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peace with Al-Qaeda

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Numbers 31:17-18 (King James Version) said:
  17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

  18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Numbers 31:31-40 (King James Version) said:
  31And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.

  32And the booty, being the rest of the prey which the men of war had caught, was six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep,

  33And threescore and twelve thousand beeves,

  34And threescore and one thousand asses,

  35And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him.

  36And the half, which was the portion of them that went out to war, was in number three hundred thousand and seven and thirty thousand and five hundred sheep:

  37And the LORD'S tribute of the sheep was six hundred and threescore and fifteen.

  38And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and twelve.

  39And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and one.

  40And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD'S tribute was thirty and two persons.

It seems Christianity encourages the slaughter of your enemies, including women and chidren, except ofcourse for the young female virgins whom you can keep for yourself along with the rest of the booty.  Just don't forget that out of every 32,000 virgins you capture, you have to sacrifice 32 for the lord.

Yep, Christianity is WAY better than Islam  ::)

My post was not to steer this down a religious debate, I wanted to know where Mojo Magnum had garnered his information from.  I felt that it can be misconstrued as a " I heard once that the koran states..." type of of post.

That was my intent.


For me, when someone saysd that they are out to destroy me, my loved ones, family and way of life I'm not all that concerned about making peace with them.
to all who asked, Tess, Jungle etc

My source for the previous post is a fascinating book entitled "The Unfinished Battle, Islam and the Jews". by author Mark A. Gabriel, PH. D.

The author claims to have been raised as a "Koran reciter".  Within the culture some individuals are chosen to memorize the Koran.  The whole thing....  It takes them many, many years.  They undergo what you might consider a check point in their progress.  If they fail, they are tortured. (I hope that word is not too dramatic)  The child is made to sit in a chair with his feet up and they beat his feet with a wooden something or rather. (been awhile since I read the book).

The author, later in life converted to Christianity, was banished from his home and spent a great many years trying to unprogram himself from a culture that taught him hatred of the Jews since he was old enough to take it in.  He even states how as a child he had nightmares that the Jewish commander was coming to get him.  (What was the name of the Jewish Commander who fought the Egyptians and had a patch over one eye, that guy).

As there appears to be a genuine interest in this subject on this thread I will add the paragraph that is printed on the back cover of the book.    Here it is.

Mark Gabriel, Ph. D. was born into a Muslim family in Egypt and was able to quote the entire Quran by the age of twelve.  His entirechildhood education was spent in Muslim schools, and he earned a doctorate degree in Islamic history and culture from Al-Azhar University, the school that is the source of spiritual authority for the Islamic world.  Dr. Gabriel is the author of "Islam and Terrorism".

There you go folks.  And remember, the author has converted to Christianity and as a reflection of the culture he has grown up in, religion is everywhere. 

But hey, comes with the territory eh!!!!

Army.Ca directing staff.

Per Infanteer's warning, where would be the appropriate place to go more indepth with Islam info. 

So I should find it within "The Unfinished Battle, Islam and the Jews". by author Mark A. Gabriel, PH. D.

I was hoping that you would have had actual verses backing your original statement, but I will just pick u p the book and give it a read I guess.



if you're still on line, I've dug out the book, it's right infront of me.  I'll flip through and see what I can find.

Fear not, I did not make this stuff up.  I was really surprised by the whole "when your enemy is stronger than you, kiss his hand and pray for his destruction" thing.  I remember seeing the footage on t.v. years ago and I remember thinking, what a strange contradiction it was that these guys have come out to fight and here they are puckering up.

but I digress,
gimme a minute, I'll see what I can find.
I'm Online,

"I am a geek, For I shall go no where..."

-the 48th regulator, on the forums of army.ca , August 2005



"They also want you as a non Muslim to get off the road when they come by.  I believe bowing down in the ditch until they have passed is acceptable.  And don't feel so bad, if you refuse to convert to Islam they might let you live.  (Though they have the GOD given right to kill you for being an Infidel)  They do however have a tax they will put on you for keeping your own religion."

That was my previous post (sarcasm added).  Truthfully I think I'll refrain from the sarcasm as I really do have a certain amount of respect for other cultures.  Sorry if I offended anyone.

Having said that, the author of "Islam and the Jews" takes this info from something he calls the...well, let me set it up first.  After the prophet Muhammad's death his number two guy becomes number one.  The new guy finishes what the author refers to as the  "Guidelines For The People Of The Book".

"People of the Book" was directed at Christians and Jews.  They were treated with slightly more respect (and sometimes more disdain) than those who had no religion at all, the infamous  Infidels. 

The guidelines read almost typically of a medieval conqueror over the conquered.  It's long, and covers all kinds of stuff that are unpleasant and (I'm sure) are geared to encouraging you to join 'em instead of fightin'em.

I'd type it all out but I'd miss BMQ.  And I haven't even got the call yet ;D

As for the "kiss his hand and pray for his destruction" verse.

still looking, I know I read it,

I will not rest until I find it  :salute:

Your translation was misrendered.

Properly and literally, it's "kiss his buttocks and pray he doesn't pass wind".
It all seems so...familiar..where am I??
Is this a thread we had..2 months ago? Or was it the one we had 4 months ago? nono..it must be the same thread we had 6 months ago but decided to merge into a larger thread and promptly locked for any number of reasons.

That being said, shall we tango gentlemen?
Che said:
It all seems so...familiar..where am I??
Is this a thread we had..2 months ago? Or was it the one we had 4 months ago? nono..it must be the same thread we had 6 months ago but decided to merge into a larger thread and promptly locked for any number of reasons.

That being said, shall we tango gentlemen?

I truely enjoy this website and do not wish to be at odds with the directing staff.

But I have to ask,
Is it really necessary to do a topical search before responding to a question?  I have not been on this site for two months, or four.  So I have no idea what has gone on in the past.  In order to be up on all the previous thread I would have to perform a subject search before resonding to a question.

Does this make sense?
(I guess I"m tangoing)
apologies, I have been ubable to locate any supporting verses on the above mentioned.

I'm reading the whole thing. I'll tell you if I find them. It could take a few weeks though. :) But so far the book isn't very pleasant with unbelievers.
Neither is the Bible (as 48Highlander pointed out).