer and i will be 18 by then. I weigh 190lbs and i am about 6'2" and am in relatively good shape. Although i am doing weight training every other day and cardiovascular the days inbetween, it is mostly helping with my muscle build and not too much with my weight loss. I eat according to canada's guide to healthy eating and walk aroung often. I also do not drink or smoke, so i have a pretty good health rating.

I need to know your advice on how to get in better shape (170lb area) or if i should keep my weight. Thanks.
MP101 said:
I have a question:

I am planning on going to my BMQ next summer and i will be 18 by then. I weigh 190lbs and i am about 6'2" and am in relatively good shape. Although i am doing weight training every other day and cardiovascular the days inbetween, it is mostly helping with my muscle build and not too much with my weight loss. I eat according to canada's guide to healthy eating and walk aroung often. I also do not drink or smoke, so i have a pretty good health rating.

I need to know your advice on how to get in better shape (170lb area) or if i should keep my weight. Thanks.
weight is immaterial. Can you meet Standard? Are you healthy? If "yes" and "yes", then weight means nothing. If "no" to either, then you need to take a look at your fitness regimen and diet.

The subject of weight in the CF has been covered in great detail elsewhere. Use the Search function, and if you still have questions, pm me.

Weight is relatively immaterial and BMI doesn't mean much in the infantry, unless you're obviously flabby. To give yourself some confidence, pay attention to the standards they've set and try and better them by a decent margin. Da do run run run